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When it comes to sales marketing, you might want to explore telemarketing as well. But we all hate telemarketers! So how exactly do we become a pleasant and successful telemarketer? We’ll be talking with Nate about what it takes to become a great telemarketer without annoying your prospects too much and getting the results that you want through calls.
Okay, you’re thinking about telemarketing or making sales calls, you’re scared about it but you want to do it right, so in this video we’re going to talk about how to be a great telemarketer. Hi, here with Nate Woodbury. Be The Hero, right? Oh it doesn’t say Nate on the show… it’s just Be The Hero is the company. I’m Scott Christopher. We’re talking about telemarketing because Nate has a great background in telemarketing sales and I’m curious as to why we would talk about that today. Given the thrust and nature of other videos that we’ve done that have to do with YouTube marketing and social media, where does telemarketing fit into this whole idea of marketing and sales in this day and age? I’ll be upfront and fully admit I don’t like telemarketing. As far as I don’t enjoy it. You’re not alone. As far as do I like it… I like it because it’s effective. Okay. But I but it’s it’s no fun. Nobody likes it but in the beginning, I quit my job and was able to… I was behind on bills that’s why I quit my job. It just wasn’t paying me what it used to and so… What was your job? I was a telemarketer for another company. So you quit from telemarketing, okay. But I started my own company and I did telemarketing to market my own services and I was able to survive that next month and get ahead and pay off all my debts. So it was… So you’re a believer. The reason that I highly recommend telemarketing is because you can get results today. You start making calls and you’ll make a sale today. You just have to have the right people to call and have something to sell, follow up you know follow a system. The sales cycle is pretty quick. Yeah. The sell cycle is immediate because I’ve got so many friends or acquaintances that want to grow their YouTube channel to generate leads, it takes time. It takes time to build that momentum. what are you saying do telemarketing to get people to watch your YouTube channel? Kind of. You can do telemarketing to make sales right now. If you won’t get… Like if I have…. I’ve had people that come to me and want my services but they can’t yet afford my services and I asked them, I talked to them about their business. It’s like how much revenue are you generating right now? Where are you getting your sells from? and are you doing this and you’re doing that. And I find out they’re not doing a whole lot. They’re just expecting the social media and their YouTube channel to start bringing in more and more customers. And I thought you know if you spent one day a week just put in a full day of telemarketing, one day a week, you’d be making a lot more money, than if you weren’t. Just put them one day a week. This is a business. This is real. Telemarketing can get your results and while while we might want to phase it out because we don’t enjoy it or we might want to hire it out, it’s so effective. You know you operate under certain constraints? I mean I know there’s do not call lists and I know we get calls at home, you know there’s a lot of…
That’s a great question. In my world, all my clients and customers are always business owners and so when you have a phone number that’s registered to a business, you can’t be on to do not call list. Oh.. is that right? I had no idea. So businesses and I guess that makes sense business-to-business telemarketing is simply another business calling you to say, “hey, is there a potential relationship here and even if it’s the cellphone, if you’re calling the business owner’s cellphone and they’ve got that phone number listed on their business card, you can’t put that onto do not call list. I see. Okay, let me just share some tips about how to be a good telemarketer because before I had my own company, I worked as a telemarketer for for two other companies. In both cases I was selling search engine optimization. Oh. And one of the companies they had me on an auto dialer which I recommend. If you’re going to do telemarking, an auto dialer can help you be more efficient as soon as you hang up it’s automatically dialing the next person. And you don’t get to think about it, it just brings up on the computer screen, it brought up the information about that person and so it’s ringing while I’m reviewing that info and it helped me to be on it. I don’t remember the exact things that I did but I know that I made more calls than anyone else out of the the 200 people in the company. I was making the most calls. It was required that you did at least 200 dials per day and there were days that I got about 500… Just because so many people were hanging up on you so quickly? Hey, this is Nate, I just want to click! Well, it really is a numbers game. If people hang up on me, you got to go right through it and just get to the next one. And I would have enough conversations that I’d get enough of the right people. So you hear about that all the time that it’s a numbers game. Yeah, of course. The telemarketing, yeah it really is a numbers game and I think I have good sales ability but I think that I was in the the top person or two or three because I did more sales calls. Precisely more hard worker. Maybe you’re not a natural-born salesperson like this guy over here. But you put in more of the effort. I’ll mentioned my friend Justin. Justin was an amazing seller on the phone. He was really persuasive. He could close sales way better than me but the skillset that I had, is I could just… I was just efficient and if I was there at work, I’m just going to dial, dial, dial, dial. Yeah. And so if I don’t have an autodialer or a system like that and I’m you know making spreadsheets or a list of people to call myself, here’s what not to do. You don’t dig through LinkedIn and say, “okay, here’s Bob Sausage.” I don’t know I got that name “So here’s here’s Bob sausage. Here’s his phone number. Oh let me go take a look at his website. Oh, he does this, maybe I can mention that on the call and oh, okay is he on Facebook? Does he use Twitter?” Okay, 15 minutes later, I’m going to dial the phone number and he doesn’t even answer. Have no one picks up.
Okay. So the right way to do it… Because everyone knows that you make sausage at night that’s why Bob sausage company… Oh Bob sauce is actually a hair salon. The right way, Are you sure? Because that sounded totally real. Of course you’re making it up. Alright, go. So the right way is to go through and say, “okay, Bob, phone number. Mark, phone number. Sarah, phone number. Suzie, phone number or you have an assistant go through and just prepare a list of phone numbers and then you dial and as soon as the phone call is done, you dial the next one. While it’s ringing maybe entering a note for the last one, did not answer or not interested. So you’re constantly, you got to get… because there’s time for the phone to ring and while the phone is ringing, you can say, “oh, okay this guy is a lawner and here’s his company. Obviously, the more numbers you dial, if you’re only dialing you know 6… 1 call every 10 minutes, that 6 calls an hour, you can increase that up to 20,30,50 you know with an autodialer or something like that. So yeah, because it is a numbers game, I recommend competing with yourself or competing with others but if you’re a solopreneur working on your own, I like to compete with myself and just keep stats. If I’m going to you know, a specific day make this many dials, I want to see if I can make that many dials in less time or more dials or something like that. You know that really works because it is a numbers game just use the numbers to your advantage and that’s my recommendation. Statistically speaking, it makes sense. You’re going to have a bigger sample size that you’re more likely the probability is higher, you’re going to get sales. So a big question then. Do you still employ telemarketing techniques today? Are you still calling and autodialing and doing all these things? I’m only taking inbound,scheduled appointments now. So I still do those, but as far as outbound, telemarketing or cold calling or anything like that, I don’t do it. So is it something where I’m recommending you to do something that I don’t do? Kind of sounds like it. I did it in the beginning and I’m recommending that you do it in the beginning because it is so effective. That does make sense. Thank you for clarifying. It’s not a hypocrite. Alright, so I really do hope you found that helpful and if you liked it, like the video. You can subscribe, comment below about topics that you’d like me to share about because I feel like I’ve got a lot of experience and I like having Scott here if you can kind of pull something. It’s kind of broad especially with my questions because I don’t know the answers anyway. Yeah, so comment below and we’ll see you tomorrow.