
How Often Should I Upload Videos To YouTube

By October 18, 2019 No Comments

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Did you know that there’s a right frequency as to when to upload videos on YouTube? This episode is going to teach you the perfect number of uploads you need for your channel’s growth per month so stay tuned! Nate Woodbury and Katie Gutierrez are here to help you with your YouTube channel.

Hey, Nate. How often should I or anybody else upload a video to YouTube? -You should upload *Bleep* episodes per week. And I’m going to tell you exactly why you should upload *Bleep* episodes per week because if you upload *Bleep* per week, YouTube will really promote you and your you’ll get spikes on your channel. Welcome back everybody. Obviously, you know we’ve got somebody else in this episode with me. This is Katie Gutierrez. -I am Katie Gutierrez. The owner and founder of errezdezign and interior design firm in Miami. One of the best. -And you’ve got so many questions about YouTube. -A lot. -I’m a noob. So, I have a lot of questions and I’m so thankful that I’m here with you to answer all of them. -So, this is a good topic about how frequently to upload to YouTube. My recommendation, I’m going to cover that in just a second. At least 1 per week. Anyone out there, anyone out there that wants to start a YouTube channel wants to do anything. You got to post consistently, pick the same day and post at least once per week. Anyone can do that. I typically film 20 episodes in a day because I plan it out and I’m efficient like that. People call me the master of efficiency. -It’s an honor to know you. -They call me that because they tell them “I’m the master of efficiency”. But think of that, if you filmed 20 episodes in a day and you posted one episode per week, you’d only have to do that once every 20 weeks. Alright. Now, my real recommendation is 5. 5 episodes per week. -Per week? That seems a little overwhelming. How can anybody be able to produce that much content? The key is the efficiency. The key is filming in batches. And when you know the results that it can get, that’s why all my clients do that. I’m currently producing 11 daily YouTube channels and I call daily at least 5 episodes or more per week. Because you can turn your channel into a 7-figure revenue machine. -Well when you put it that way, it makes it sound worth it. -Yeah. It’s a lot of work. I’m not going to shy away from the fact that a daily YouTube channel is a lot of work. But it really gets results. -So, why 5? Why is that the sweet spot? -YouTube likes lots of content. They like consistency. And I’ve tried less than 5 and I’ve tried 5 and above and 5 gets the results. So, I was talking with a client that we’re filming with yesterday. And he said, “Should we bump it up to 7?” And I said, “We certainly could but I know that at least 5 will get your results that we’re aiming for.” And so let me quantify be specific about what I’m talking about here. If you go 5 episodes per week for 4 months and there’s one other qualification, your content needs to be engaging. As long as you’re creating engaging content and you go 5 per week for 4 months, YouTube will start to promote you. -So, you’ve said that you recommend 5 videos per week and what I understand is that those are equaling every weekday. Ones every weekday. -It doesn’t have to be that’s typically what we do. Yeah, but you could do it on weekends at just 5 per week. Yes. -Is there some YouTube statistic on how or what days of the week people are watching videos? So, we’re in it’s more likely people are going tO watch a video on a Saturday, you probably want to post it on a Friday night. Something like that. So, while there probably is a specific day that would get better results in the short term, we’re getting such long term results on our videos that I don’t really stress about it that much. I don’t stress about it at all. So, if I post Monday through Friday and then I get a little dip on the Saturday and Sunday those videos are going to be getting me results for years and years to come. And in retrospect the specific date, didn’t really make that big of a difference. Does it help? -It does. So, the way I understand it is that people doesn’t matter any day that they’re searching. What matters is that they’re searching that particular subject that you created the video for. So, the day that they search, doesn’t matter when you created it, they’ll be paired with you? -Yeah. And that brings up another way that I could explain this. There’s 3 different types of views you’ll get on your video. There’s views that you’ll get from people that are subscribed to your channel. And so, the day that  you post your video, a lot of those views are going to come from your existing subscribers. But then you’re also going to show up in search and that’s going to happen for years and years to come. So, the day of the week doesn’t matter. And you’re also going to get promoted by YouTube and the day of the week you post doesn’t matter for that either. Because it’s typically a few weeks too many months after you posted the video that then YouTube will start to promote it. -That makes a lot of sense. So to me, 5 videos every week, that’s like one every day. And I’m working on my day job. It feels a little bit daunting. Do you have any tips or advice on how someone can wrap their mind around getting all of that done? -Yeah. So, in previous episodes that we filmed together, we talked about the keyword research and picking those topics. That helps a ton in that we’re talking about something specific. And let’s just say we’re going to film 5 videos in a batch. So, we’re going to go how to… Or “How to design a corner of a living room?” I mean they’re so specific. And when you when you get specific topics like that, it’s easy to think, “Oh, yeah. I could film 5 videos. No problem.” And if you filmed those 5 videos at one time, you know, if they’re ten minutes each, you hit record. Talk for 10 minutes then you hit stop. The next minute hit record, talk for 10 minute. And so it’s going to take you an hour or so just to film those 5 episodes. And then and then… You know, the editing takes time. I have a team that does all my editing and I do recommend that. I have a guide on how to outsource to the Philippines. How to hire people in the Philippines. So, you can find that below. When you film in bulk like that, it really… It makes it manageable. So, when you have a busy schedule, you’re still only taking a couple of hours. Now, in my case, I recommend filming 20 episodes at a time. That does take a full day. You know, it’s like 9 to 5. But yet, then  we don’t have to film again for 4 weeks. Another tip is when I prepare, I prepare a checklist. And so, I’ve got this is title number 1 and I’ve got bullet points. So, I take time to prepare not only the titles but then I think, “Okay, what is it that I want to talk about in each episode?” And I just prepare all that in advance so then when it comes time to film, I can go through each bullet point and just make sure I’m giving the value that I want to give. Another thing that’s helpful is and you might be familiar with this. Sometimes I’ll have other people on my channel with me to make more conversational and makes the videos a lot more interesting and entertaining and real. And so, when we’re filming in bulk, it’s a lot more fun when you’re feeling there’s somebody else. So, that’s another tip that I have. -Very helpful. So, I totally understand what you’re saying. So, you’re going to film all of them at the same time and release them on the days that they’re supposed to be released. One every day. -Right. -But how do you release 20 videos at the same time but they don’t all show up at the same time? -So, when you upload your videos to YouTube, as long as they’re not set to public, they’re set to unlisted or or private, then they’re not life to the public yet. So, you can upload as many as you want to your channel and not have them go live. And there’s a feature  in YouTube where you can actually schedule it and put in the specific date and time according to whatever timezone. And say, “Okay, this one’s going to go live on Monday. This one’s going to go live on Tuesday.” So, you can get all that uploaded and ready to go clear in advance and it will just automatically release for you. -That’s my ideal type of work. The work that I do one thing on one day and then I sit back and relax on the beach and then it’s happening behind the scenes for me. -Yeah, it works perfectly. It’s built right into YouTube. What other questions do you have about YouTube because I want to create and answer your questions. Be sure to comment below and subscribe of course. And if they’ve watched to the end of this video, they must like it. So, we’ll see you tomorrow.

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