
How To Beat YouTube Algorithm

By October 22, 2019 No Comments

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Social media platforms have their own algorithm and in this video, we’re talking about YouTube specifically. If you want your ad revenue to increase, this podcast is for you. In today’s episode, Nate Woodbury is going to talk about what YouTube algorithm is, how to outsmart it and if it will do any good or any harm on your channel.

Would you like to know how to beat the YouTube algorithm? Yeah, beat it. I’m going to talk about how you do that. And then I’m going to look at whether it’s a good idea or not. First of all, what is the YouTube algorithm? Alright, it’s the program. It’s the programming code that knows what videos to put in front of us. So, when we bring up YouTube, there’s a whole bunch of videos in front of us that YouTube put there in hopes that we would find something that we would like to watch. Somebody else brings up their YouTube page and they see a whole different list of videos. Somebody else opens up their YouTube page, they see a whole… So, everyone is seeing different recommendations. And it’s the algorithm that determines what videos to suggest to others. There are millions and millions and millions and hundreds of millions of videos on YouTube. And there’s millions of videos uploaded new every single day. So, if I open up my YouTube screen and I’ve only got a dozen or a couple of dozen videos just right there in front of me, how does YouTube know? Well, it knows by a few factors. It knows because I’ve subscribed to different channels. And if there’s subscribed channels I regularly watch and that channel has uploaded a new episode, likely, I’ll click on that, right? So, it’ll know to put one there. It’ll also show me videos that are similar to other videos that I’ve watched. So, if I really like gardening videos and there’s a gardening video that’s done really well on YouTube, YouTube might suggest that to me. Because I might like it. It’s a popular video. And I might not like it. So, the algorithm is a really good thing. I mean YouTube’s algorithm is so good. It’s actually like tons and tons of formulas. Tons of little algorithms that all make up the algorithm. And they’re modifying it, they’re adding rules, new programs, new artificial intelligence features that make it smarter and smarter. And will provide better and better recommendations for us. So, if we want to have a good YouTube experience, we are grateful for the YouTube algorithm.  So, what’s this talk about beating it?  Why would we want to beat it? I mean as a viewer, we certainly would not want to beat the algorithm. We want the algorithm to work, we want the algorithm to succeed. We don’t want things to slip through because of things slip through the algorithm. And they’re in front of us that… Why is this here? You know, something inappropriate showed up for me or showed up for my kids or something like that. We would be really, really mad at YouTube, right? So, there’s a lot of malicious or bad stuff out there that would love to be able to beat the YouTube algorithm and just get it out there in front of everybody. Or think about it from a business promotional point of view. If you could somehow beat the algorithm and get things to show up in front of people that they’re really not interested in and they’re really don’t want to watch. This conversation of beating the algorithm comes from search engine optimization. When… I used to have an SEO service. Search Engine Optimization service for websites. And it really worked. We would take a website and we do link building and article marketing and social media post and have them all link back to this website. It’s kind of like we create link wills and do all types of stuff to make this website look more important and to look more relevant for specific phrases, okay?  And essentially that’s trying to beat the Google algorithm. Trying to get Google to believe that this is the most important website on that Topic.  Is that beating algorithm? Is that helping the algorithm out? I don’t know the answer to that. But it doesn’t really work as much as it used to. I don’t know for SEO anymore because in order to get the same results. Back at the time, I was thinking, “I’m going to have quadruple my budget to be able to get the same results that I have been.”  And I was getting way better results on YouTube. My whole business changed because I now know how to partner with the YouTube algorithm. You see, YouTube has a partner program. it really is a partner program. It’s such a good name for the program where you can get paid money from people’s advertising money. So, if you have a video and their ads show up before your YouTube video, you’ll get paid 55% of what advertisers paid to YouTube. That’s pretty cool. I think that the partner program provides another HUGE, huge, huge benefit. More than just getting paid ad revenue. I mean, I do… Don’t get me wrong.  I love the ad revenue that I receive. I get between 10 and 14 thousand dollars per month from YouTube ad revenue across all my different channels. But I make way more money in other areas.  I have a business. And my clients have businesses. My biggest channel with my client, Kris, that channel brings in $600,000 per month from sales. So, people watch YouTube videos. At the end of the YouTube video, he says,  “Hey, if you like this video, you should get my free book.” And they click on the link to go get his free book. Now there are leaders in his sales funnel and he sells them things. And last month, he brought in $600,000.  It was only… It was just below 5 figures in ad revenue that month.  So, why am I talking about this? Well, it’s because the reason that we’ve gotten such great results and make that much revenue and that much sales and generate that much traffic is that we’ve learned how to partner with the YouTube algorithm. Not trick it or not beat it. So, let me give you the specifics of what we did and how we partnered with YouTube. We look back at the history of our channel. And we found a video that was one of our top-performing videos. And we thought, “You know what? This is a good video, but we can do better. We can do a video with the same title. We can create a better thumbnail. We can create better content that just even better. It’ll have the same stories and stuff but we’ll just put more heart, more strategy into the video.” Instead of just filming it for about 6 minutes, we actually… We made a longer video but we put more strategy into it as well.  We did it walking around than holding in place. Long story short, we picked a video that we knew that YouTube liked. And we’ve made another one and we made it better. And YouTube liked that one as well. And just started promoting it through the roof. Yes, we got a lot of ad revenue from that. But wow, our channel grew from 83,000 subscribers to 160,000 subscribers in 5 weeks. It doubles our channel size. And that specific month, we had like, I think $18,000 in ad revenue. So, I’m not complaining about the ad revenue. But that’s what really started… But that’s what really launched this channel into a traffic generating machine to our websites. And from then on, we’ve been making over 6 figures a month in sales. So, I know that you want to know how to beat the YouTube algorithm. The challenge is even if you do figure but a way to beat it, YouTube’s going to close up that loophole in your videos or just going to tank. So, over the years, I’ve had a lot of friends in the YouTube world that will complain every time that there’s algorithm change. They’ll say, “Oh, look at this. My views just drop off.” They’ll show graphs and whatnot. And they’ll show this and then it will just drop off. And somebody else will say, “Yeah, look at mine too.” They’ll show their screenshot and it will drop off. I go and look at my stats. Mine is just going along like this. No drops at all. And why is that? Because there was no loopholes that I’m exploiting to try and cheat the system. Or try to get my videos in front of people who otherwise wouldn’t want to watch them. I’m trying to really create valuable content that appeals to people that they do really want to watch. I’m doing keyword research to target people who are asking questions that I’m making videos that answer those questions. What makes sense. And I find videos that I know that YouTube likes. And I made videos like that to partner with YouTube. So that YouTube will promote it to promote me and my companies. And will help my channel grow. Doesn’t that just feel better? Doesn’t it feel better to partner with YouTube? And know that you’re not going to get dips when there’s an algorithm change? I mean, I hope that YouTube continues to make more and more and more algorithm changes. It just means that it’s making YouTube better and better and better. Imagine if the algorithm stayed the same as it is today 5 years from now. Imagine. I mean, that would mean that YouTube is dying and we wouldn’t have YouTube anymore. So we hope that there’s tons more changes and it’s going to get better and better and better. And if you follow a good keyword research strategy and you try to align yourself and partner with YouTube, you will succeed.  In me and my videos, I talk about my keyword research strategy. In fact, I got a video right here that you’ll probably enjoy. It’s my tree analogy. It will make this whole process was simple. So check out that video. I’ve also created a keyword research guide. You can opt-in to get this for free. So, if you text Hero1 to this number 415-528-7403 then you’ll get access to that keyword research guide that I provide for free. So, step by step exactly how I do keyword research to get ranked on Google on day one. So, I don’t have to beat the algorithm. I can just do the keyword research. This video will tell you all about it. This keyword research guide will tell you all about it how to do that. And I continually post videos like this to help you get great results on YouTube.  So make sure you’re a subscriber. If you like to get daily alerts when I uploaded a new video, then click the bell that appears right next to the subscribe button and I will see you tomorrow.

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