
Advantages Of YouTube

By October 15, 2019 No Comments

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There are so many great social media platforms but there’s something about YouTube that Nate Woodbury, YouTube Producer, has found to be so powerful. Join Katie Gutierrez and him as they talk about the major benefits of YouTube compared to other social media platforms.

There are so many different things that we should be doing. You should be posting your Facebook, to Instagram. We need to be doing a YouTube channel. What about a blog or we can even be doing vlog episodes. -Okay. I need a drink. -So, there’s… There’s so much that we could do and why do I focus so much on YouTube? There are some huge advantages. Huge advantages that just blow away everything else that I’ve done that that I could be doing. You’re going to learn why. -Now, we’re ready. -Ooh, I like when I lean. And I look good that way. So, to point out a huge advantage… -Your dog is so cute. -She’s so cute. She’s like one of the cutest in the world. I should let her in in this moment. -That’s fine. My sister-in-law lives with us and she has dogs. -Mm-hmm.  -So my kids feel like they have dogs without us having to have dogs. -That’s perfect for the parents. -So good. -I’ve had my dog since college so she and I are like… Also she knows things. You know, so I got to make sure she’s happy so that my secret stays. -Yeah. This is going to be a fun episode today. Really talking about the power of YouTube. You want to watch this whole episode to really understand. Just watch it twice. Got my good friend Katie Gutierrez with me. errezdesigns. Check her out, everything that she’s doing. It’s a lot of fun. Really amazing. And I’m here obviously coaching her about YouTube. And so we’re filming this episode together. Because she’s got some really good questions. And I’m really excited for you and for you Katie to really understand the power of YouTube. And I thought a good place to start is actually to talk about Facebook. Because Facebook gets a lot of attention. It is a great platform for content to go viral. It is a great platform for advertising. But there’s some huge disadvantages that YouTube just blows it away. So, let’s say you wrote a post on Facebook that was a really good one. You just were you woke up one morning with just an amazing idea, really inspired. -Like I do every morning. -Of course. But this is one of your very best. You you wrote it all out and you sent it out there. What’s going to happen on day one? You’re very, very, very but the best post. -People are going to see it, like, it share it. -So… -It’s going to work viral. -I guess. How many like realistically, how many views would you get on day one? like 68. -Okay, 68. Your very best post? So, it 68 views. What about day 2? Anymore? -69. -Okay, so gets another view. Maybe, maybe gets up to a hundred by the end of the  week. Then what happens in 2 weeks? -No one has heard of it, seen it. -Yeah. -No, it doesn’t come up. -Yeah. So, a month from now… But this you put up, you put your heart into it. This is valuable. And it never gets… And never gets seen again. It’s kind of like the just a pile of garbage. Like just imagine what will relate to videos. So, remember VHS tapes? Were you born… So, video tapes. I had this picture one time that I saw just a pile of videotapes inside of a big dumpster. And that’s what I think of. bBcause it’s like we put all of our heart into creating this video. Okay, now it goes on the pile. Now, it’s create the next one, great. The next one. That’s how Facebook video is. If you posted a video 3 months ago, was anyone seeing it now? -No. And you can’t search Facebook. So, you’ll never have the opportunity… -Search is just really, really lousy. So, that’s a huge huge disadvantage of Facebook. And just about every other platform out there is the content you put on it is not evergreen. So, if we talk about YouTube then, YouTube is an amazing platform because content stays there and  it continues to get viewed and seen, it gets traffic for years and years and years to come. One of the biggest reasons for that is because of their amazing search engine. Meaning, people can go and search and find things. So, if you make how-to videos like I teach a lot, people will be searching and it’ll pull in your your target audience. So, that’s that’s one great advantage of YouTube is just your content doesn’t disappear and get buried under the pile. The  more you create, the more momentum you have. Let’s just compare it to something else. Email. If you’ve got an email list that is high quality. You’ve been good at nurturing your list and you get a good open rate, that is something that can be really valuable. So, let’s say you put your heart into writing a really good email and you send it out, the same thing. It’s only going to be seen that day or the next day or 2 when people open their inbox and see it. -Yes. I don’t have a folder in my email that says like all the subscriptions like newsletters I get from other… -Other than emails you get from me. -I only save yours. -Yeah. I mean everyone saves mine. But… And we could apply that to every other platform. Whether it’s… Whether it’s Twitter or Instagram. Quora is one that’s kind of an exception because you can post an answer to a question and people in the future that are searching for that question could find your answer. So, that is kind of an exception but it’s not.  it’s not… -Also maybe Pinterest. -Yeah. So, there are other places out there that are more evergreen. -But not with video. -That’s that’s one huge advantage of YouTube that YouTube has. Let’s talk  a little bit more about that search feature. This is huge especially for people that are experts. You’re an expert in interior design, I’m an expert in YouTube and influence and marketing. I just want  to brag about all the things I’m an expert in. So, people around the world, they’re looking for our expertise. They’re asking questions that we have the answer for. And what other platform could possibly be better than YouTube and that I can just make a video the answers our question, I post it to YouTube and that day, it’s ranked on the front page of of YouTube. -That fast? -That fast. In a previous video, we talked about the keyword research strategy. When you go out to the leaf topics, if you don’t know what I’m talking about with leaf topics, make sure you watch another video right there about how to do SEO for YouTube. -Well don’t put it over my face. -It’ll be in the corner. We’ll, make another video about cards. What are cards? But if you follow… If you follow that strategy, your video will rank on day one on YouTube. So, people around the world are asking these questions and now you just create a video, you put it there. And now you’re there answering questions. It’s just, it’s huge. Not just that you’re getting views but you’re getting views from your peeps. I keep saying peeps. I never use that word but now that I’m putting like… -I’m rubbing off on you. -So, it’s a… Your building, it’s a way to really build a tribe and to really build influence. Do you want to know another huge advantage? -I’ve been dying to know another huge advantage. -I would say that search is pretty huge. So, a huger? A huger advantage is the YouTube Partner Program, we’ve talked about this. And what YouTube is willing to do to promote your videos. ecause… Let me explain what the Partner Program is again. Advertising. There’s advertisers that pay YouTube to put their ads in front of videos. And YouTube partners with the creators of the videos that the ads are so next to. So, if you make a video, you put it on YouTube. There’s an ad right before it. For every dollar that the advertiser pays, you get ¢55 on every dollar. That  make sense? For the ads that are shown next to your videos. So, there’s a partnership there. And that partnership  is cool. In that, we can make a little bitof revenue from the ad side of things. But it’s also really cool in that we can create content that will benefit YouTube and then YouTube will then spike that video and just show it to more audiences beyond search. This is equated to about hundreds of thousands of subscribers on channels. Because your channel will be growing along. You’ll be seeing, “Okay, we’re getting more and more momentum.” And then all sudden you’ll just have a huge spike.  Because YouTube picked one of your videos and just started broadcasting it out without us having to pay for it. We’re not paying for any ads or paid promotion ourselves. That doesn’t happen on Facebook. I mean what does happen on Facebook is you can have a video go viral. But it has to be a really cute cat video or something. Something that or somebody that gets smacked in the face by something. -Or a dog. -And somebody has to get injured or it has to be just so hilarious. I have a hard time watching and enjoyed those videos. -I do too. I’ll start watching and start laughing. Like, “Wait, I don’t like this.” And I’ll just… But… And it can go viral. So, that’s an advantage but that’s not really your  target audience that’s just reallyentertainment value. -That’s like one-hit wonder. -Mm-hmm. But this is real genuine promotion from YouTube to your videos pulling in people who it thinks would really value  watching this video. And it will obviously… They’re doing it. YouTube is doing it because it’s gonna increase their revenue. Which they give 55% of it to us as the creator. And then when we have a business behind it, we’re making way more revenue than just the ad revenue. And how you can see that as anytime you’ve watched a video on  YouTube along side of it, there’s a wholebunch of suggested videos. That is what I’m talking about. Your video starts to appear as suggested. Or when you just open up YouTube and you’re on the home screen and there’s all these videos for you to watch, those are brows features or different suggested videos. So YouTube will start to put your video in those places. It is so cool and that happens. So, on my phone, I’ve got the creator studio app. And when a spike happens. you know. you’re going along. You’re kind of okay. Yeah, we’re getting momentum. We’re building momentum. But as soon as the spike happens, it’s like its addicting. You’re like, “Holy cow! We’re getting a thousand views an hour on this video.” Yeah. It’s pretty fun to think that I didn’t do anything. I’m not paying anybody but YouTube is really promoting me. And that is a huge, huge advantage of YouTube. My hope in making this episode is really that you see how amazing and powerful YouTube can be in growing your business and building influence, growing a tribe. It’s really awesome. So hopefully you liked it. Be sure to subscribe because I got more helpful videos like this coming your way. And  I’ve got free stuff to give away. I’vegot a keyword research guide. -Everybody likes frees. -I’ve got an outsourcing guide. Did you know about that? -No. -So I teach  people how to outsource in thePhilippines like I do. So, you can find  both the links to those guides down below. They’re free. And we’ll see you tomorrow.

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