
How To Use Social Media To Influence

By November 1, 2019 No Comments

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Almost everyone has a social media account, making it a good platform to have your message heard. Listen in on today’s episode to know how you can use social media to influence others.


How do you use social media to influence I mean not just get yourself out there not to share a message but to really have an impact and influence the world that’s we’re going to talk about today I’ve asked Valerie Morris back for another amazing episode on influence and I really want to pick your brain cuz I’ve got lots of opinions especially about YouTube but how how do you use social media to actually influence people okay so the first thing that I always encourage people to think through is that first word in that that joint word or that joint phrase social media starts with the words social so we always need to remember in the back of our minds that we are truly social beings and we’re interacting with other real people so when we’re thinking about influencing people it’s not that we’re blasting them with our agenda it’s that we’re truly wanting to build a relationship with them and I think if we get that first we can really be successful in the future because if you bring the human the humanity into things it’s going to solve so many problems that people have when it comes to trying to make a difference and influencing people with social media so should a person be on multiple platforms so they start on one and then what’s your recommendation of somebody that you know what I want to have more of a voice I think the biggest piece of advice I can give people is to really start with what they know they can handle and so if that means just one platform great if that means five platforms more power to yeah you’ll be living your life on social media if that’s the case I usually recommend around two maybe three that they’re really putting a lot of emphasis on and I like that because you can build a good audience there but you also then have other platforms where you can cross promote and be able to mention the fact that you’ve got these other platforms and so you can attract people from other platforms to go follow your YouTube channel you can let them know that they have it a friend of mine gave me this analogy of he was out fishing and they were at a youth camp when it was off hours and had all the fishing poles to themselves there were no other kids that were competing to use these fishing poles and so they each grabbed a couple poles and kind of set them up and they all had the bait in the water and he was like why would I only fish with one pole when I can fish and put bobbers in with four or five poles and we have a higher chance of catching a fish and it’s the same thing with social media you know whether you’re bobbers our traditional marketing strategies or you’re using multiple social media channels the reality is if you have the ability to kind of fish in multiple ponds and put multiple bobbers out you have a higher chance so why would you just put all of your eggs on you know in the basket of billboard marketing when you could be promoting on social media as well and reaching people in a completely new way it just makes sense to use multiple channels to get your message out there so I have an idea to continue your analogy okay so let’s say you’ve got five different fishing poles yeah maybe you could try it first to try five different types of bait or lure maybe five different depths or something but then which one bites right which one gets you the first biter which one brings in the biggest fish then you kind of can hone in like you know what this channel of social media really works yes or this strategy or this type of content because I really like that approach it’s like you don’t know it’s always good to test things and to try things to try multiple different things but then you can’t really be strategic it’s not that if well I’ve got to keep fishing five different polls week for the sake of doing many exactly might as well do every one of them the most efficient way that’s my spread I love it no I think I think it’s great I mean you always want to be testing whenever you’re doing anything on social media really anything marketing wise you want to be testing but digital marketing now provides us some great opportunities to actually see what’s working and what’s not and if it is working why it’s working you can get so many clues just from the statistics and the data but you want to be paying attention to all of those different pieces and elements so that you do know hey this is the best bait and oh yeah this is the right pond to be fishing in with this bait it gives you clues as to what’s gonna work in the future and with digital marketing today you really need to be paying attention to those things so whether you have one fishing pole out or two fishing poles or ten you want to make sure that you’re paying attention to what’s working and what’s not so you can make smarter decisions in the future right isn’t that the point we’re all wanting to work a little bit more efficiently and a little bit more smart in the future so really talking about influence and and making a difference you mentioned trust yes how do you build trust through social media okay so no trust you know we’ve got some big key holder or key stakeholders in our world today like Bernie Brown who are really encouraging us to get vulnerable and I’ve been seeing more and more people talking about how can we just show our real lives here on social media like can we just be real your house is not this Instagram magazine worthy you know photo shoot where the setting all day long the realities you probably have a pile of dirty laundry or clean laundry that needs to be folded probably have dishes in your sink you probably have you know fights that you’ve had with your family in the last week the reality is our lives are not perfect but the more humanity we can show to people the better off we will be because when people realize that there’s a real person behind a brand and that that person has real struggles that they’re not perfect it allows other people to open up and be more real in return and they’re going to trust you a little bit more if they know that maybe you’ve suffered the loss of a parent or a grandparent and you’re dealing with that right now they’re gonna connect emotionally with that and it’s more likely to be gravitating towards you and your content than someone else who is putting on this perfect persona of hey my life is great all the time and only perfect people are allowed to interact with me we send those subconscious signals whether we realize it or not and the more we can open up and be vulnerable the more we’re going to attract people who really are just like us so I have a story that I can share about my onyx and that illustrates this point and it also does opened me up to vulnerability because I’m gonna showcase a mistake that I made and the results I got from it yep and then I’ll show a case how I changed and the results I’m getting from it so I’ve been a part of the National Speakers Association for about six years my local chapter here is amazing and back when I first joined the group I thought ah a whole bunch of prospective clients and customers and and I went with that attitude and little did I know and I’m so glad that I’ve I’ve joined that group and in particular because they’re such a giving group everyone there is really there to serve each other I mean they’re making most of them are multiple six figures lots of them even seven figures and yet they’re they’re just serving giving away their their advice for free and yet I showed up there hey you guys all need to buy from me no one else showed up like that with me sure and you know what I got some customers out of it I did get some customers out of the group but I also I didn’t become a part of the group I wasn’t family like they’ll consider this tribe this group family and yet I totally felt like an outsider and I recognized it early on but they didn’t have the right mindset so a year later you know what I’m gonna give this group a website for free and back then I had a web design company designed a website for the group you know what I did it because I’m one that I wanted them to say hey look what Nate did he’s awesome we should buy websites from him and it’s taken me a while I’ll just be upfront that it took me a while to really understand the value of showing up to serve and is showing up to give without wanting anything return of course I want something but in the last year I’ve shown up to other groups where I’ve really just loved being a part of the group I love showing up in a community and I’ve given without expecting anything in return and I’ll share one thing specific a friend of mine Michelle needed help writing scripts for some videos and I said sometime I just took took like six hours and I just helped her go through and read all the scribbs it’s a painful process yeah it was enjoyable in the sense that I got to help her but it’s not something that I typically enjoy doing I didn’t expect anything out of it yeah well a few days later we were both at the same conference and she was dropping my name everyone about this about being a YouTube expert and I just I was so grateful that I showed up and served not expecting anything returning yet I just like I love I love being loved I love being loved my point into going into all that story is I found both with showing up to serve and then being vulnerable then I want to share my mistakes I’ve built some really close relationships I’m really good that you mentioned Burnie Brown yeah I’ve strengthened the relationship with my wife with my friends I built closer relationships than I thought were possible with with business associates in contact simply because I’m not afraid to show my mistakes I mean we’re filming in a studio here this is an Airbnb that we use as our studio and we make it look nice but the reality is that you know we’re not polished and perfect everywhere we do have mistakes and flaws and so I appreciate you bring those parts up so you really do think that that’s important for making an impact I think it’s essential for building an impact I mean if you’re not willing to go deep with people and be real how are you gonna expect them to be real in return and if you’re not out there building real relationships what’s the point it’s a pretty sad existence and so I don’t know I personally would rather have a bunch of real friends than a bunch of fake colleagues when you think about just it kind of in summary of this topic you think about celebrity endorsements of the past and they still exist yes but we’re into a big transition now of real influencers I mean take somebody like Will Smith Will Smith’s a big celebrity but he’s been creating a personal brand now he’s got his own YouTube channel and he’s doing so many things right compare that to I don’t know I don’t want to pick on another celebrity but just on another celebrity that’s never on social media it doesn’t actually connect if they heard a like promote a product or something and say hey youshould go do this activity or it’s like okay you know but but Will Smith,Will Smith talks about it you know that makes sense. Oh totally I mean think about a reality TV has become this huge thing in the last few decades nowadays you get reality TV every moment on social media and so if someone’s willing to embrace that and go with hey people are wanting to see the real part of your life you can really build a great audience and therefore it you have the ability to influence. Hopefully, you enjoyed this video. I’ve got two things I want to recommend first is Valerie’s book on Amazon We’re All Ears and then the other thing is if you really want to make a big impact on YouTube you’ve got to do keyword research I talked about that in other videos but I have a resource I want to give you for free it’s my keyword research guide so go ahead and click on the link below you’ll get that for free and that will really help you build your influence on YouTube.

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