
7 Lessons From 40,000,000 Views

By January 6, 2020 No Comments

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For many of us, being successful on Youtube seems like a far-flung dream. But Nate Woodbury has been there; he’s made it happen! In this podcast, he shares with us the seven biggest lessons that he’s learned during his journey to 40 million views. Check this out!

Over the years, Nate Woodbury has helped, managed, and guided multiple YouTube channels to success — and his experience has taught him a bunch of important lessons that anyone who wants to succeed on YouTube should know, such as:

  • How and why you should take advantage of YouTube search
  • The importance of doing keyword research BEFORE even shooting your videos
  • The real deal with YouTube’s partner program
  • How you should deal with competitor ads that are being displayed on your channel
  • The best way to create eye-catching and attention-grabbing thumbnails
  • How often you should post to satisfy YouTube’s algorithm, and
  • The deal with watch time and YouTube analytics

These lessons have guided Nate. They helped him get to where he is now — a thriving YouTuber and YouTube producer in the how-to space.



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