
How To Make $100k In One Month

By October 13, 2019 No Comments

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Many of the people who give advice on money hasn’t applied what they teach in their lives. It’s easy to give advice, but to follow it yourself is another thing. Nate Woodbury has achieved this milestone and he’s here to share it with us on today’s episode. Tune in!

I have a vision making an episode like this for a long time. But I had to achieve it first to be able to make this episode, right? Now, I’ve done it, I’ve made over a $100,000 in a month and I want to teach you how I did it. I’ve got a lot of advise over the years on how to make money. “How to become wealthy? How to get rich? How to become a millionaire?” Most of people gave me that advise weren’t rich. They weren’t millionaires. They gave me investing advise on real estate and yet, they weren’t rich, their estate. And I want to make it clear that I have made over $100,000 in a month in 2 different ways. One, I actually received that much in revenue. And 2, I’ve made multiple hundreds and thousands of dollars of sales in one month. But that was repayments that were spread  out. So, I’ve made sales of multiple of hundreds of thousands of dollars in a month and I’ve received over $100,000 in revenue in a single month. So, I’ve got 3 keys that I’m going to share to help you accomplish this same thing. The first one is to find a mentor in your space. You and I, we’re not in the same niche. We don’t teach the same things, we don’t offer the same services. So, I suggest finding a mentor in your space, something that does what you’ve done and they’ve earned 6 figures in a month. Ask them how they did it. Find out how long it took them to get there. What steps they took? And then set a game plan to follow those steps. And then don’t listen to the advise of those people who haven’t done it who tell you “it’s too hard or you can’t do it.” What good is that going to do. They’re might be trying to give you meaningful advise but just don’t pay attention to it because you can do it. That one was quick. Let’s move on to key number 2. And that’s a principle of leverage, okay? If you want to make $100,000 in a month and you sold the product that gave you $10 profit. Okay, $10 profit. How many products would you need to sell to make $100,000? Well, 10,000. You need to sell 10,000 products in that month. So, if you have fancy pen and it cost you $1 to make and you sold it for 11 so there’s $10 profit, you sell 10,000 of these, that’ll make you $100,000. You got to sell 10,000 in a month. You can do it. If you are a dentist and you drill teeth and you make $100,000 for filling a cavity, how many teeth would you have to fill to make $100,000? Have to drill 1000 teeth. Can you drill a thousand teeth in a month? Maybe. Okay, what if you had a service that paid you $100,000? How many of those you need to sell in  month? *Ding Ding Ding Ding* Okay, that is leverage. Okay, what if I had a service of $25,000. A coaching program that is a year long? How many of those that you need to sell $25,000 package. How many of those you need to sell to make $100,000? 4, so you sell one per week. There you go, you made $100,000 in a month. As an add on to this key of leverage and selling things that selling less quantity but more value, how do you create something that you can sell for that high of a price? Well, instead of trading your time for dollars, you’ve got to sell the result. So, if I done for YouTubers services their 6-figure packages, instead of talking about, “Okay, this is how many hours of time I’m going to put into it. This is how many hours my keyword research is going to put into it. My editing team. This is how long it’s going to take us to put on YouTube.” And instead of focusing on the features, I’m going to use my 24 millimeter lens, we’re going to film in 1080P. Where I’m going to edit it in premiere, we’re going to upload it YouTube, we’re going to design thumbnails. Okay, those are all features. That’s not what you want to focus on. What we want to focus on is the result. Okay? When a client works for me for a year, they can expect to bring in 7 figures in revenue on their YouTube channel. Yeah. That’s the result. So,  of course they’re willing to invest 6 figures over a course of a year in order to get that result. So, what results can you deliver? And what’s the value of their result? Not what’s the value of your time. If you wanted to make $100,000 in a month and you’re working full time, you’d have to charge $625 per hour for your time. And if you tell people that “Yeah, I charge $625. And I’m going to bill you for 160 hours this month.” That comes to $100,000. No matter 10 hours… Whatever, how many hours. If you tell people, “Yeah, $625 per hour. And this is what I’m doing. I’m sitting at my computer and I’m giving you advise on the phone and I’m filling out some paperwork.” Whoah! Okay, if you focus on the result then they’ll pay you this $625 per hour. Now, here’s a bonus. Okay, in order to be able to sell something like that and be able to sell the result, all you need is one good example. You need a track record. So, even if it’s free. A lot of speakers before they get paid the 10 or 25 thousand dollars for a keynote, the have to create a track record and they go and they give a whole bunch of free speeches. And they worked their way up at the thousand dollar per  speech. 3 thousand, 5 thousand, 8 thousand. Then they’re at 10 thousand then they’re at 20 thousand. When you’ve got a track record and you’ve given people that experience. Or in my case, I helped launch many YouTube channels that have risen to success. I’ve got a great track record. I can just point to the result that my clients will get. And that’s why they don’t have a problem paying $100,000 for it. Was that helpful? That’s my hope. My hope is that this was helpful. If you’ve watched this far, hopefully you’re either happy or you’re angry. Let me know in the comments below. Was it helpful? Or did I not give you the answers that you’re looking for? Because I really want to help. Be sure to subscribe and we’ll see you in the next episode.

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