
How Do You Earn The Right To Be Heard

By October 25, 2019 No Comments

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Influence is a huge part of life and success and in order for you to gain influence, you have to earn the right to be heard. Valerie Morris is the author of the book We’re All Ears and she’s joining Nate Woodbury in this podcast as they talk about what any marketing professional needs to know when it comes to earning people’s attention.

So, on this channel we talk a lot about influence. And do you have to do something to earn the right to influence others? And how do you earn that right? How do you earn the right to be heard? For a topic on influencer, of course, I’ve invited Valerie back. Thanks for being here. -Thanks so much guys. -So, it’s Valerie Morris. She wrote this book. Amazing book. Find about amazon. We’re all ears. All about influence. So, how do you earn that right to be heard? -Oh, gosh. So earning the rights we heard I feel like is one of those concepts that every marketing professional needs to know. Really anyone in a friendship needs to know. We all earn the right to be heard by the people in our lives. And for brands, it’s super important to be thinking that through because you’re wanting to earn people’s attention. And it’s a busy world out there. People are going in a million directions. And so, once you’ve earned  that right, then you actually have a chance at your message  getting through. Until then, people don’t care. There’s so many other voices out there. Why would they listen to you? So, we really have to  take that time to earn it and that does mean work, right? You can’t just get it right, right away. It’s it’s something that you really have to work for. -So, are there different steps or is there… We do we begin? -Honestly, when it comes to earning the right to be heard, I think the biggest piece is listening is one of the first things you need to do. And for marketing, that’s super important. Because you need to take the time to investigate what your audience actually really wants, right? You need to know that before they’re ever going to want to pay attention to anything… -Real quick, because if we’re talking about YouTube… -Yeah. -…how do we listen on YouTube? Because I’m… We’re talking all day long. So how do we listen? -So, I think you go back to analytics, right? You got a look and see what’s performed well in the past for your own content but you also need to take some research with keywords and different things like that to get a pulse for what’s going on in my industry. I don’t know, do you have any other tips? -Well, you mentioned keywords. So we talked a lot about keyword research. That’s obviously just finding the questions that people are asking. -Sure. -Okay, another thing that that comes to my mind is the comments. So, if people do respond, they’ll comment and we need to respond to those comments. If I work to comment on somebody else’s video and somebody replies them and that shows  be right there that they’re listening to me. -Yes. Yeah. And sometimes you can pay attention to some of those things in statistics and reports and taking a look at the data. But sometimes a lot of it comes down to gut. You know, you pay attention to is there a specific question or specific comments that keep popping up. That’s going to give you a really good indication of I hate our audience really has questions around this one topic. And if you can speak into those questions or speak into that need, you are slowly earning that right to be heard in the future. If someone feels like they’ve connected with you or your brand on just a little bit of a level, they’re going to pay attention a little bit more the next time. And a little bit more the next time. And it’s not something that happens overnight. Sometimes it does. Sometimes if you are meeting a specific need that someone is searching for, they’re going to want to relate right away. You’ve earned that right simply  because you’re speaking into that need. But most of the time, people are looking for a track record. They’re looking for that consistent interaction or someone who’s showing up time and time again and meeting their needs. And answering their questions and helping them out. So, if you can do that, you’re going to earn that right over time because you’re showing… You’re going to show up in the future, you’re consistent, they can trust you and you are helping them by providing some sort of value to them. You’re answering questions, you’re helping them out. You’re helping them solve problems in their life. Whether it’s a tangible… You know, how-do-I do-this kind of problem or it’s an emotional problem. The more you can speak into that need, the better things will be for the future. And once you’ve earned that right, you really have that long loyalty. It’s really hard to break that trust once you’ve built that up. -So, the last point that you talked about there’s is the point that at least I help my clients with the most and that’s giving the value, showing your expertise. -Sure. -Sometimes influencers will hesitate to share their best secrets in their free content. -Yes. -And I always recommend that “No, give away your gold. You share all your secrets.” You give away your gold that you share all your secrets even on on YouTube because that’s… People really value that. That’s where people are going to follow you and they’re going to want to buy from you. The strange thing is when I share step by step, this is how you go from A to Z and I give that away for free on YouTube, people will value it. They’ll say, “Wow, that’s… That’s amazing. I like this guy.” But they don’t implement it. Most of the time, they don’t implement it yet. When they’re ready to implement it, then they call me up or they call whoever up and say, “I’m ready to buy your program so I can implement this. I can do what you teach.” -Yes. -Pretty amazing. -It is really interesting. I think that gets into a whole different topic. But you know, you’ve definitely built up the… You’ve shown people that you know your stuff. And therefore, if I’m going to pull up my credit card, I can trust that the quality that I’m gonna get from Nate is good because I’ve seen it time and time again in his free content. So, you’ve definitely earned that. And I think that speaks to you. That’s a lot of work, right? –To make that many videos, provide value of time and time again that people on a free level. But that, it’s very similar to us showing up to a job. Time after time, day after day to get that paycheck. It’s the same thing. You have to work at it. -And when we’re talking more than just a marketing campaign. We’re talking about building real influence. -Yes. -So, in a marketing campaign, you’ll put all your energy into one ad or one commercial or or one sequence. And yet, here, we’re talking about building real influence. And… And so to build that up, it takes time. It takes momentum and it takes real value. -Yes. -We have to give. -It does. Yeah. And I think it’s one of those things that speaks into. When you are building something that is bigger than yourself bigger, than your brand, earning the right to be heard is worth every penny, every hour, every moment you spend on it. Because you are really believing. If you really believe in what you’re doing, earning the right to be heard is worth every, every ounce of energy you put into it. -So, that’s why we do year-long campaigns to build a tribe on YouTube. It’s really  worth it. -It is. -So, a question that I have for you is can you think of other things to do to gain influence or earn that right influence? Go ahead and comment below. And I definitely recommend you check out Valerie’s book. Go find it on Amazon. Be sure to subscribe. We’ll see you tomorrow.

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