
How To Attract New Customers

By June 20, 2019 No Comments

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As an entrepreneur, attracting new customers has got to be one of the objectives of growing your business. If you’re wondering how, let’s hear from Nate Woodbury as he gives us cool, secret, innovative ways on how to attract new customers.

So, you’re a small business owner and you want ways to attract customers to you. We’re definitely going to talk about that. Absolutely cool, secret, innovative ways that this man will share with you. How to attract new customers to or whatever your business may be? Yeah, my experience in business is just figuring it out on my own. I did not get a degree in business or go to business school or anything like… oh, wait a minute stop. We can’t do this. He doesn’t have a degree in business. But I’ve gotten customers. But I had to figure it out because traditional marketing or advertising was too expensive and so I kind of figured out my own guerrilla marketing or I would I would find something that would work and I would just refine it to keep getting that same result. And so I’m just going to share some things from my perspective. This will probably be a different video on on attracting customers or marketing than they need typically see out there. So hopefully, this is a unique perspective. Just if i may say, to preface that, it’s kind of a value-add because it’s one thing to just pick your brain about how to YouTube and how to be proficient and make money at it. It’s another thing to be able to add a little bit of business education especially from someone who learned it himself on the street, so they speak rather than behind a desk.

So, one of the things that I that I did learn and that I want to share, you’ve got all that the features of your product or service that you offer but what’s more important to know and to talk to people about and to bring up is actually the benefits. So, if I’ve got a widget, you know I can talk about the dimensions or the actual pixels or or the apps or whatnot but if I can talk about the benefit of how it saves time or it brings me fulfillment or you know, there’s so many different benefits and that’s that’s what connects with people emotionally. Agreed. So, just learn to talk about your products or services in terms of benefits. Even if people say, “What do you do?” You don’t say, “Oh, well, I make iPhones, I’m the guy that puts on the screen and I make the glass this thick and I add the lens and it’s like, okay. Well, what what do you do? “Oh, I create stories, I help” you know, if you’re like you’re a movie maker. What’s the experience that you bring. Always describe the benefits. That’s what always sells anyway, are the benefits. What do people need and why do they need them? Let me give you even a specific example. So, if people ask me, “Nate, what do you do?” I’m not going to talk about, “Well, I set up my camera on my tripod and I hit record on, I give people kind of an… they give me an outline and I guide them through that and then I sent it to my editing team. I could talk on and on about that. And that would be nerdy and maybe that’d be fun for me to talk about if people are interested in that. But that’s not going to sell anything. So, I talked about how I build a YouTube following or I help influencers reach millions of people through their YouTube videos or I help people monetize a small YouTube channel and they’ll say, “What is monetizing?” I’ll say, “Well, yeah, we’ve got a small YouTube channel but it’s generating seven figures.” They’re like, yeah, so you know, I make people money or something like that. There you go. That’s what you do, is you help people make money, you help them grow their influence.

So, when I’m out and about networking or when I’m training at Advent or something like that, I’m always focusing on the benefits just in conversation. I’m not worried about handing out business cards because how many people are going to call you because you had of them a business card? But when you can engage with them emotionally or when I’m training on a specific topic, I’ve drop seeds like I mentioned, “Well, yeah, at my… I used to have a retreat that I did at a cabin it was called, “Influence or boot camp” and so I would say, “Well, yeah, this actually happened one time. A client asked me this that my influence our boot camp that I put on it just a cabin or treatment and this is what I shared with them, you know, So, I’m just dropping a little seed here, there. And that’s really… That’s letting people know what I do and I’m showing that I’m…I show the benefits of what I do and that, that really attracts people to me. And I… And another thing that I found is if I keep my answers short, kind of leaving things still open, it’ll make people intrigued and want to ask more like, “Oh, what? what’s your YouTube producer, what is that?” And I’ll still do that, “Oh, yeah, well, I do this and this” and they’re like, “Well, I want to know more”, you know. So, it’s better than just know, vomiting it all. Just let him nibble and they want more. And I made that the opposite mistake plenty of times too. So, I mean what happens when they say, “What do you do?” And I’m, “Oh, I do this and this and I worked, Oh, have you heard of this guy? Yeah, I’m working with him.” And they’re like, “Okay, that’s really cool.” Just drinking from the fire hose, thank you so much. In general, what do you do? Okay, can we get into some specifics? I think that is what everyone is waiting. I actually want to share a LinkedIn marketing strategy. LinkedIn is is great for B2B, you know that is? Business-to-business.

Yeah. I know some things. So, LinkedIn is great when your target a customer, target client is another business owner. That’s the place where people kind of go to promote their business and what they’re doing and you can find your target audience really easy. Well, you can actually prospect and get new customers on LinkedIn pretty easy if you follow my advice that I’m going to show right here. Because most people do the opposite and the opposite is they try and sell right off the bat on LinkedIn and it’s just spam, you know, it’s just like going up to somebody, “Hey, here’s my business card if you, you know, you want to buy this? And that’s what people usually do on LinkedIn. I see it all the time and I don’t accept their friend requests or whatnot. But let me tell you what to do and I’ll just make it real simple. If you were a potential customer of mine and I found your profile on LinkedIn. I would send you a connection request. But I would not mention what I do. I would find something specific about you to compliment you on. And I would say, “I really like what you talked about in such-and-such video or Hey, I saw you speak at such-and-such or I saw you in this movie, I really liked how you play this part of a role in these characters or I saw you at Health Center theater or I saw something on your profile or on your website and I really appreciate that about you. Keep up the good work. You’re doing good stuff.” I actually did the math and I found that instead of “Let me tell you the whole story” Oh you’re leaving things out. I did something very specific. I sent out a hundred messages like this. The first batch of 100 messages I said, “Hey, this is the service that I offer.” And tried to try to get them to engage with me. Okay. I have one person out of the hundreds, so, 1% that replied to me, they weren’t interested but they did… Only one person replied. So, then I thought, “Okay, let me do another batch of a hundred and I’m not going to try and push my services. I’m going to suggest a helpful video.” Okay, I have one person replied. I don’t know if they watch the video but at least one person replied to my message. Right. Okay, here’s the huge one. On test number 3, I complimented them. Now, these are 100 different… every time. So, a third batch of a hundred new people, different people. Okay. I sent them a compliment. I had 65%. 65 people responded to my message of compliment and so that, that said something.

So, I build out a whole system where my staff was doing it and I would pick a certain group of people that had similar characteristics and I would have my assistant compliment them all in in a similar way, it was kind of template it, she would mix it up with mixed few different versions. But she would just start complimenting people. We would we sent out 125 compliments every single day and enough people just from that, without me doing any follow up, just from that, people would go and they view my… They read my whole profile on LinkedIn. They go to my website, they’d watch my YouTube videos and then they’d reply to me,you know 65% of them, in their reply would say, “Wow, looks like you’re doing good things, too. I watched such in such a video. Do you offer this service or I went to your website.” When I went to school, my original plan was to become a dentist and clear down on my LinkedIn profile. It mentioned that, that I at one time, wanted to be a dentist. But you had to read clear down. Yeah. And somebody replied and said, “I thought it was so funny that you’re originally gonna be a dentist and such-and-such.” And I’m like, “This is crazy. All I did was compliment them and it got them to read my whole LinkedIn profile which is a sales page, you know? This is what I do, this is what I offer, here’s how you can connect with me. So, that… LinkedIn is really powerful for that. And so, they had to send those one of the time. I mean… Yeah. That’s why I hired my assistant. That’s a lot of work. I had never thought of that before. what a great idea. That is cool. Okay, I’m going to switch gears. We’ll go into more detail and LinkedIn in another video. So, stay tuned for that. I want to talk to you about kind of a ninja video tactic. Ninja? Ninja. Just because it’s cool and it really works and no one no one really does this. If there is somebody that you really want to get their attention. You’d really love to have them as a customer. Just one person. Instead of sending them a message of even of compliment what could you do more to really get their attention? Well, you could make a custom video for them. So, I’ll call give you an example. There’s a lady named Jasmine Starr, she’s a social media guru, her background is photography and I really wanted to get her attention. And Jasmine Starr, it’s a kind of a unique name and I thought, “Okay, there’s Jasmine Rice, there’s like…” I bet I could go over to Harmons, a grocery store here and find products that have the name Jasmine or star in it. For sure, Starkist. Yeah. Starbur…or starburst?Starburst. There was a star fruit. That I found jasmine tea. There’s actually a brand of jasmine rice, that had that was something star. And so it’s how Jasmine Starr right on the same package. I made this video and I started it out. I… We happen to be at the tulip festival and I was with my family and I was just walking on with my cameras like, “I’ve got this brilliant idea, but who do I share it with?” And long story short, I go to Harmons and I show all these things that say Jasmine Star like, “I know who I need to share this idea with.” And I put this video and I sent it to her and do you think I got a response? I hope so. I would have made this video about it. She definitely responded to me, right away. She is someone you didn’t previously know. Yeah. She’s very well-known, she’s very successful. But you didn’t know her. Yeah, we’d never met. Yeah. Oh, okay, okay. But I it’s somebody that I wanted to get her attention and I made a custom video. So, and it got to her. Oh yeah and it got the response exact response that I wanted.

So, I actually found a way to automate this. This is so cool. So, this was back when I had a web design company. We’re going a little bit longer I plan to in this video but you’re going to like this story. This was brilliant. So, I sold website design and one of the best ways of getting someone’s attention was to actually make a video, so I do a screen capture video of their website and say, “hey”. So, they’d be watching they click this video and see their own website video they’re like, “oh, this is for me.” So, I would say, “hey, you know I noticed you’ve got this type of a logo I’d recommend switching it to this and making a custom video.” But here’s the here’s the exciting part. I actually automated it. So I went in and I made I made a video with like kind of choose-your-own-adventure. Right. And if they had a good logo, I would say, “oh, you actually have a really good logo. But then I’d record another version that say, “I noticed you’ve got your name there but it should have a logo designed or you should have a logo in a different spot” So, I’d have a few different logo options and then I’ll talk about the colors, a few different options. So and then what I would do is I’d have one of my assistants go through and say, “okay, we’re going to use clip number 1, we’re going to use clip number 5 and 6. We’re going to use clip number 9 and then I’d have a video guy come in and create custom videos that they would send them to people on LinkedIn that responded to my custom messages. So another complimentary. so I would compliment them, they would respond and then they would get a custom video from me and it was all automated by my team. And everyone was like, “I can’t believe how helpful that video was. That was really great and they were automated videos. So I’m sharing like my secrets because it’s like I found a way to get people to respond to me on LinkedIn and then I figured out a way that they would respond I could get their attention even if it was a superstar, I could get their attention and then I just figured out a way, okay, how can i scale it up, how can I automate it. So… So, this is I mean when you say “ninja or guerilla tactics” whatever. I mean, you’re yeah you’re coming up with just inventive ways of using features that are already in place on free websites. I mean you don’t even have to get LinkedIn pro or whatever to probably do that. Absolutely, that’s correct. Because these are unsolicited messages anyway and those are free. I mean, you know what I’m saying, it’s not… There’s plenty of ways that you could do paid advertising and stuff like that and that can work but these are all ways that just can do… Subverting the system a little bit. Being real strategic, being smart. We’ll talk about in another video. We’re going to talk about Craigslist. And obviously, we talked a lot about YouTube. YouTube is the number one way to attract new customers and so stay tuned for that, for those episodes. But hopefully this this video is helpful. So you learned something in this video? I just… I learned something every time. I think it is helpful for? It would have to be. If this wasn’t helpful to you, you just stop watching these. Don’t subscribe. Just leave right now. But if you did find value then we’re glad.

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