
Five Audiobooks Every YouTuber Should Listen To

By July 8, 2019 No Comments

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To be an expert in your profession or business, you have to educate yourself extensively. Continuing education is the best way to become an expert in what you do. In this podcast, Nate Woodbury will be talking about the 5 audiobooks that every YouTuber must listen and why you should start listening to them now.

Alright on today’s episode. Nate tells us his five favorite actually must read /listen audiobooks that every YouTuber, who cares should read / listen to. Or listen / read, too. Right, if you are a YouTuber, you want to know what these 5 books are. Okay, Scott Christopher here with Nate, “Be the Hero” Nate Woodbury. Talking today about what Nate would say are the 5 books or audiobooks that every YouTuber should listen to. This isn’t just my opinion. This is it. This is bible? This is written in stone. Yeah, alright. Every YouTuber needs to listen to these audiobooks. Now do they have to listen or can they find a hard copy and use their eyes? This is the year 2018 and do people actually read books? And I hope so. We’re going to have one quickly fading civilization. Especially with all this digital nonsense. So, this is a side note. But how often do you read? Like… Every day. Not counting scriptures. Well, that’s what I’m saying. I read the scriptures. I do read the right words. No, but I read them, I don’t… I listen to them sometimes. A book like the books we’re talking about here. How often do you read those on paper form? Yeah. No, never. Okay. But I might if I… If you tell me about them. Let’s give them the option. Alright, go. Audiobooks are awesome. I have nothing against paper. Except I love trees. They just say that for your brain and for children and brain and growing and progressing and developing, you should always read. And that there’s anything wrong with listening. Especially as we’ve mentioned in other episodes if you’re doing something else at the same time. Yeah, I’d love to listen while I run, while I bike, while I drive. It beats just music. That’s so idle. There’s just nothing happening there. Occasionally, I’ll listen to music when I need something…

Alright. So, we’ve got 5 books that I’m going to share with you. Let’s see if you’ve heard of any of them. Number 5. In reverse order. I’m saying, is there one that’s like the top book you should read then let’s go backwards. These are all equal. Alright, just pick one and go. Content Inc. Content Inc. It was written by a guy about YouTube and the power of YouTube. I have actually referenced it in another video before. And what I love about it is it kind of painted the picture of something that I’ve already seen and experience. So, it’s like I like you somebody’s put this into writing and being able to express it basically what I’ve seen is how YouTube has just transformed the world of business and allowed you to do things in reverse order. Instead of having to create a product or a service and then creating a website and you know creating marketing materials creating your brand and your logo and then hoping to find an audience for it. Yeah and then then trying to market it and promote it out there and then trying to build a tribe in the following. It’s like let’s do that in reverse with YouTube. You can build a tribe and as that gets bigger, you’ll know what they want and you can start to sell them and start to become more for fans. Is that part of this book Content Inc? Is that where he’s… Yeah paint the picture of a lot of stories and how that’s that’s really changed and I was a really good reader painted a good picture. So I highly recommend it for all you. That’s number one, okay? Okay, another one that is great is called Stream Punks. I had to make sure I have an “R”. Yes it’s not steam, it’s stream. Stream punks. And that’s… The writer of it is one of the head honchos of YouTube. His background is it was with Netflix before and then he he’d had some other background. He went onto YouTube and he’s with YouTube now. And so it’s it’s from a perspective of a lot of creators that he’s worked with and from from YouTube’s perspective of why they do things and you know because there’s been some miscommunication or a lack of communication between YouTube and the creators and so it’s really cool to hear a lot of his… And you mean the creators meaning, you or me or somebody’s just put that stiff on? Okay. No, I mean there’s been changes in the algorithm and then we’ve been affected and or incomes gun down or views or subscribers and it’s like what’s going on here and then sometimes there’s been a lack of communication. So YouTube’s gotten a lot better at that and including stuff like this. Where they where he wrote this book and it’s a great, great listen. Now, so far that you know of are the authors actually voicing their own books. You know on these audiobooks, are they’re the ones that are narrating that you remember? I’m just curious. Stream Punks is not narrated by the author, it’s by another guy. And Content Inc is narrated by the author Joe Pulizzi. Alright the next one is I believe it’s narrated by the author. It’s a book called Creativity Inc. So the first one I mentioned was Content Inc. Right. This one’s completely different. Creativity Inc, it’s not specific to YouTube but I just loved it overall. It’s such a good book. It’s Ed Catmull. He’s one of the head guys at Pixar. Oh. And they have a real creative team and they have a real creative process that allows them to do some amazing things. Indeed. In creating the the movies. We just saw in the other day the new Incredibles. And so he draws from all of that, work with those people… Because through all of his experience and he just shares it he teaches. It’s really great, amazing book. One of the best books I’ve ever listened to on entrepreneurship and principles of solid entrepreneurship and leadership. I have never listened to a book. It’s so funny to hear you say, use it… It’s one of the very best books I’ve ever listened to. I was going to correct you and you and say… You’re just behind the times my friend. I’ve even narrated some and I don’t listen to… I do that. I have you know I have that ability but nonetheless, okay.

So back to Creativity Inc. Oh, I loved it. It was I expected it to talk about creativity. Which he does a lot but I didn’t expect it to be the masterpiece that it is in the way of just good business principles and leadership principles solid, solid book. Was very, very impressed with what he’s done. I’ve been a fan of Pixar for a long time but obviously taught me more that the story and the the picture of that and so I admire Pixar even more. But way applicable. I’ll be listening to that one in the future and you would equivocally say that Incredibles 2 is one of the best animated films you’ve ever read. So I have to say I liked Incredibles 2. I’ve been anticipating that movie for a long time. So it quite meet your expectations? I just had my expectations set pretty high and it was pretty predictable and yeah and… See now I still haven’t seen it. This is only June for us right now. So if I to smash your expectations then you’ll have a much better view… Right. Tell me that it’s a terrible. Yeah, I’ll go it’s probably the worst Pixar filming ever seen. Okay. Alright, number four. This is a favorite among lots of entrepreneurs. It’s called again Oh, sorry. E-Myth Revisited. E standing for entrepreneur. If you haven’t heard of the book, where have you been? Have you heard of the book? No and where have I been? I’ve been here. Okay, so this book is absolutely a business must. So I totaled these five as must for YouTubers. I say a lot ofYouTubers start in the realm of YouTube not with a lot of knowledge about business or entrepreneurship. Yes. This book will completely cause a paradigm shift in the way that you view business. It talks about systematization, creating systems in your business. Now think about… Here’s just an example. Think about McDonald’s not for their crappy food but for their amazing system. That’s okay. For their unhealthy food. The scalability you know and all of that…They are the world… They are… You know what, are they a food company or they a real estate company? Well, they can watch the founder and there’s a lot of things that we could say about that but they’ve got some of the most prime real estate and all of their scope. Yeah. but who runs it? Is it amazing chefs and is an amazing like entrepreneurs and real estate tycoons? It’s high school kids that actually run their system. Yeah. E- Myth Revisited is a great book to help introduce to the idea in a very entertaining way. It’s a great listen but a great way of understanding how you can create systems to run your business so you’re not working in your business so much as the employee but you’re actually a business owner. Wow! Love that book. I’ve listened to it again, audiobook. Right. I probably listen to that one if I were to guess I’d say like seven or eight times. Geez. All the way through. Read it through, come on. Alright what’s 5th? Okay, this last one you’re going to like. The title of it “How to shoot video that doesn’t suck” Well, there you go. Maybe that title gives it obvious reasons. I learned a lot from it. You come from a background of professional studios and film in Hollywood.Right. Type of directions. Yeah. Not me. I come from a background of going to be a dentist in human biology and so I started…So this stuff is new to you.

Yeah. I started filming on my phone and I just had to learn as I go and that book really kind of helped patch a lot of the holes that I probably would have never figured out. I mean like learning specific rules like for example the rule of thirds or what’s it called when you’re a 180 degree rule. Anyway just… But that’s some of the technical stuff. But there’s just more obvious… I’m just going to perform out in front of them. I don’t know that much about things. So you just get directed to go stand there. I hear him say things when they’re shooting they talk about stuff. Lighting and f-stops and all that stuff. But…Even if you’re not making YouTube videos professionally, he he talks about if you’re going to make a home movie, you know just a video for your own family to enjoy. If you’re going to share it with relatives and stuff. How to make your video so that they’ll actually want to watch it. You know and it’ll be entertaining and imagine you know looking back after years and it’s just simple things that you can do when you film. Instead of just hitting record and and letting it record for 15 minutes, record the key, key points and piece it together in a certain way. So that book that would seem like a book to me that you would want to have as a book. To refer to like you know I mean like if he gives steps of this or that and you’re going because this is how to shoot without sucking. I could grab the book and actually see instead of having…Maybe I’ll have to order that and the problem is I like it when I get the paper books…. I turn at forty this month. But I get the the paper books. I put them on my bookshelf and I think yeah that’ll be good reference to have and how often do it up. But I’m always got this with me. Yeah and I always… Well then you should get the e-book so you at least can read the words on yours. And I would just only be able to do one thing at a time and I have to sit here and look at it and focus on it. We’re going to agree to disagree, even though we don’t really disagree. Add in the comments below what books you would add to this list or replace you know don’t add. If we’re doing five, take some of two or three out from his list and put in two or three of your own, I think. And I will seriously check them out because I always love good audio book recommendation. He likes good listens. If they’re on audible especially because I get mine too every month and then I always have to buy extra. Subscribe, like, we’ll see you tomorrow.

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