
Hiring Your Own Replacement

By September 16, 2019 No Comments

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John Jonas taught Nate Woodbury how to outsource to the Philippines and in this video, he’s sharing his experiences he will also help us understand the process of hiring our own replacement. Check it out!

Welcome back. In this video we’re going to talk about hiring your own replacement. And this is John Jonas. A good buddy of mine. You’re the one that taught me how to outsource to the Philippines and really replace myself. That’s kind of your message. -Yeah. -So this… This is a great video to learn this. -Sweet. -So, to start off this video, I don’t know that I’ve ever had a  conversation with you about how you first got an outsourcing. Where this all started? Because you’re the one that made it real for me. -There wasn’t enough time to get everything done. And I was so busy. And so frustrated and I had tried hiring a whole bunch of different people. Like I had hired people in the U.S. Local people. And that didn’t work out. They… As soon as they  realized what I was doing in my business, they quit. When did it on their own. And I hired people in India and that didn’t work out. And I don’t want to get into it. And I had heard contract workers. And I just needed help. And I didn’t… I didn’t know when I kind of stumbled into the Philippines that I was stumbling into something that would completely change my life. Because of the quality of the people and the quality of the work you can get done. Their loyalty and all kinds of stuff like that. So, that’s  how I got started. I’m out I just got a reference from someone. Ended up hiring someone full-time which was kind of an  accident. And that, it was amazing. It changed the way I look at my business, changed the way I think about business. Was that full-time thing was a big deal. -So, you and I are now in a different paradigm about replacing ourselves. It’s like we can’t… I can’t imagine what life would be like. -Oh, yeah. -Okay? So, if we could somehow. For those of you watching this video that… Let’s make submit… Let’s share some advice that’s helpful for you that haven’t ever hired someone whether outsourced or not. What’s… What would you say is the first step in somebody that’s wanting to replace themselves? -Okay, so let me tell you my first experience. What I very first did. Because that’s so telling of kind of my path. I had hired someone off of up work. It was  ODesk at the time before UpWork wasn’t what it is. I’d hired this guy to write a whole bunch of articles for me. Because article marketing was very effective.  And so, I hired him to read these articles and I gave him a whole bunch of instructions whatever. And I get them back from him and I just had this burden fall on me. Because I had to go check and see if they were plagiarized or not. And I had to then… When I found some of them were plagiarize had to go back to him and like just this whole disaster. And then when I got him right, I had to go and add titles to them and I had to add links to them to the correct places. And then I had to go and publish them at websites. And I hated it. I hated everything about it. I knew that I wasn’t going to do it. Like there’s not enough time for me to do all these things every day. I’m doing all these other things. And I don’t like to do it. So, I ended up hiring this guy in the Philippines as his full-time job was to do whatever I asked him to do. -I like that. -So, yeah. Right. That was my thing was like, “Oh, my gosh. I can have him do anything I want.” So, I knew how to do this whole marketing process. And I was the one doing it sometimes because I hated doing it so much as I didn’t do it very often. I took those articles which I had you know used 5 of them and I had 45 of them left. And I gave to him and I taught him the process. And so, we worked through like, “Here’s where you’re going to publish these. Here’s why you’re publishing them here. Here’s the… Here’s these 6 different websites were you going to publish. I mean here’s how you do the links.” So, I worked with him on this whole process. And and it took probably you know a month to get this process down. And after a month, I had replaced myself. This was like the first time I ever realized like, “I just replaced myself but I don’t ever have to do this thing again.”And he’s doing it. He’s doing it just like I would have done it. And it’s not me anymore. And from there, we moved on to like teaching him how to write the articles. And then I didn’t have… Then I didn’t have to do anything. I didn’t have to check for plagiarism because he worked for me, right? Why would he plagiarize something, right? And that was my whole process. So, my biggest piece of advice for someone. Because I’ve done this over and over and over since, is find something you are currently doing. Something that you know how to do. Something that maybe you don’t like to do but you know how to do it or maybe something you’re good at. Whatever it is. Something that you think you could teach someone else to do. And when you can teach someone else to do it, then you have freed up your time and after I you know, I did that, I got myself back like 4 hours a week. Because I was doing that for like 4 hours. And now it took me 5 minutes to manage those 4 hours. And I’ve just done that over and over and over again. -So yeah, I mean if there’s a project that you want done, that’s not what we’re talking about here. -Yeah. -You can hire somebody on Fiverr or  find a project base. -Yeah. -But what you’re talking about here and what I’ve learned from you is you’ve got to… It’s something that you are to do that you’ve already got systems in place and you know everything you need to train them. And when they do something right or they need need improvement, you can give feedback. -Yeah. That’s exactly right. The fact is… Or the important part is you know. You know what’s going on. And the goal here isn’t to  get more done. The goal here is to get time back. -Yeah. -That’s how you replace yourself is to get time back. Because then, if you have a project you want done, you get the time back. Then you can go manage that project in other ways because you have  the time to do it. If you just… If you go out and add more on to your current schedule, it’s really hard to take on more without getting rid of something else. -Yeah. So, an example of something that you don’t want to do with outsourcing that we certainly don’t recommend. Let’s say that you don’t know anything about Facebook marketing or Facebook advertising. And you think, “Oh, well I can hire somebody. John and Nate are telling me who can hire somebody in the Philippines that can do Facebook marketing for me. So I’ll just hire them and I’ll have them do that for me.” It’s not going to work. -It’s really hard. It  could work. It’s just really hard to make that work. -How do you… How we… How are you going to know whether they’re doing it right or not? -That’s right. And the problem with the Philippines is they’re worried about letting you down. And you  haven’t shown them how to not let you down. So, you’re going to have a hard time getting work done. It’s so much better of a situation if you get something… Get someone to do something you do know how to do. And this, is what I’ve done is I got  someone to do what I do know how to do. And then took that time that I was spending doing that thing to go learn something else. And then it was like, “Oh, okay. I know how to do this. Now here, do this for me.” And then I move on to something else get everything done by other people. -Now, let’s talk about why. -So, why is it…? I mean I think it’s important. Why am I promoting or why are you…? Why do you  promote replacing ourselves? -I work about 17 hours a week. I play golf a lot. I ride my bike with my wife a lot. I spend a lot of time with my kids. Why do you replace yourself? Because this is… This is how you get to the 4-hour workweek. Like everybody talks about the 4-hour workweek, right? And I’ve been there at 4 hours and right? I’m at 17 right now. I’ve been at 17 for like 10 years. And it’s awesome. And it changes your life. And it changes your  ability to contribute to society and to do charity work and to succeed in your business and to raise your family and to do  meaningful things when you’re not drowning and work. -So, my hope in having you here to do this episode is really to convey how much I love and how much I’ve been blessed by outsourcing and being able to replace myself. So, hopefully found that helpful. Now, he’s created an amazing website. I’ll link to it down below. But that’s the how of how we find people in the Philippines. How many people are on this website now? -There’s like half a million resumes of Filipinos. There’s more than that. It grows every single day. -So, and let’s say I’m looking for a new video editor and I want somebody that’s specifically good at premier. That’s updated their profile within the last week or her specific time frame that’s got a photo there, I can really filter it down. You’ve got to check out this tool. So I’ll put the link below. Be sure to subscribe, if you’re watching this video on LinkedIn, comment below. I’m curious to see what you thought about learning how to replace yourself.

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