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It may be shocking for you, but Moana is one of Nate Woodbury’s favorite films because he sees a resemblance of her story to his, that’s why it has resonated with him. Let YouTube Producer Nate tell you why he thinks Moana is a story about him and his journey to entrepreneurship.
If you’re an influencer or an entrepreneur and you’ve seen the movie Moana, chances are it’s probably one of your favorites. It certainly is mine. This episode, I’m going to get a little bit vulnerable and share why Moana is my favorite movie. Now, I like a lot of action or sci-fi type movies. Especially movies with secret agents. So, if there’s any like new Jason Bourne or taken or like episodes like 24 or person of interest or when our favorite says Burn Notice. Those type shows and movies, I just love. I really enjoy. So, what’s all I have to do with Moana? Okay. So Moana is a different type of movie. But I love it so much. It’s my very favorite movie because it’s a story about me. Yeah, I’m a Hawaiian Disney Princess. Maybe don’t recognize me with the beard. But here’s what I mean. Okay, Moana, she heard a voice inside. She has she has a message or kind of a calling deep inside that kept calling her to the water. To go out on this adventure. To go in and do this deed. Everyone around her, most everyone around her told her, “Nope. That’s not your path. This is your path. The path that you’re drawn to, the path that you’re called to, it’s too dangerous. It’s too risky. You’ve got to stay here and you’ve got to do this. You’ve got to do what I’ve done. You’ve got to follow the same strategy that I’ve done and this is your role.” And she tried to fit in, she tried to listen. She tried to be a good girl. But that voice inside just kept calling her and she knew what she had to do. She knew what her purpose was and she decided to take the risk and she took action on it. You know that’s me. I have this calling to be an entrepreneur. I love the power of influence and I have a mission and a purpose to serve influencers like coaches and speakers. I’ve got this burning, This purpose inside. And yet, the first 8 years of my business were a very rough financial rollercoaster. I mean, really rough. I can give multiple occasions like one I can think of: Walmart parking lot. In tears, in my car because I didn’t have enough money to buy diapers. I mean they’re time sitting with my mom asking for help. For you know, the third time or fourth time. saying, “Can we borrow some money mom? “And you know what? Ugh! Ugh! You know what I heard so many times that just stuck me to the heart? “Nate, why don’t you just get a job? Why just do what we’ve done? Why do you just follow this same path? Why don’t you do what everyone else does? Why do you have to go off and do all this crazy business and entrepreneur stuff?” Because I have this voice inside. Because I’ve got this purpose and I know what I was supposed to do. Now, am I crazy? I think I am crazy actually. But do you think I’m crazy? Or do you resonate? Do you have a voice inside? Have you a been ignoring it? Or have you taken the leap? Have you taken the risk and gone forward listening to that voice and working to fulfill that purpose? In filming this episode, part of me wants to share what my purpose is. But it’s it’s really sacred. It’s really sacred to me and I think that I’ll do it in another episode. Because Moana is a fun movie. It’s a playful and just too tight in this episode, I want to keep my purpose sacred. So, if that is something you’d like to know, watch for that in a future episode. I mean I talk all the time about my purpose is influence in helping others build influence. And there’s a reason behind that. And I don’t share that with too many people but I do think it’s time to start sharing it because then I’ll be able to serve more people. So, I want to know how many of you resonate with that story of Moana. Do you have a voice inside like Moana sings about? And that I’ve talked about here? Comment below. I really enjoy this type of conversation. I’m really excited to hear what your purpose is. And let me give one clarification. Your purpose is not what you do but it’s why you do it. So, the what for what I do is YouTube videos. That’s not the why. That’s not the why I’m using YouTube as a platform to build influence. So, why is really the purpose.