
How Do You Discover Your Strengths And Weaknesses

By November 6, 2019 No Comments

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Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is not only as a form of self-reflection but is also helpful in terms of efficiency and helping others. Listen to this episode to know why that is so.


So how do you discover your strengths and weaknesses do you want to discover both? why would you want to do that? that’s we’re gonna answer in this video so let’s start out this episode with why you want to know your weaknesses a lot of times I think society and even in church we’re taught that you need to discover your weaknesses so you can strengthen them into a degree I agree with that but to a degree and disagree I disagree because the more time and in my opinion the more time we spend working on our weaknesses we’re not really building our strengths into great strengths and becoming great at any one thing what are your thoughts on that yeah you know I think the whole point of knowing your weaknesses is really good for self-awareness but it’s also realizing that hey those might be areas where I need to bring someone else onto the team so it might be an opportunity for you to either hire someone who has strengths in those weaknesses or bring someone on board like that can just help you out so if you think through the people in your life it’s really a fun exercise to think through what their strengths and weaknesses are because you’d be surprised at how much other people compliment and fill in those gaps where you’re weak so I think it’s a really important thing to pay attention to and obviously you always want to be a better person right you don’t want to be just oh well those are many weaknesses I’m just gonna ignore those but it doesn’t really lean towards you being your best self when you’re focusing just on your weaknesses and you can’t focus on those things that you really do well at and things that you can really become even better at so yeah I’m in agreement there I think we need to focus on our strengths a whole lot more and then focus on the weaknesses I’m all about improving and growing changing bad habits maybe that’s a weakness but like areas where I look at and I notice you know what this is not an area of strength and this is an area of strength one example is I am NOT a good preschool teacher I’m not good at working with children now I know I could become good because I’m great with my own kids yeah I love spending time with my own kids but when I have opportunities to go and help you know it kids aged three to ten other and other families it’s like you know what I’d rather separate myself and part of me is in the past said maybe I should work on that and other people probably think you know what you should work on that but in my mind it’s like you know what here’s some area where I really have strengths and I focused on that and I really stand out areas that have lots of where I can be really efficient or I can be really organized and really help get results and drive results it’s really stood out and I’m I’m happy that I’ve made those decisions yeah well it can make a huge difference and I think one of the other things too is to think about that when you are helping and allowing someone to use their strengths in your life you are really empowering them to grow and be better themselves so similar example i I’m not good with money but numbers bookkeeping accounting my CPA can tell me until I’m blue in the face all the different lingo for accounting but it’s not my strength so but by hiring an CPA help me out I’m allowing him to tap into his strengths and I can focus on the things that I’m really strong in so I think it’s also realizing that by giving up some of that power for yourself over a certain area of your life you could be really empowering someone else to step into their strengths as you talk about that it really makes a lot of sense and it brings to mind Henry Ford you know we look at him historically as being a really really successful man mm-hmm and if I were to list off what strengths do I know about him I don’t know all I know is he was really good at building a team around him and he had a vision so he had a vision of what he did in creating you know systematizing the assembly line and whatnot but my understanding is he just had a phone with all these different buttons that he could push to get people that were good at another thing when I’ve done that it’s taken me I was doing the filming for all the different channels that I produce I was still a person behind the camera finally I took a leap and I hired people like Aly and Alysha and even when I started working with them in my mind I thought this is going to take a long time for I fully trust them and can hand it over to them but there was an opportunity where I just wasn’t available or something like that where both of them went without me and they did such a good job it was actually a blessing in disguise because I recognized that I could focus on other areas where I’m really strong and like I developed a good skill of being behind the camera but at the same time that’s not my passion my passion is actually finding influencers to work with and helping coaching them so that they do it right and so they get results yeah and creating these systems I love creating systems and coming up with the ideas and whatnot so so we’ve talked kind of about the weaknesses we’ve talked about the strengths how do we discover what our strengths are well I think one of the best things to do is to start paying attention so the more you can pay attention to what’s going on in your own life the more effective you will be those four things are we paying attention to well you’re paying attention to just first of all what are things that you enjoy doing you know if you had to sit through and do that one task all day long for the next few months could you do it think through throughout your day what if I enjoy doing what am I not and I think you know the more you pay attention to your own desires on that level the more self-aware you are and I think you’re gonna know what you enjoy doing what you don’t but that I also encourage people to take a look at what do people say about you you know are there certain things that pop up where people are always picking up on hey Valerie does this really well she’s really good at that the more you can pay attention to different comments people make the more you will be in tune with some of the things that maybe may be blind to you you might be too close to yourself to realize that you’re good at something and sometimes you can just ask people flat out you know ask people that you trust hey what do you think I’m good at you know what are my top strengths what are some things that I am weakened I mean that’s a really vulnerable question to ask but it could be a really good thing to ask some people that you trust you know you don’t want to ask someone just gonna shoot you down and trample all over you but you know ask some people in your life what am I good at and you know the last thing that I really loved doing which I did not love doing in the past and honestly there’s an aspect to this I still don’t love but take one of those personality tests there’s all sorts of personality tests myers-briggs strikes finder there’s all sorts Enneagram just to get a feel for where you tend to lean based on some of these assessments the assessment might be wrong you know and you don’t have to evaluate it to the nth degree the more you can take a just a look at what your strengths are at large it can help you understand kind of where you lean and you might be surprised at what the results show and what I love about the strengths finders test specifically is that it can rank all the way down to the very last strengths so you can see what your top ones are but if you wanted to see how you rank for all the strengths in that test you can see what your lowest strengths are so your weaknesses you can see kind of where you lean and that can be really important for you to understand where you might need to find people to fill in the gaps I appreciate that you shared that part because I’ve taken a couple and they have been extremely helpful and I do remember at the first it’s like oh this is where I’m stronger look I am I’m not as strong over here I need to work on that that was that was my thing at first but if I look at it another way of saying this is who I am this is what I’m about and that’s why in this type of situation I’m uncomfortable where other people aren’t and that’s just how I am like oh it’s okay to be me as I’ve learned to accept that it’s come in stages but I’ve learned to accept it’s okay to be me I enjoy life a lot more I don’t stress about it as much certainly right don’t once you step into okay these are my strengths your business changes your your career changes it all changes well and think about if we all tried to be strong at everything we’re just trying to be like everybody else and so we’re all essentially the same and we don’t stand out here’s an example I am kind of an introvert I don’t know if that’s the best word to describe it because other areas I’m not but when we’re in a group and they turn on the music and ever supposed to dance to get their energy out it’s like I just feel so awkward and so I’m known for the guy who just kind of starts tapping his toe and everyone in the room thinks that’s funny let’s dance like Nate and they’ll tap their toe just stand there and for a while is like alright I gotta learn how to wiggle and part of me wants to because it’s I want to get out of my comfort zone and I’m thinking of taking like a Zumba or some type of pop dance class to second but when I’m in those social settings it’s like all right I’ll just embrace it I’m the toe tap guy yeah and it’s mixed you know I haven’t haven’t totally figured it out but it’s it’s fun to think about it’s a good thing to think through you don’t have to face your whole life around a single personality assessment but it is helpful in different situations so let’s wrap up this video with what is our potential when we really focus on our strengths okay so when you lean into your strengths you really can attract people who need what you have to offer and you can really attract them to your message so if you have a message that you feel so strongly about and so passionate about I really encourage you to focus on your strengths because then you’re gonna be able to attract the right people that really need to hear your message awesome well this is Valerie Morris she wrote a book on influence called we’re all ears you can find it on Amazon I talked a lot about keyword research as you know and keyword research is a great great tool for finding that the questions that people are asking that you have the answers for and so I have a guide that I give away it’s called the keyword research guide I’ll share it with you just click the link below. We’ll see you tomorrow.

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