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This video is not all about affirmations. If you are looking for a quick practical answer on how to change the programming of your mind then this video is for you. Take it step by step with YouTuber Producer Nate Woodbury, also a master of efficiency.
Welcome back. In this episode, we’re going to talk about how to reprogram your mind. This is the real deal. This isn’t any like crazy stuff. This is something you can do right now to really change your life and accomplish the things that you want to. This is something that I’ve studied for many, many years. And I really started to experience some amazing things. And I want to share with you how I did it. There are a lot of videos out there about positive affirmations. There’s a great program that a friend of mine, Ann Web has created, called Ideal Life Vision. That’s a fantastic program. Years and years ago, like 15 years ago, when I was working in finance, co-workers of mine shared with me how they have their goals and projections and things that they wrote down and they read them every morning and every night before bed. And I’ve surrounded myself with that kind of mindset for a very long time. And I really want to talk about in this video what works. Which of those things do I do and how do I do them and what is led to really getting great results. So, for some of these things that I’m talking about such as affirmations or whatnot, I’m not going to go into a huge depth. I’m assuming that you’ve already watched videos on what are positive affirmations. Or maybe you’ve already watched other videos on how to reprogram your mind and you’ve kind of seen it from a scientific perspective. I love science. I’ve studied that a lot. I’m not going to go into a lot of depth of the science. I’m just going to get into the practical, if this is what you currently believe, this is what you want to believe and this is the habit that you have and this is what you want to do, I’m going to show you practically just how you do that and how you change the programming in your mind. So, let’s touch on affirmations briefly. When we say a positive affirmation such as, “I am the master of efficiency.” That’s one of mine. I am really efficient. I’m the master of efficiency. What I don’t want to say is, “I am NOT inefficient.” Okay? That’s obviously a double negative. If let’s say, I had a badhabit. Let’s say I used foul language. Then if I were to say a positive affirmation to try and reprogram it, I would want it to be in the positive such as, “I use clean language” versus “I don’t swear or I don’t use bad language.” Because in my mind bad language and swear are the words that that I’m really speaking to myself. Whereas if I use clean language, I use appropriate language. I talk kindly and respectfully. That’s a good positive affirmation. So again, I’m just laying a foundation of a few different talking points things that that I’m going to reference and kind of piece together. So, to really cement that one in, everything that you say to yourself needs to be in the positive. If you have a lot of debt and you want to pay off your bills, you don’t want to talk about debt and bills as… Because there’s a burden. There’s a weight that you’re carrying with that, right? So, if it’s like, “I am good at paying off my bills.” You know, how could you… How could you say that? You’re like, “I am responsible in paying my obligations. I bring in enough money and I always follow a good budget.” You know, so I’m really talking in a positive way. Things that I really want to believe about myself. “I use debt wisely” is a much better phrase than, “I am going to get out of debt.” You know because it’s like you’re getting out of this bad trap. What’s another example? Let’s say you’re combating pornography. For you to say things like, “I don’t use pornography.” Take out the word “don’t” and you’re saying, “I use pornography or I view pornography.” So, it’s how could we turn that into a positive? Really, it’s what’s programmed in your mind. You might say that in your mind, if you are addicted to pornography, it might be “Pornography brings me happiness or pornography is fulfilling. Or pornography gives me pleasure.” You know, stuff like that. Whatever pornography does for you, that’s programmed in your mind. So, if you want to program something else in your mind, what would you replace it with? Say the truth. What do you want in your mind? You want, “Pornography is a trap. Pornography is a poison. Pornography is an illusion.” And talk about what you do want. “I want connection. I love relationships. I am good at building relationships with people. I love my wife. I love my children. I’m a good husband. I’m a good father.” See, in our mind, we’ve got a whole bunch of programming. We’ve got a whole bunch of scripts written. We’ve got a whole bunch of different pathways when A event happens then B response. You know, there’s an action. There’s a response. So, if A happens, B happens. If B happens C happens. If C happens, D happens. We just got all this programming. “If I see this or if I fill this way, this is what I do. This is what I think. This is how I react.” And we can change that programming. We can change those scripts by just speaking words. Kind of like positive affirmations but more than just, “I am abundant. I am joy. I am clean.” It’s like really what programming do you want to have in your mind? So, if you really want to reprogram your mind, here’s how you do it. First, you’ve got to identify what programming already exists in your mind. What is already there? If we go back to the pornography example. What is pornography doing for you. If we go back to the swearing example, why do you swear? What is swearing doing for you? What is the habit that created that? Or what is the trigger that created that? Or why do you have that habit? If it’s about exercise or losing weight or fitness or anything. What are your beliefs? What’s the programming? What do you believe about that? Okay? So, just get that all out so that you’re aware. And then you’ve got a look at what do I want? What do I want in the future? You can go out a month from now, you can go out a year from now, you can go out 10 years from now. Where do I want to be? What beliefs do I want to have? What programming do I wish I had in my head right now? Okay, all the bad programming. All the stuff that’s already in there that you want to get rid of, don’t do anything with it. I mean there’s videos out there where I’ll tell you could crumble it up on paper and throw it away or you can burn it and symbolically it does something in your mind. It’s cool. I don’t know about any of that. But all I know is what I’ve done is on my phone, in my notes I’ve got a page that’s kind of like my journal. I’ve even got a lock on it so I’m the only one that can read it. But I open up my journal… Let me go into it. I will read you some of my scripts. Let me just explain what I’ve done here. I’ve gone through and I’ve written paragraphs of these positive beliefs, these positive statements and programming. And I’ve written them as if they are mean now. So, even if it’s something that I want, that it’s hard for me to believe that I… R really, that I don’t believe I haven’t now, but it’s a belief that I want. I really want to believe this. I really want this programming. I really want to have this A to B reaction happen. Write it as if it is now that I am that way now. Now, I’m going to get vulnerable here because these are really mine. These are things that I am working on that I want to be better at. And you know, before I dive into that, well let me just tell you that by doing this, I see miracles happen every day. There’s things that I’ve written in here that when I first wrote them, they were not true. They were kind of the opposite of the truth. And yet, I’ve seen them happen now they are true. And and it’s amazing. It really is amazing. I really am reprogramming my mind just by doing this. So, one thing that I want to get better at. My wife and I speak different love languages. And the way that I want to be shown love is differently than the way she wants to be shown love or to feel love from me. And one thing that I want to get better at is speaking words of compliment to her more often. And I’ve worded it this way. “I am good at speaking words of compliment to Christina. I put thought into saying the words that make her feel good. I love showing her appreciation. I’m open with Christina.” And I go on. So, this takes me about 10 minutes to read through all these positive statements. And basically new scripts that I want to program in my mind. And in the morning, I read my scriptures then I read my new scripts. I read them out loud when possible. I’ll usually be walking around and I’ll consciously be focusing on the the words and what I’ve written here to try and fill the emotion of it. And I do that every single day. And I tell you, it’s really working. It really is reprogramming your mind. Our mind is so amazing and I’m so fascinated by the fact that this simple thing can really reprogram mind. But you’ve got to be real. You’ve got to be real and look at what programming really is in my mind right now. What’s there? Just recognize it. Don’t beat yourself up about it. You’ve got a habit, you’ve got an addiction, you’ve got a belief. Look at it. Just take an honest look at it. And write it down on paper. Get it out in front of you. And then make a decision. What do I want to be there? What programming do I really want? It might be, “Man, I am bad at math.” You know, might be, “I might have this programming. Man, I’ve just every time I do math it just always comes out wrong and I get made fun of. And who knows, maybe when I was young I got laughed at when I was doing a math… Is there a math bee? A math tournament or a math exam or just got such a bad grade and it messed up.” You know, whatever. Okay, I’ve got all this programming. These stories in my mind. Yeah, I understand that. And everyone has that. But what do I want? Well, I want to be good at math. I want to be confident. You know, does that make sense? And so, it’s going to be a stretch. It’s going to be really hard but if you’re recognized. Yeah, I kind of believe and I’ve experience this whenever somebody asked me to do math, I get triggered. I were like, “Ohm not me. Please don’t make me do that.” I don’t want to embarrass myself. I don’t want people to know that I don’t know how to do multiplication in my head. But if you just… If that’s something that you really want to change and this is my you know this is just a silly example with math. Maybe that’s not silly, sorry. But if you really wanted to get good at math, you want to change the programming, change the beliefs, you can. You would write down and then repeat and say these things over and over and over. “I enjoy learning math. I’m getting better at math every single day.” math comes easily to me. I find opportunities to use math and it’s fun. you know, just imagine if you repeated that, if you really have that programming in your mind, even if you got terrible grades in the past but you had this programming over and over in your mind that you said and repeated to yourself, you’d find opportunities. you would learn things would come easy to you and you’d become good at math. I’m confident of that. miracles that I’ve seen even just in the last month are way bigger than that so the example right there. I’ve seen some huge, huge changes and huge opportunities opened in front of me and so that’s why I wanted to make this video. I understand that this video wasn’t the most comprehensive on reprogramming your mind. but this really works. I’m curious as to your thoughts. what do you think? are you going to try it? Will you try it? I mean, I challenge you to create several paragraphs of these new scripts you want programmed in your mind. And report back after 30 days. Report back after 60 days. Reading them out loud every day. I hope it was helpful and we’ll see you in the next episode.