
How To Make Money On YouTube – Marcella

By October 21, 2019 No Comments

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There are many ways to earn money online and one of the biggest platform that you can do that is through YouTube. YouTube has become an industry and a great source of income. In this episode, YouTube Producer Nate Woodbury will cover 3 ways on how you can earn through YouTube. Check this out!

Would you like to know how to make money on YouTube? There’s actually 3 different ways that I’m going to cover in this video my friend Marcel is here. She’s got this question. So, as I’m coaching her, I’m going to be coaching you at the same time on how you can do that. Alright. So, the question I have first is how do you think people make money on YouTube? -Views, clicks… -Okay. So okay… So promoting our products, that makes sense. How would somebody get paid by views and clicks? -I’ve heard they get paid by YouTube? -Okay. -So, they do and I’ll clarify. So, it doesn’t really matter how many views or clicks you get technically. If somebody clicks on a video, you don’t get paid for that. But what you’ll get paid for is when an ad is put before a video and somebody sees the ad that’s right next to your video. -Now, do you want to click on that? -Sometimes you’ll get paid more. But sometimes not. Sometimes it’s just if it plays for long enough without clicking on it. So, it’s actually a really cool program. And I do make money from ads on YouTube. But I make a lot more money from the business side of things. Since all kind of explain both then I’ll share with you a third way that’s kind of a bonus. -Now does YouTube produce that that are on your video or those things that you put on their? -YouTube takes care of it all. -Okay. -But advertisers will pay money to YouTube to put their ads in front of videos. And the money that they pay to YouTube, YouTube gives out 55% of that back to the creator of the video. So, it’s pretty cool. -Yeah. So, they call this the partner program. And it’s actually a really good thing. Not just because you can make money but because if you know how to create videos that will make YouTube money, they will promote that video and obviously we get part of that add money. But it promotes our videos that then if it promotes our business, then our business grows. So, we’re like getting free advertising because this partner program. -Okay. That makes sense. -That’s really, really cool. -Yeah. -So that is one way. And simple math that relates to views is for every view that you get, you might make a penny per view. One of my channels that it kind of works out to like 0.9 seven cents per view that we’re getting on that channel. So, let me see if I can remember the math. I know that we were getting like 1.3 million views in a month. And in that same month, we made about twelve thousand dollars in ad revenue. So, that’s a lot of views. Millions of views to get thousands of dollars. And it took us about 4 and a half years to get to that point. So, if you’re going to go full-time with YouTube and expect to… You know, eventually that could provide a living. But in the meantime, not so much. So, I like to consider that like icing on the cake. -So if I’m wanting to sell something on YouTube, do I need to make an ad type of video? How does somebody…? What do people like? What do you get the clicks? -Yeah. It’s a very good question because that’s what most people will do, is they’ll just create promo style videos that adds that really show the benefits of their product or their service. And they’ll put it on YouTube. But you don’t get very many views. Because people aren’t going to YouTube hoping to watch promos. So, those are important but those you put on your website or your sales funnel, right? What you put on YouTube is helpful content or just content that people really do want to watch. And like, I work with a lot of coaches, speakers, authors, mentors; And the products or services they sell is information. You know, they’re coaching or they’re helping people with business. Or just improve their life overall. And so what they’ll do is they’ll make how-to videos that really help people. Maybe a 10-minute episode. Kind of like in this one. We’re making an episode on how to make money on YouTube. So, people will come here to learn how to make money on YouTube. And then if they want to know more about me and my services that offer, how I produce to YoutTbe channel so people that go to my website; And they’ll check it out. So, the key is though to really give a ton of value. Just give away all your secrets for free in that 10 minute episode. Then at the very end, you can give people a free gift or something. So, at the end of this video, I might give away my keyword research guide. And if people want to get my key research guide that takes them to my website where they’ll be able to download that for free. But now they’re in my… They’re on my email list. They’re in my sales funnel. -Well I’m like brand-new, you know… And I’m just talking and maybe I’m empowering women or something, how do people even know that I’m doing that? I’m creating YouTube channel and then I’m putting videos on there… -A very good question. So, YouTube… One is the partner program which if you learn how to create videos that will help you to make money. But at the beginning stages, you’re like, “How do I know how to do that?” So, that’s kind of a step 2. The step 2 is to do keyword research to find what questions people are asking that you know how to answer. So, you have an expertise. You have experience and there’s people all around the world. Not just United States. There’s people all around the planet that are going to Google and YouTube typing in these questions. And so, if you find out what those questions are and then that’s the title of your video, I’ll just make some up that I know work like that we’ve done keyword research on. “How to get rid of strep throat without antibiotics?” Or “How to invest in real estate with no money?” Or “How to Trek fitness goals on your Apple watch?” Right? So, you make that question that people are actually searching for. The title of your video and then people all around the world who don’t know you exist, they will  find your video and you’ll start to get an initial traffic. Initial amount of traffic and views from that. That actually grows over time. You could post the video today. Have it ranked on YouTube today for those search phrases. And years from now, it’ll be getting more traffic than it was before. -So, when you’re doing keyword (What do you call it?) optimization, Is that the only place you can put it is in the title? -So, I’ve actually… I’m going to film another video with you that comes into detail on that. And I have an in-depth video about my tree analogy that you guys would enjoy. Just click that up there. The quick answer to the question is the title is the best place to put it. The keywords are a helpful place to put it. But because you did the keyword research first and now you know what the title of the video is, because you’re going to to that question and all the things that you’re going to say for those 10 minutes are going to be related to that topic, YouTube actually transcribed your video. And takes out all the words that you said. And they know what your video is about. So, that will really be the biggest thing to help it rank. -So, even in what I’m saying counts as keywords? -Yeah. -Wow. -Okay, so now the the job after you get somebody to go to your website is to sell. You know and if you’ve got a phone number, you call them. You call them and  you sell them something. Or you’ve got a sales funnel where it’s you know, an opt-in page. Or an offer comes up. And so… You know, that’s where the business side of it comes in.Aand you can really make a big amount of revenue there. My biggest channel… My client is actually making $600,000 per month just from the organic YouTube traffic we’re sending to. -Okay. So wait. So, if I’m going to get started like step one, I’m putting stuff out there and I’m using the keyword stuff. And then I’m also… Would you say to start with selling something. So, selling a product or selling a workshop and so you’re collecting customers information to be able to generate and income from that while your YouTube channel and your views are going up and up. -Yeah, definitely. I think that…Wwhat I’ve done I think is a simple system that anyone could could replicate. AVnd that’s give away something for free of value. So, I’ve created… You know Google Docs, right? I created a Google Doc that I call my keyword research guide. And I’ve put step by step how to do keyword research. It’s page is long. And when I get new questions, I can update it and make it even more valuable. More packed with information. So, when I when I make a YouTube video, a lot of them at the end I’ll let people know that I want to give you my keyword research guide for free. And I’ll have a way for them either to click a link or to text to opt-in. But they’ll get a text link to be able to opt in to that. So, I recommend that you do the same. So, you might have a course down the road that you’ll sell that’s like, “How to live your life on purpose?” It’s some real powerful course. Maybe it’s a thousand-dollar course that you sell. From your video, you might teach different topics about living life to its fullest and living, you know, authentically and whatnot. At the end of the video, you say, “You know, I’ve put together this guide or this resource or this gift that I want to give you for free that’s got these action items or these steps.” And have people join your list. And then now, those are people that will want to know more about your course or whatnot. -So right now, I’m doing just little videos on my Facebook. You know, I’ve got all my friends on there and I’m trying to get people to go and watch these videos just on Facebook. Because that’s all I know. -Hmm. -So, you would recommend I mean it sounds a lot more profitable to move those videos onto a YouTube channel and then to move those people to go to this YouTube channel. I could put a link into my Facebook. Would… Do you recommend starting kind of there or… -Kind of. -Okay. -So, I think what you’re doing on Facebook is awesome. And I think you should keep doing that. It’s great practice. You’re doing a lot of them live, right? -Yeah. Not a lot live. But I do my big ones. -Either way. I think you should keep doing that and nurture your tribe there because when people are on Facebook, they want to have a Facebook experience. hey don’t want to leave and go to YouTube. Facebook doesn’t want them to leave either. Right. So, it’ll bury your post if you try and tell them to leave. YouTube, the same thing. But I do recommend keep doing what you’re doing on Facebook. If you had an idea, like you know what? I feel like talking about this today. That’s a great video to put on Facebook. But then later, you can do keyword research like we’re going to show you in the next video that we film. And find… “Okay, what are the questions people are  asking?” And then intentionally, you film those episodes that will go on on YouTube. And I would actually start building both. And if YouTube just takes off and you realize I’ve been doing this thing on Facebook for a long time and it doesn’t work, then maybe stop that and put your energy where where you’re getting results. But what we’re teaching you here, what I’m gonna teach in the next episode, you’ll definitely be able to get predictable results. -Okay. -So, I told you there’s a bonus. There’s a third way that you can make money on YouTube that you probably haven’t heard before. There’s a website called patreon. And it allows people to sign up as patrons of YouTubers or Podcasters or what not. So, I’ll just give you an example. So, there’s a YouTube channel called Sailing La Vagabonde. It’s this Australian couple that live on a yacht and they travel the world and they vlog about their adventures. -It sounds like a really good job. -That’s really, really fun. So, they post about 2 episodes per week. And they have an account with patreon where their fans can… They say, “We really like these videos you’re making. Instead of paying for a cable TV  subscription, we’re going to pay you a dollar per episode so that you keep making these great episodes or we’re going to contribute 5.” Maybe they’re their moms like or the grand mom was like, “I’m going to contribute $100.” I don’t know. Right now, this is one of the biggest ones I know. They’re making like $12,000 per episode just from their fans. -The fans are saying, “We want more of this.” So the fans are able to pay in or contribute. -Mm-hmm -And basically fund them to make more? -Yeah. So, they’re pointing out 2 episodes per week making $12,000 per episode. It’s for making ad revenue as well. And they have merchandise like t-shirts and stuff that they sell. But they give their patrons perks. Like one of their biggest perk is they’ll do a raffle of their  patrons to come join them for a stay on their yacht. -Ohm wow. -Yeah. So, they incentivize people to become their crew. -That’s awesome. -So, anyway, that’s just the third way that I’ve seen people make money on YouTube. -Oh, that’s great. I love that. -So, if you would  find value in knowing the step-by-step process that I use to find these very specific questions that people are asking online, then text the number 415- 528-7403 and the message will just be HERO1 and that will give you access to download the security search guide. I’ll see in the next episode.

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