
How To Film 20 Episodes In A Day

By November 5, 2019 No Comments

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How do you avoid burnout while filming 20 episodes daily? Nate Woodbury and Valerie Morris share some of their tricks in today’s episode.


20 episodes in a day kind of sounds crazy so in this video we’re gonna talk about how you do thatand then we’re gonna talk about why you would want to film 20 episodes big reason stick around for this one. So Nate, we have been recording videos all day long today and you did this a lot more than I do so I’m curious how do you avoid burnout when you’re recording so many videos in such a short period of time how do you keep your energy up and avoid burning out the biggest thing because we are doing 20 episodes in a day that’s that’s actually a key to avoiding burnout because then you don’t have to you know film any videos for four weeks I think we’re the main reason we’re doing such high quantity of filming in one day is because we post so frequently to YouTube so I called daily five or more episodes a week and for influencers that have businesses to run how do you film videos every single day it’s just it can’t they can’t work and so very quickly the clients that I started working with and recognizing Wow if we really want to get the results that we want to we have to do daily episodes and I had to figure out a way how to do that so at first we started filming twelve episodes in a day and then when when we increased to posting you know five a week it’s like you know what we’ve got to film twenty or more episodes in a day so we’re only filming once a month and that that really is the biggest key to burnout I started noticing other channels as well that I’m like they must be doing more than because they’re to have such great consistency and to not get burnout all the youtubers that I know that do daily content yeah and film every single day they had that terrible burnout meaning okay one of the biggest youtubers I know his name’s Grant Thompson his channel is the king of random I recommend checking out the channel if you want it’s it’s really entertaining he blows up stuff do experiments with liquid nitrogen okay two years ago in August he decided to quit okay now this is a channel that was paying him a few hundred thousand dollars a month and he decided to quit because he didn’t have a life he wasn’t spending time with his wife he wasn’t spending time as a dad he was a slave to his YouTube channel and now that’s the that’s the prime example of YouTube burnout and so he quit he did he but then the next day he was just kind of in frustration he pulled out his phone and he just decided to make a quick one-minute video it’s like I get a lot of comments from you about this liquid nitrogen and how dangerous it is and what if you get a drop of that on your face so I’m going to show you that if I get liquid nitrogen on my face I’ll be just fine watch this and he threw a cup of liquid nitrogen on his face it bounced off and he was totally fine he hit stop he did post that video to his YouTube channel and it got millions of views so he realized that you know what I don’t have to put all this time he put like dozens of hours into every video like pre-production prototyping testing things and whatnot and then he realized he could take one minute and still get millions of views so he found ways to systematize this process he’s actually not in his episodes anymore he hired other people his channels kind of like you know Mythbusters meets MacGyver and so he hired other people to do the experiments and and whatnot and he simplified the process of filming instead of filming all week long for one episode now they can fill multiple episodes in a day and he’s got a system and he even he moved to well I don’t know if I’m supposed to say so he moved and his team had his old houses his filming studio where his team does everything for him not so the moral of that story is that burnout does happen especially when you film daily content and you’ve gotta systematize it so that’s why we’re talking about filling 20 episodes in a day that’s not just a made-up number this is our 20th episode it is our 20th so we made it Valerie’s been here we’re actually filming 40 episodes total 20 today 20 tomorrow 20 episodes about my expertise about YouTube and 20 episodes about you and your expertise. Valerie wrote the book on influence check this book out we’re all ears it’s on Amazon so I gotta ask you for your first time ever filming 20 episodes what was it like was it was it just a breeze? You know honestly I’m used to this concept of kind of batching work but not to this extent and not with this much equipment and so you know it’s it’s definitely been an experience I’ll be honest my back is a little sore I might need to do some yoga you don’t have to have backrest here yeah you know like just being on for this amount of time I have a feeling that tonight I’m just not gonna want to talk to anyone like I’m just to be done but I do see this as a really efficient way to kind of get a ton of stuff done and then you can really move on to the next process and just went in my work with my clients I’m always working ahead and so I love this concept of having 20 videos that you can roll out however long you need to whether you’re doing it daily or every other day or every week I mean gosh if you were doing a weekly video you could bust out your entire year’s worth of videos in three days if you’re with your plan yep totally so when you start multiplying that by doing it daily this makes perfect sense do you’ve any practical tips for like how do you make it through the day yeah so we’ve talked a lot about keyword research yeah and that’s that that’s the biggest thing that makes this part manageable and easier I mean it’s still a marathon sure right we’re exhausted at the end of the day we’ve been going since morning until now with a break for lunch of course but what we were talking about we knew we’re talking about because we did keyword research now that is such a critical part if you don’t know what I’m talking about then click up here and watch my leaf tree analogy video and I go into detail on exactly what I’m talking about about keyword research once we do keyword research the next step is to kind of prepare our talking points so I’m gonna grab my laptop these are talking points for today okay we’ve done half on because we’re filming the other half tomorrow but these are all about the topics that we found on on YouTube and a little bit about outsourcing and cameras and then to the right of each topic so the best camera for YouTube for that video Valerie wrote down what’s the best smartphone for filming or what’s the best affordable camera at different price points let’s go over to the influencer side right here you know for this one how to become an expert you have four different points you talked about getting an education getting experience asking questions be endlessly curious so the reasons that I show this the reason this is so valuable is if if you’re making these videos on your area of expertise you don’t need to have a script but you do need some memory joggers right that’s all we’ve done here yeah these are just talking points we didn’t memorize or script anything today we just went with it and we had to do any retakes of the entire video no start yeah yeah we’ve had to stop and start work I think I think a little bit more than you have I’m a natural the great thing about about having talking points like this is you obviously don’t sound scripted right you want to sound conversational and then the the miracle of editing is when we mess up or like ah that’s really lame my part my team edits it out so I can just you know what I’m gonna say that better let me go back to that part alright for point number two and you just you just start over yeah but by having that the points plan in advance then when we hit record on the camera we just we know exactly we’re going to talk we’re gonna each videos been an average of ten minutes long some go a little bit longer that’s really the secret is you do the keyword research first so you know the twenty titles and then you go through okay to answer this question these are my talking points you know what I love about this strategy is that that can apply to any content you’re building out you can do all that keyword research up front for any blogs any podcasts even any emails that you’re sending out I mean any of that doing the keyword research first and then framing it out with your talking points gives you that framework to create any type of content so I have a theory that this really does apply to podcasts because I’ve done some testing and my podcast is launching this week and I’m excited about it it’s wealth influence school real excited I did a test where I took a real specific podcast title and I typed it into Google to see does the search engine find specific podcast tiles like this and guess what the number one result was it was that podcast now the thing that I was wondering is there is like one main platform for videos to get found its YouTube right there’s not one main platform for podcasts and so that’s what I was wondering how is it going to be found but it was Google you know if I search for that specific phrase so this is my theory that all these keyword research phrases that I’m doing here for YouTube videos I’m now doing the same thing for podcasts and so each of my episodes in theory should appear on the front of Google because it’s such a specific phrase but where does it link to there’s a lot of different platforms out there yeah the platform I found wasn’t iTunes and it wasn’t Spotify it was some other one that I hadn’t heard of before but it was a high ranking website that took the RSS feed from that podcast and it featured it there with the timing so there’s all these strong web sites out there that are featuring podcasts and so if you use my keyword research strategy that’s my theory and that’s why I’m launching my podcast soon have fun I can’t wait to listen so when you’re recording all of these 20 videos in one day that’s a lot of strain on your voice are there any tips or tricks you do to kind of protect your voice when you’re doing a lot of recording I do get that question asked a lot and I’m thinking of one client in particular that’s like well man a lot of times I lose my voice during the day is there anything any tips that you can have the biggest tip that I can give is to not feel like you’re so you have to speak on stage and raise your voice and talk in a different way than you normally talk because you and I are just having a conversation here and I’m not reading a script I’m not speaking like I need to go loud from the stage and I found that when you just do talk normal you get dry and you need water but that actually it’s actually not as big of an issue as you might think nice so that’s that’s the first one is just to just talk normally and be conversational and part of that is because we’ve got like these nice microphones and everything that’s picking up our sound we don’t have to project to make sure that we’re getting that in the recording yeah a lot of people who are used to speaking on stage or they’re just an uncomfortable in front of a camera that nervousness makes them talk differently and their voice does wear out so part of it you know I know you don’t want to hear this answer but practice here I could just just get used to practice a little bit more and get more comfortable in front of camera the more comfortable you are the more relaxed you are the less of an issue that becomes it’s it’s not so much in my opinion it’s not so much that you have to have the vocal practice or local expertise of how to use your voice the right way to last all day long it’s really just getting comfortable and not being so nervous and talking in a natural conversational voice hmm I like that so we’re at the end of the day you’ve done this many many times people get tired and all that how do you personally keep your energy up when you’re just either at the end of the day or you’re just not feeling it and you know you have to have energy for the camera yeah because that is a valid question if you’re planning if you’re thinking about ahead of time well I’m gonna film 20 episodes how I’m just gonna be so drained and like that that’s a question for you I mean I can say that we got high energy I think we do I think so does it look like we this is our 20th episode you know 10 minute plus episodes is it look like our 20th episode the reason I think that we do so well is we’re talking about topics that we love this isn’t drudgery okay we’re talking about things that we are passionate about that we do talk about quite regularly so while it is 20 episodes and when we when our heads hit the pillow tonight it’s gonna be a good night then right it’s it’s easy to talk about this stuff because it’s stuff that we are passionate about that we we love talking about it if we were if I had to give you training on video editing well I am a good video editor it would just not be a passion project for me to really talk about how to edit for 20 videos maybe that’s a good takeaway for you there is you know pick a topic that you’re gonna enjoy talking about for 20 episodes in the day yeah or beyond that right because you’re telling everyone post daily that’s way more than 20 episodes so you got to make sure that you’re passionate about that time yeah yeah cuz in order for your channel to really get successful we’ve talked about this in another episode you got to do this for a year to really get the results and I really build a seven-figure income and to really have a real big influence yeah pick something that you’re really gonna be able to stick with long term so today specifically we took a long lunch break how long was our lunch break it was like an hour and a half hour and 45 minutes yes we took a good break in the middle any time we need to take a break for snacks or something you do that but by planning in advance we just knew what our schedule was and so it was just manageable in our mind I know that when when clients think that they’re closer to the end and then they realize that oh wow we’re not done yet we still have three more episodes then in their mind it’s like this so it’s just it’s a it’s a mind game yeah and I do have to say like I’ve been behind the camera being behind the camera is is just as exhausting as being in front of the camera it’s hard for me to convey that to my clients I yeah I’m exhausted too all I’ve been doing is sitting there a button and but you have to be mentally alert in the whole time in order to do this yeah well because I have been that the videographer for for so many years and it wasn’t as I say hi Alicia so Alicia’s the one filming today I onlystarted having Alicia getting Alicia’s help just four months ago so prior to that it was even more exhausting because I would I you know I flipped the screen and it would be in selfie mode that is definitely even more exhausting right so comparing filming 20 episodes of myself as the cameraman to today where Alicia is filming Oh night and day difference. Night and day difference. So thank you, Alicia, for your help. Thanks for watching today’s episode. Thank you, Valerie, for being here for all 20 episodes today so so helpful and I talked a lot about keyword research in this video and I’ve created a keyword research guide what this is is it’s a guide that shows you how I do keyword research the tools that you can use and you can get that one for free just click the link below and you’ll have access to that guide. hope you find that helpful we’ll see you tomorrow.

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