
How To Become An Expert

By October 29, 2019 No Comments

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This podcast frequently features experts at their own craft, but what if you aren’t yet? Are you interested in becoming an expert yourself? Listen to Valerie Morris and Nate as they tackle four keys in building and expertise.


Welcome back. Of course we’re talking about influence. And we’ve got Valerie Morris here with me. But a lot of times I talk about coaches, speakers, authors, mentors. They have expertise already and so I teach these people how they can use that to build an influence. That’s so important. But how do we go that step before that? How do we build an expertise? That’s what we’re gonna be talking about. Okay, I’m excited to jump in this. But know you’ve got 4 keys of building and expertise. What would you say is that first key? -So, the first key is to go get the education. Now, sometimes that means going to a traditional education kind of setting where you’re going and getting a degree, you’re getting a certification. You’re going through a formal program. And for some industries, this is really vital. For example, I’ve got a friend who has a whole program around passing the medical boards. And he is a certified doctor like he has all the education. He could go be in a practice day after day. Instead, he just runs this program. But if he did not have his degree he would not have the qualifications where other prospective doctors would want to trust him. So, sometimes the education is key. Sometimes the education might be an apprenticeship or going and getting some sort of informal class and there’s so many online programs for different things. Especially if you’re in an emerging industry. When I started doing social media marketing, it wasn’t something you studied in college. There was no degree around social media. It wasn’t even really a thing. So for me, I’ve had to use other certifications and programs that have been developed over time. So sometimes, your education is actually from your experience which kind of leads me to point number 2 which is experience can be a huge way that you become an expert. So, I’m curious though, how did you become an expert in YouTube and keywords? -Yeah. I got my education in human biology. -Okay. -So, I learned a lot of general things and then very because things in the medical world and I’m glad I’m not in that space. -A little different than YouTube. -Very different. So, mine has definitely been through trial and error through experimentation and and through just having experience. And I’m able to educate people now so specifically on YouTube because I’ve got a lot of experience and I’ve built up a big track record and I have that credibility from the track record. I don’t have credibility from a degree or certification for YouTube. It’s certainly that, I don’t even know if those degrees exist today, a YouTube degree and people like that. But I have I have a track record that shows that when you do these, things you get these results and so now I can teach. -So, you know that actually sounds a lot like an experiment that you might have learned how to do when you got your degree. -Sure. -I found that the education you get regardless of what degree it is often has applications. If you switch completely to new path. -Okay, I can say an amen to that because my degree was all about science. -Yeah. -And I learned the scientific method like so clearly that I don’t even know what the technical steps are for a write it out. But I think in the scientific method. -Yes. -If I’m doing something on YouTube and I see a result. And like, “Well, that’s not statistically significant.” You know, I’m just like… Yeah… -You’re in the processes and the experimentation and what’s working what’s not. -I guess there is some value to my degree. -You know, I found value in my degree and it has nothing to do with social media. So, you know, I think when you take a look at what does education offer me that is beyond just the specific industry, there’s so many different skill sets that you get from education. So not knocking education, but if you switch your path or you do something different, it’s okay. So, education, experience and then I always encourage people to ask questions. This is exactly what we’re doing here today is just asking questions from someone else who’s an expert in something where we may not be that expert. And so, you know, I’m always asking you my YouTube questions because I don’t live in YouTube all day every day like you do. You can provide me valuable information that I just can’t get anywhere else. I can’t find it in articles. It’s only from other people who are experts. -Well and I gained my knowledge about different things about YouTube by having those same questions myself. And whether I’m going to YouTube or Google to ask it or asking other colleagues of mine that have tried things before. -Yeah. I like that. -Yeah. Now, step number 4 or the fourth key to success for becoming an expert, in my opinion, is simply to have the mindset of being endlessly curious. So, if you can develop this mindset of I want to learn as much as I can about a specific topic, the reality is you can find that information. With the internet today, with social media, with experts making YouTube videos on the topics. You can find out the answer to just about anything that you want by doing the research. And if you have that mindset and that attitude towards really being curious and wanting to find the answer, I guarantee you you will find the answer. And if you do enough research on something, odds are you’re going to be seen as that expert. Now, I’ll add in a bonus tip. And that’s simply to talk about what you’re interested in. Talk about what you’re interested in because the more you share about a specific topic whether it’s just something you found that’s interesting or something you learned or sharing something you created that explains that topic, people are subconsciously going to learn that you are the go-to person on that topic. So, go ahead and just talk about it. That’s how I got my first clients when I started my business. I was simply talking about social media and marketing and they subconsciously learned over time that Valerie is someone that they could go to to have help. -That really is the magic. Because you may not see yourself as an expert but you can answer other people’s questions. -Yes. -And so if you just find what those questions are… I’m going to share another resource. There’s a website it’s a Q&A website called Quora. -Yes. -So, all you have to do is is create a little profile on Quora. It’s free. And you can put in some things, “Well I know how to do this. I know how to fly-fish. Or have this other hobby. This my profession.” Quora will send you questions that people are asking. Or you can search for different topics and see what questions people are asking. And all I have to do is just you write there on Quora or you can film a YouTube video to answer that question. And here’s the interesting thing. People around the world that are asking that question, they now see you as an expert. -Yes. -They see you as an expert. Into your fourth key of being endlessly curious, it’s also helpful to continue to be evolved and be and be flexible. So, it might be surprising to you that I admit that YouTube might not be the number one platform for me to recommend in the future. Right now YouTube is awesome. But I’m stepping into the podcast space and I’m really taking another look at LinkedIn. I used to be real heavy on LinkedIn years ago. Used to get all my clients there haven’t really used it that actively for years. But I’m stepping back into LinkedIn. And I still love YouTube the best. But 10 years from now… -it should be different. -Yeah. So, it’s important like is to be an expert. Imagine if something else replaces YouTube. But yet, “You know what? I’m the YouTube guy. That I’m going to stick with YouTube.” -Well all industries tend to have continuing education. And often it’s a more formal process. So, when you’re in something that’s like an emerging industry like YouTube, it’s important to stay on what are the latest trends. See how you have almost your own continuing education program that you devote to and commit to so that you can stay on the latest. -So, now you have permission to be an expert. You are an expert to start answering people’s questions. If you found value in this video, be sure to subscribe. What’s all the way here so you must like it. And check out Valerie’s book. All about influence. We’ll find it on Amazon. I’ll put a link to it below.


We’re All Ears by Valerie Morris –

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