
How To Promote Content

By October 26, 2019 No Comments

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Valerie Morris, author and expert on influence, is joining Nate Woodbury in this episode as they take on the topic of content promotion. She talks about how consistency plays a big role when one is creating content and a few great strategies that you can use when you’re creating content. Stay tuned to find out more.


Welcome back. Today, we’re talking about content promotion. How do you promote your content? Now, Valerie and I actually haven’t chatted about this topic prior. And so, I’m going to go right in because I’m real excited to see what your take is from a position of influence. How do you promote content? -Well, that’s like the golden question, right? That’s such a loaded question. There’s so much that goes into promoting content. The reality is that promoting your content has to happen on a consistent basis. Regardless of what type of content it is. If you are creating any sort of content to help position you or your brand as an authority, you have to be consistent. And that’s honestly the hardest thing for people to do. I mean… -As the promotion, though? Because if you’ resaying how do you promote your content, just create more of it? -Whether you’re creating one video and multi-purposing it into 20 pieces of content or you’re creating 20 videos. Consistency is the best thing. If you can show up time and time again, you can really do really well.One of the things I love to do is to multi-purpose my content and to repurpose it into multiple different ways. So we’re recording this video here today. And really I think video can be a great starting point for people when they’re creating content. Because you can record the video. You can splice out the audio for audio channels like podcasts.You can splice the video into smaller videos that you can put on different social media platforms where attention spans are different. But it all starts at the video. But I’m curious though likefrom a YouTube perspective is that a good thing to have the original video in one spot and then take that content and put it in other places? -So, that’ sa very good question. And the strategy that you’re talking about, it’s becoming more and more popular. And it and it makes sense from an efficiency point of view/Because yeah, if you’re… The video can be the most complex. And so if we’re going to get all the lighting right. Get the audio and the video and then you talk about let’s take the audio from and use it as a podcast. Or let’s put it on LinkedIn or Instagram. The one thing that I want to caution people against is to not become creators of spam. -Exactly. -And that happens so often. That’s what I see the most when people implement this strategy. And a lot of people that teach this strategy, they haven’t become big on any one platform. So well. what you’re talking about is actually a very. very sound strategy. There’s a tweak that is required in order to be successful. So, these videos that we’re making for YouTube, we did the keyword research first. We picked the titles we we’re filming a specific link the video. We’re starting them in ending them a specific way. And it’s because I know the strategy on YouTube and I know how to get results on YouTube. There’s the exact same thing. Let’s talk about LinkedIn. LinkedIn requires so many different things. You can’t go above 10 minutes. And in fact, it’s more than just videos on LinkedIn. You need written content. -Yes. -You need to go in and… -There’s so much more right, like? It’s not just, “Hey, I’m going to make this one video and slap it in 5 other places.” it’s being strategic. right? Is that what you’re saying? -Totally. Like if with YouTube, I know how to get results. And if we’re going to go on LinkedIn, why don’t you learn… Okay, what does it take to actually win on LinkedIn regardless of what I’m doing on YouTube? And then if my YouTube videos can fit into that strategy. then absolutely. -Yes/ -And I’m experimenting with podcasts. I’m taking the audios from a lot of the episodes where I’m not. you know. showing my laptop or showing visuals. -Sure. -And what we’re going to see how it works. I’m thinking it’s going to work pretty well. But the thing that I am concerned about is podcasts are typically longer. If they might go 30 minutes to an hour-long. Whereas my episodes on YouTube are 10 11 12 minutes. -Right. -And we’ll see how these do. And it might not work. But you know, it’s worth experimenting but at the same time, it’s better to focus on one platform if the other ones are just going to be outlets for spam -Mmm-hmm. So, a lot of individuals entrepreneurs or businesses that are wanting to promote their content. Sometimes their information is not very exciting. I work with pretty exciting people. -Sure. But there’s a lot of people that come to me and I just like, “That sounds so boring.” So, how did they create content and actually be able to promote their services without it like being so drained? It actually creating something that people want to watch. -Yeah. So, I think one of the biggest things is it’s great when people like that bring a third party into the conversation. Because a lot of times people are so intimately and close to their subject matter. For example, I’ve worked with financial advisors who just they love numbers. And they just swim in them and love them all day long. But not everyone out there loves numbers just as much as they do. So, it’s really important to bring someone in who can almost act as a translator to help translate the kind of geek-speak of whatever your niche topic is down into something that people are going to find interesting on social media or just anyone outside of that industry is going to find interesting. And then, it’s a matter of educating. You know, you can be goofy and silly and you can do the ice bucket challenge types of things to be goofy and have that has nothing to do with your industry. When we’re creating content for businesses that aren’t necessarily, you know, little girls hair bows and cute puppies and kittens. They’re a little bit more serious and professional services or just traditional types of businesses that other people don’t always relate with. It’s really important to know that education is one of the best things you can do when you’re creating content. When you’re educating people first, you have the ability to get at certain point pain points, you’re able to solve specific problems. You’re able to actually meet a need. And when you can answer specific questions for people, you really build that trust and you’re able to then hook them in because they want to then see what your next video or your next blog post is able to provide them. And so, education is one way where you can really get at your audience, get them engaged and get them involved with the content and your social media platform without necessarily going too deep into the weeds. And just remember that you might be the expert in something but most people in the world don’t know anything about what you are an expert in. So, you can really dial it back to the very basics in a lot of circumstances where you can really educate in a lot of big ways without going into all the geek-speak and all the lingo. You can really go deep with people. -Well, that part of Education is actually the key to my strategy. I mean, I work with influencers. They have expertise and just by by teaching, sharing your expertise. That becomes your marketing tool. So you don’t really have to do a lot of promotion. A lot of people ask me, “Okay. If I create these how-to videos or educational videos then how can I promote them?” And the real answer is there’s things you could do but you don’t really need to. So, in filming this. I’ve actually done multiple takes to travel how to say this the right way. The reason that I don’t actually pay to pro my content is because YouTube has that search engine. And then YouTube does the promotion for me. All I have to do is create content that will perform well. And that’s understanding the YouTube algorithm. Maybe the quickest way to say that. But if I understand what YouTube is looking for and I create that content. Just how to educational content, YouTube promotes it for me. And so, my biggest videos got 5 million views. And its how-to video. -Right. -It’s not viral. We don’t have any cute kittens or puppies in that video. We created an educational how-to blank. And if videos got 5 million views because YouTube liked it and started promoting. And we did it, was created that one intentionally. I didn’t expect to get that really that many millions of views. But I did hope that it would get thousands and thousands of views. And that’s the great advantage of YouTube is you can create these videos and then set it and forget it really and YouTube will promote that content for you. -Well, I think it’s the same to on any other social media platform. It’s understanding what does the platform want and look for. And if you can create content around that kind of mindset, that content will perform naturally a good way. A lot of times people are really fighting against the platform and just the trends on there… -And then the algorithm changes. -And changes. Yeah. And you know, it’s funny because when you take a look at what search engines and social media platforms tend to make changes about, it always seems to be about what real people want from the platform. And so, if you can really just pick people’s brains and pay attention to how people are actually using the platform. You can get some really good clues as to what’s going to perform well regardless of what channel you’re looking at. Okay, so we started out this video saying, “How do you promote your content?” And really the answers are just consistent you’re providing real good value, focus on what people want. Answer their questions, give value. Focus on not trying to trick the algorithm but just partnering with what algorithms what people want and they will promote it for you. -It is pretty cool. It’s a novel concept, right? Real people from providing real value to other real people. -You stick with it and it’ll work. So, be sure to subscribe. If you watch the video this far, you obviously really enjoyed it. Check out Valerie’s book all about influence. You find it on Amazon. Valerie Morris, “We’re All Ears” We’ll see you tomorrow.

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