
What To Say In The Beginning Of A YouTube Video

By October 16, 2019 No Comments

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One of the things that you might be overlooking is the intro of your YouTube videos. A good start can catch the attention of your audience! YouTube Producer Nate Woodbury discusses what to say in the beginning of a YouTube video in today’s episode, so stay tuned!

Did you know that the way that you start your YouTube episode can really make a big difference? In this episode, we’re going to talk exactly how you should start your YouTube episode to get more views. -Good thing you just intro to your intro video really well. -That’s right. I’m here with Katy Gutierrez and Pixi. -Katy’s with Ara’sdesigns. And she really wants to be a YouTube star. Now, but  she’s got an amazing business. And wants to leverage YouTube. And so we’re filming a whole series of episodes here. Coaching you and therefore coaching you on how to succeed on YouTube. And so we’re going to do some practicing on how to start a YouTube episode. I demoed it at the beginning of this episode. -And you did a fantastic job. -Thank you. Thank you so much. So, 2 things. You remember the 2 things? We… This is kind of review from a different episode. We’re going to talk specifically about this one. And give you some examples so you remember the 2 things that you want to do? -You want to talk about the interesting thing that you’re going to talk about and tell everybody why it’s important they know the information. -Yeah. So what’s the video about. -Right? -Yeah. What’s it about. What’s the title what’s the topic. And then why? Why do they need to watch it? Why should i why should they get this advice from you? You know, it might be, “Hey, I’m going to teach you how to design the corner of a living room. I’m an interior designer for Oprah Winfrey. And I helped her with designing the corner of her living room.” So, you know, so you’re giving some credibility. Sorry. -You haven’t worked with Oprah. -Not yet. -That would be awesome. -Oprah, give me a call. -So, anyway. That… Those are the 2 points. So, do you remember those 2 points repeating back to me? Uh-huh, yep. Okay, so they got it. Good. So now, I thought we could demo it. So, I’m going to give you a title up. We have we have some titles here that we did keyword research on. So, the title I’m going to give you is “How do I decorate my living room walls?” -Okay. -So now, go ahead and you do an intro for that video. -Okay. Hi, I’m Katie and this is Pixie and we’re here because we decorated Oprah Winfrey’s living room walls and we’re going to tell you how you can get Oprah Winfrey’s look yourself. -Okay. So that was good. -Except? -Except you don’t know Oprah. But I seen you do really good. So, let’s do it again. Let’s do it real. -Okay. -Because I know you’re going to like show them a really good example. -Okay, it wasn’t really good example? -It just we knew it wasn’t real. It wasn’t authentic. Okay. Take 2. -Hi, I’m Katie and this is Pixie and we’re here to tell you how to decorate your living room walls. This is going to be a super fun video filled with a lot of information that’s really important. -Okay. Close. So, I like that there’s a contrast here. Because the first time I had to do it in a previous episode. You did it so, It’s like, “Man, there’s nothing to coach on.” So, on this one, it was great but we are your reason for why is “Because it’s good.” But they’re like… But they really why is it good? You know, so that you need to go a little bit deeper. -Okay. -So, what could you… What credibility could you tell them about decorating living rooms? Or is the technique that you’re going to teach them that’re going to get them a certain result. Like if when you learn this technique of how to decorate the wall of your living room, people that walk in are going to say, “Wow!” You know… So, that’s what you’re going to learn in this episode. -Okay. -That make sense? -Yes. -So, try it again. -Okay. Say, “Take 3.” -Take 3. Hi, I’m Katie and I’m so excited to share with you 3 ways to decorate your living room walls. I know it can be super challenging to figure out what size artwork, what to do, where to put it, what color? I get it. It’s really confusing. But I’m here to tell you that it can be easy. And what we’re going to do is decorate the living room walls in a way that when you have people over you’ll be so proud. -Okay. So that was close. Obviously you’re like wondering at the end what to say. But you see the difference there? Hopefully you guys…(Oh, I said, “You guys”) -You’re not supposed to say, “You guys.” -I’m talking just a one person at a time here. But hopefully that makes sense. -You did it on purpose to give a learning point. -That’s how I roll. -Yeah. -So, you guys are learning so much from this channel. -You? -How to start…. [Both laughs] -I’m here coaching Nate. [Laughing continues] -Thank you. Subscribe, we’ll see you tomorrow. -Struggles are real. -Alright. I have an idea. I just want to give another example that’s a complete different topic just to give our viewer another example of another example. -I have an idea. How about, “How to have your dog who’s super cute on camera?” -But I am NOT an expert in that topic. So, I’m going to get one. “Why I hire people in the Philippines?” -Okay. Welcome back. On this episode, I’m going to explain why I hire people in the Philippines. I’ve been hiring people there for 9 years. No other countries. Specifically… That specific. No other countries specifically the Philippines. Why? There’s a huge reason why and you… -Are about to find out. Stay tuned. -I’m supposed to be demoing like a really good intro. -But it’s good because you’re showing you how it takes a couple of takes sometimes. There’s nothing wrong with that. -Alright. I will say that that it is worth doing a few takes on your intro and outro because the better intro you have, the more of a hook there is for them to watch all the way to the end. -Yeah, let me try one more time. -Ready. -Welcome back. Inthis episode, I’m going to be explaining why  I hire people in the Philippines. I outsource. I’ve been hiring people there for 9 years and I don’t hire from any other countries. Why the Philippines? There’s a huge reason. Huge, huge, huge advantages. And I bet you want to find out. -Well done. You said the reason. You said you’ve been doing it for 9 years, you establish the credibility. You gave the viewer a real yearning for that information. Very good job. Fives. -I get the feeling I’m being a good coach here. Alright, if you liked this episode, give it a thumbs up. Subscribe and we’ll see you tomorrow.

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