
How To Add Search Hashtags Above YouTube Titles

By July 19, 2019 No Comments

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YouTube released a hashtag feature and in this podcast, Nate Woodbury will be showing you how to make and use them. This is a great way to maximize the full potential of your YouTube channel, so tune in to learn more about making your YouTube channel the best.

Did you know that you can add a hashtag link thingies above your title on YouTube now? Hashtag link thingies? Yes. That’s the official name. No. So, it’s pretty new. We’re going to show you exactly how you can do it and how you use them. Okay. So… Yeah. Let’s just start right out you tell me what in the world you’re talking about. I know what a hashtag is, I know what a link is and I think I even know what a thingy is. All right let me actually… Let me open up another YouTube window. We go now to the computer. Okay. Ah, I never see commercials. You know why? because I have YouTube red. But I’m signed out on my main account. Okay, look down here. See how there’s this YouTube hat or this hashtag link thinigy. By the way, every time I look at your videos there’s commercials on them. Just so you know. Well, that’s a good thing. Right no. Just saying you should be making money. Making money because they’re in there. But you pay 10 bucks a month and you never see commercials on YouTube again. Well, let’s not say that because we want people to watch the video commercials. But we actually make more money because part of that ten bucks comes back. Yeah. It’s like a refund. Yeah, so, that’s a topic for another video. Another time but it’s still, everything’s enlightening when we talk. Alright, let’s keep going here. So, what are we doing? We talked so good. See this #LetsTryit ? Yes. And when I hover over it it turns into a little hand that’s a link. Watch what happens when I click on it. It brings up other videos that have the let’s try it. I guess they hashtag or that’s becasue they’ve got it in there in a title. But I’ve used that same hashtag on these other three videos. And so, it’s a pretty cool thing. So, how do you get a hashtag like that to appear? That is the question that has imposed for this episode of “Nate tells Scott where to put it.” Okay. Alright. So, this was a video that I made for Marianne. We’re just going to come in here and we’re going to… Marianne is your? She’s another client of mine and I was making her video to make plans for our filming tomorrow. So, it’s not an important video. It’s not even live. It’s just important to you and her. Yeah. Are you… But it’s not important anymore because she’s already watched it, we’re done with it, I can just delete it. That’s what I mean. But all you have to do is put hashtag. Well, you went into the description? In the description and you’re in creator studio. Yep. You selected the video, you go to description and now you’re just adding the hashtag?

Yeah. So, if I type in #Scott, you can’t put any spaces. That’s all hashtags works. Always. Of course. Sure. Is… I don’t know if that hashtag will work. Doesn’t matter. It’s totally true. We’ll hit save. So it just doesn’t have to be at the top. It could be at the bottom. Just anywhere. If you put hashtags… Now, you can put up to… These are the hashtags… Again, in the description, not in the tag, not in the actual tags field which will automatically give them a hashtag. It doesn’t do… The hashtags are different on each platform like Twitter and Instagram use hashtag in a really good way. Yes. On YouTube, it’s… We’ll explain kind of how to use it but it’s not… It’s not exactly a hashtag, yeah. And and it’s not a, it’s not a keyword tag either because it doesn’t have spaces in it. So you can’t really use this for keywords right, okay. But first of all, this is how you do it and you can put in up to 3 in fact let me out a second one. I’ll put… Oh well, went from a compliment to an insult. Okay. Just because I’m smarter doesn’t mean I’m insulting you. I’m not even going to get into hair or anything like that, okay. Yeah, we don’t want to go there do you? And how do I view this video? So, you’ve put it into. Oh, look. Look who came up. Scott is smart. So, you can only do one. You can do up to three but for some reason… I’ll tell you the reason. YouTube… Maybe I didn’t hit save, maybe I didn’t hit save. Oh, I don’t think you did on that last one. So, I’m going to go back. But let’s just see. No, it’s there. Save changes. Do you have to put it on its own line like return? Well, we could try it but I don’t think so. I’m going to be… I’ll be so smart if it works. Save Changes. Look, you got to put it on your own line. I guess you got to… Good thing. Good thing, good thing I’m here. So, you can… Up to three of them will appear. You can put up to 25. I don’t really know understand the logic of why you put up to 25 hashtags in your description. It’s kind of… It’s a brand new feature and so, maybe we’re still needing to learn some of the ropes. But the cool thing that that I see about this is it’s, it’s a great way of getting people to click on and actually view other videos of yours in a similar way that you would have a playlist. But it appears right above the title. This isn’t a very good title. That’s because it’s not a real… Not a real video. But on that other example, I I showed you just from my, you know, Nate Woodbury channel. It was about the titles of videos. I’m saying, so now why wouldn’t we just for demo sake, why wouldn’t we want to add a hashtag to one of your Nate Woodbury videos? Would it do anything? Would it affect your…? Yeah, so let’s talk about that. Once you launch a video and you’ve chosen the title, you’ve written out a description, (Okay) if you after the fact go in and change your description, even if it’s a misspelling you change a letter, it resets that video for the YouTube algorithm. It basically says, “Uh, we’ve got to go back and review this video again.” So, if your videos starting to get any momentum at all… You go back to reset? Yeah, so you don’t really want to go back in on uh… And if it’s a poorly performing video then go ahead and add your hashtag in the description. Oh, that’s a good idea. You can make some changes. In fact, if you’re going to make some changes, maybe try a different thumbnail. You know, or or do some things. And maybe you could… Maybe it would be good for the YouTube algorithm to come and relook at it. But that’s why I didn’t want to just go into one of my, you know, real videos and just add another hashtag because I don’t want to mess with the… We’re actually on a really good spike right now. So, don’t worry. It’s a fine spike. And I… That’s, that’s… I know that from knowledge, from other people telling me don’t edit your title or description after the fact. And I also know it from experience. You know if nothing else, that tip right there is worth the cost of admission of this particular video. Here’s how true it is. To in which, you look like you’re getting ready to cry on this… To laugh. I’m getting ready to laugh. Oh, this isn’t for Marianne, this is for Gel, okay. You brok Gel’s heart when you were crying. Well… There’s the silver button award on the wall. Okay, alright so… Now, what was I going to say? Silver playback, sorry. No. You were going to give us an example of… Oh, you’ve learned not to reset. Back on… Back early on when I was first experiencing a spike on my YouTube channels, it was a pretty exciting time. Yes. I think a week later is a second spike that we were experiencing, I went in and I was looking at the video and I noticed there was a spelling error in the description. And I knew better but I just changed the one letter. And immediately the views stopped. And I I was like, starting to freak out. Like, this is… “What’s going on? I can’t believe I just did this.” And I stayed up, I was awake and I thought, “You know what? I already ruined it. I might as well go back into the description put the misspelled letter back in there and see what happens.” And guess what happened? The spike came back. It really did. So, maybe it saves a mirror, it saves some form of the original and you basically just reinstated the original by correcting? Yeah I’m just making that assumption. I assumed that, that’s why. But I was so happy. So, it was spiking the very instant I changed, it just shot down and then five hours later when I decided to change it back, it turned back around and… Hmm.

So, anyway… There you go. So, there’s how to add hashtags. So add hashtags in your first iteration (Basically) of your video rather than coming back later, especially if it’s a good performing one. Yeah. So, let’s talk about, you know, where, why would I want to use this? I would say, use hashtags… On my channel, on the Nate Woodbury channel, I’ve really got two different brands. I’ve got the the “Be the Hero” brand where we talk a lot about YouTube and business. And then I’ve got my vlogging. My adventure side. Right. And that’s Let’s try it. And so, I use those two different hashtags that people want to see more let’s try it, they can click on the let’s try it and just see those videos or they want Be the Hero, they can click on that and just see a list of to Be-the-Hero-type videos. But there’s other ways that you can do it. If you want to… You know, If I were to put in here “YouTube tips”, you know as a hashtag. And I want to just list videos that are specifically about YouTube tips. It just… It’s a way of getting people to watch more of my videos and I think it’s something that will find more and more ways to use it in the future. So, that’s something. We’re not ending this video yet because I know you have one more question. But in the comments below the video, share other ideas of ways that you think that this could be a helpful tool and you know we can all benefit from? Well, I just have a quick question and I think a lot of people probably wonder. Especially someone like me, is how you put the buttons on there or whatever they’re called to get people to subscribe or to you come to this particular site. I know their cards or annotations or something like that. And it’s a function within YouTube. But I’m not sure exactly how that works. Can you just kind of walk me through that quickly here? Alright, so before we start filling this video, I knew that he had that question. And he mentioned… Oh, we’re in the… We can do it either or I’m going to go back to the classic version. Oh, we were in beta? Where as the classic version is what… Yeah, that looks familiar to me, okay. So, you come up here to ends screen and annotations (Okay) and you mentioned that you tried it, that you added this subscribe but all it did is… Look at my concerned face. You said, “All I did is just put a little circle of my face.” Right. So, let’s say we want to put it right in the middle there. Yes. Okay, if I… At least one element must be a video. So, let me add a video. Yeah, what does that mean at least one element must be a video? So, it wants me to recommend another, the next video for somebody to watch. Just have that one most recent upload. That’s an automatic one. So now, watch if I hit preview. So, pause the video there. But when I hover over it… I see. So, that is the subscribe button. Okay. That’s basically the icon for this specific channel that I’m on. Just an older picture. And then they make you put the video on there because they want people to stay on there on YouTube and to watch another video. Right. I mean, okay. So, then I would just come up here and hit save. And then you’re allowed to put these on– the end screens for the last the final 20 seconds of your video. So, when you’re filming, if you want to plan out at the end what to do there, whether just to, you know… Just the final 20 seconds and automatic, defaults to that. I can shorten it. The default right here is 20 seconds. I can shorten it and just say, I want the subscribe button to appear first. Let’s say I’m… Yeah it was on previous… So, I can shorten it. And so, now watch. If I rewind to here. So, it’ll play your button first. Well, it’s showing me both. When it’s… Oh, that’s not on preview. So, the subscribe button appeared first and then when we get to this moment, the video will appear. but you can go up to a maximum of 20 secconds Okay. And what’s the difference between that and cards? Because… Cards, you can do in the middle of a video. So, we’ll show you that. And you have to be a prime or a premium person to do cards or can any just schlub. Any schlub. Beautiful, I’m a total schlub. Deny me that.

Alright. So, in this video, let’s say we want to add a card right at tulu, perfect. Right at 2:30. Okay. You hit add card and you can select a video. I don’t have a whole lot of public videos on this channel, so let’s do that one. And you can search, you get you can find channels from our videos, from other channels. You can actually link to a variety of things. You know, you can actually promote a channel. You can… Well, that’s like when we say, “Hey, look up here and you can and literally do this. It’s right there. There’s my channel.” So, I’ll see the “i” It’s right there. There it is. That’s the card. So, it’s, you know, a line will appear with the title and then it will disappear but that “i” will then remain for the rest of the video. Scott Christopher. You can just come up and click on it and it shows you what you put there on the card. Okay. Well, this is all very good stuff. See, I’m just I’m just like you. I’m probably dumber than you. You probably already know all this stuff but for me this is all good stuff. Well then why would they watch this video? It’s only that the dumb people that don’t know it that have been watching this far. I wouldn’t call them dumb. I really appreciate you for watching this video. And you’re totally smart, you’re in the right place. Did I make up for that? That’s evidence of your smartness. I really appreciate you for watching this video. And you’re totally smart, you’re in the right place. Did I make up for that? That’s evidence of your smartness. Well, hopefully I didn’t offend you and if I did, I’m sorry. But please subscribe, share, broadcast this out to everybody. Yeah. And… There’s no secrets here. Make the world a better place.

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