
Ep #4 – 2 Year Plan To Influence Millions – Season 2

By January 28, 2020 January 30th, 2020 No Comments

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Influence is an art, and beginning speakers and influencers know that it isn’t easy to make an impact on people. Can you fathom influencing millions? In today’s episode, let’s talk about how I am able to reach out to a great number of people. It’s tried and tested, and within two years, you’re bound to come across great results. Join me in today’s episode as I share with you my 2-year plan to influence millions. Check it out!


How do you influence millions of people? Can you make real, meaningful, profound change in millions of lives all around the world? 

I’m so excited to share this with you because you can! Once you get all the tools you need, show up in front of people, and have them listen to you, they’ll start seeing you as their hero! Everything you know and everything you’ve been through can make a significant impact on people from all walks of life. 

There’s nothing more fulfilling than someone coming up to you and saying, “Hey, what you said really made a difference in my life. I’m all the better for it! My relationships with God, my family, and my friends have really changed in a great way. I can’t thank you enough.” Trust me – there’s nothing sweeter to the ear and to the heart than those words! 

How do I know this? I’ve personally influenced over 40 million people, and I’ve done this through YouTube views and subscriptions. I’ve also helped other people make their mark and have people listen to what they have to say. 

I did this by coming up with a formula that will give you a platform for influencing millions of people. In just two years, you’ll be impacting millions of people with this plan. I’m not talking about getting people to view cute cat videos or funny viral content. 

This isn’t paid or entertainment traffic; this is real and life-changing influence! 

Just to give you an idea of how important what I’m going to share with you is, clients actually pay me $208,000 for me to do this for them for two years, so they can get them millions of views and reach greater influence. 

But today I’m going to share this with you just because I know there are some of you who have that resounding call inside you to do greater things and share your voice with the world! 


The Moana voice

Before we get into that formula, I want you to know why I started doing this in the first place. Now if I were to make you guess what my favorite movie is, a Disney film about a Hawaiian princess might be the farthest from your mind. 

But Moana is actually my favorite movie just because her story really relates to and resonates with me! Moana had responsibilities and a community to take care of, but she had this voice inside her calling her out to the sea. So she takes the leap, goes on that adventure, and ends up helping her people! 

For me, that inner voice has always been the call to entrepreneurship. There were definitely times when it didn’t make sense to anyone else, even to myself. 

I’d experienced financial hardship to the point where I had to ask my mom for money, and she asked me, “Nate, why don’t you just get a job?” Even when those moments of doubt and fear came, this persistent voice kept calling me towards my passion. 

So if you have that inner voice, that drive that just won’t go away no matter how much you try to stifle or ignore it, then you know you’re meant to influence lives in a big way – maybe even beyond what you ever dreamed of! 


What is influence?

How exactly do I define influence? How can you say you’ve influenced someone? Well, it just means changing someone’s life in a meaningful way. Let’s say you gave someone advice that was helpful to them or had an impact on their life. That’s someone you’ve successfully influenced! 

See, you don’t have to be a superhero saving someone from a burning building or even a big star with famous parents to be an influencer. When I talk about influence, I’m talking about your expertise and your life experiences. You might have the answers to questions people are asking all around the world on Google and YouTube.

What’s the catch? You’re not in the right direction that gives you the platform to answer their questions. 

To get started on this path, the first step is to find out why you want to give the right answers, influence people, and change millions of lives. 


Answering the why’s

You can’t get into the commitment of a two-year plan without knowing why you’re doing it. I’ll be the first to answer that question. So why am I so passionate about influencing people? I’m going to go deep and get down to the heart of what I’m doing. It might rub some of you the wrong way, but this is important to me, my life, and my business principles.

I believe that the purpose of life is to become like God. I believe I am a son of God, and we are all children of God. So with that in mind, our goal is to become like God. 

God is the master of influence. Jesus Christ is a master of influence. He uses influence perfectly. We want to follow Him and go with His example. We may not be perfect, but our goal is to do the best we can and become more and more like God. 

Now you may have different reasons, but here’s what you need to remember: When people listen to what you have to say, follow your advice, and buy things from you, it means you’re starting to have influence on their lives. And with influence comes power. 

Remember that great quote from Spiderman? Uncle Ben shares his wisdom with Peter Parker and says, “With great power comes great responsibility.” 

I love this quote, simply because it speaks the truth. Influence brings power, which brings great responsibility. We have to use our influence for good. See, many people get it wrong. They think the pursuit of influence is about pride or lifting ourselves up. 

But what’s really about is changing the lives of those around us for the better. You need to have total, absolute clarity and confidence why you want to influence millions. If somebody asks you, “Why are you doing this?” you can answer them and talk about your purpose without hesitation. If you’re not sure about this yet, take time to think about it and go back to reading this once you’re 100% clear on it. 

Commitment and consistency

If you already know your “why”, then the next step is to commit and be consistent. Think about how important this is to you. 

On a scale of 1-10, how committed are you to this? Are you really willing to do what it takes? How far are you willing to go? Are you ready to make sacrifices? What if my formula for influence requires you to get out of your comfort zone? 

Influence requires us to do things we might not want to do, but we need to do. For others, it’s getting on camera, and for some, it’s losing their anonymity. But how willing you are to do things that are uncomfortable or even scary is crucial to how effective you’re going to be at influencing millions. 

This influence strategy is a 2-year plan, which means you have to give me two years of commitment with your whole heart in it! 

The rough part is keeping it up. Week after week, you gotta put in the work – no matter what happens. Consistency is your #1 tool here, and not skipping a beat with it for 2 years. 

I’ve been teaching these principles for 7 years, and I also created a done-for-you service for those who weren’t implementing it all the way. My team took care of content, strategy, editing, launching, thumbnails, and they got great results. Every person I’ve helped, who went through those 2 years, is now influencing millions. 

These results I got drew in more and more people, and now they’re really listening to it. The message hasn’t changed, but the difference is, they’re now willing to take me up on the challenge!

It’s all up to you

Now you have to make a huge decision. “Am I going to trust Nate? Am I gonna follow his instructions? Is this the path I want to take?” I’m telling you right now: this is the path towards influencing millions. The question is, are you ready to go on this adventure? 

All I’m going to ask from you is to dedicate about 4 hours per week. Think about the commitment you made to college, to your job, or maybe to some other kind of training. In comparison, this seems a lot easier and more doable! You just need to be patient and committed, with your head in the game no matter what.

If you’re going to do your own editing, you might need to add 10 more hours. But what you can do is hire a virtual assistant for 400-450 bucks per month. Just search and you can look for the right person who can do the editing for you. I talk a lot more about that on my videos and podcast episodes, so check it out if you want to learn more about hiring virtual assistants. I have 16 full-time employees and I found them all there! 

Mapping out the 2-year plan

This is really exciting, so let’s get into it. The first thing you need to know is where your views and traffic will come from on YouTube. 

The first is search traffic. This is when people on YouTube find you by hitting up keywords or phrases on the search engine. The second is suggested traffic. Later on, once you really get your views up slowly but surely, your views will transition from search traffic to suggested traffic. 

Search traffic is really small, but suggested traffic is awesome! It means you’ve impressed the YouTube algorithm enough that it suggests your videos to other people who are watching content similar to yours. It’s also what gets you ranking higher and higher, with more and more views. 

Here’s a warning: it won’t happen in a flash. There’s some boring stuff you really need to get through and be really patient with. For the first four months, the results will be initially boring. You might get 40 views on one video, then 50 on another, then back down to 40. That number gradually increases. 

But once you get to that 4-month mark, that’s where it really gets the thrill and adrenaline really come in. Around that time you’ll have what’s called a spike. This means you’ll get thousands of views in a single day. Then in a few more weeks, you’ll have another spike with even more views. 

This is how your momentum will keep building and building! Every spike will dwarf your previous spike and hike up your baseline for views, so you’ll keep achieving more and more traffic. 

I’ve had clients that had their spike on the 4-month mark to the exact day. There was one who had it a week early, and another who had it 5 days late. I can’t control this, but the timeline stays pretty much the same every time.


The formula: 4 ingredients you need

I figured this all out by studying and understanding the algorithm for YouTube and Google. When I did, I found out that the 4-month spike and consistent growth from there happen when you have 4 ingredients. 

So I came up with this formula and it’s worked literally every single time! As long as you have all 4 ingredients, success is already in the bag. 

I share these ingredients in different orders, and Ingredient #4, in particular, is really important. do it exactly the way I explain. You can’t do it at 50 or even 80% – it won’t work! Trust me on this. I’ve been doing this for a long time and for many, many different people. 

Now, this is really important: take several notes and don’t miss a single thing from here all the way to the end of the article so you’ll know how to use each ingredient correctly and successfully! 

1) The perfect video length

The first one is that all your videos – every single one of them – need to be between 10 and 12 minutes in length. Now, some of you might think that’s too long, while some of you might think that’s really short. 

But it’s the perfect amount of time just because it performs so well on YouTube. People are used to content at that length and actually are on YouTube to watch longer videos. Unlike your Facebook or Instagram crowd, people on YouTube want to watch quality content that’s long and detailed. 

Plus, the YouTube algorithm loves longer watch time. They usually show ads every 10 minutes, so when your video is that long, they can show more ads around your content. 

“Short and sweet” just isn’t what YouTube is about. The belief that we need to keep our videos short (at 1 or 2 minutes max) doesn’t apply to quality content videos – it applies to ads. 

With ads, people are being [pitched to or sold to, so you gotta keep the energy up and keep people on their toes and watch for just a couple minutes. 

What we’re talking about how-to videos. Keep reading because I’ll go into more detail about that because it’s part of our formula. But the point is, for this type of video people really expect to be watching for 10-12 minutes. 

2) Average view duration of 45% or higher 

This is actually your retention rate, which means people aren’t just clicking on your video and moving on to the next. You need to keep people watching your videos all the way to the end. 

For example, if your viewers are just watching 30-60 seconds of your video for instance, then there’s something missing. And here’s where most people go wrong. 

Let me give you an example to give you a little more clarity on this. Years ago, I filmed with Doreen Spackman and she told me she had a sore throat remedy. So we did some keyword research and we found the title, “How To Get Rid Of Strep Throat Without Antibiotics.”

Now I know this remedy works wonders for strep throat and coughs because I personally applied it. But it’s not enough that I know it works, I have to show people how to make it and keep them curious enough to watch a full 10-minute video. 

So I’m gonna demonstrate how to make sure you get an average view duration of 45% or better yet, keep people watching to the end.

First, I’ll show you how not to do it. Here’s a sample of where it might go wrong:

“Okay, so let’s dive right into how to cure strep throat without antibiotics. The first ingredient is raw garlic, the second ingredient is raw honey, and the third ingredient is cayenne pepper. Just mix those three together! It kinda tastes yucky, but you swallow it and that will get rid of your strep throat. It really works, so you gotta go try it!”

What’s the problem with this? That really is the remedy that people are looking for, but it’s not gonna make them stick around. The thing is, I just shared the secret and gave away everything right at the beginning. My viewers won’t have any reason to keep watching.

Now if there’s a wrong way, there’s a right way and I’ll demonstrate the right way.

“Okay so let’s dive right into how to cure strep throat without antibiotics. I’m gonna start out by talking about why you shouldn’t antibiotics and there’s some good reasons that we’ll discuss. Then I’m gonna share three ingredients with you and explain with each one why it’s a natural antibiotic and a natural antiviral. We’ll talk about why this is so good for our bodies to take in and why it can get rid of strep throat effectively. So I’m gonna go through these three ingredients – you probably have these in your kitchen! – and I’ll explain how each of them work. Then we’re gonna go into my kitchen and I’ll show you how to mix them and how often you should take it. I’ll also share with you a story about when my son got really sick and had strep throat and high fever, and how this remedy really helped him. You’re gonna wanna hear this!”

So what I did differently there was I set “content hooks”, This is what keeps your audience interested. It lets them know what I’m gonna start with, what’s coming next, what’s going to happen in the middle of the video, and what happens at the end. 

You give them a basic idea of what they’re in for, but you also keep them intrigued enough to stick around for the full 10 minutes. 

I’ll give you another tip so you can really go back and figure out what makes your viewers wanna stick around: You can see your average view duration in the YouTube analytics. YouTube gives you a lot of data to review, so you can go behind the scenes and figure out where you went wrong on one video and what you did right in another. 

This way, you can keep improving your content to make your channel better and better! 

3) Five episodes per week

This sounds like a lot – well, because it is! Don’t be scared. Remember, you can do this in the four hours per week we talked about earlier.

Technically, you’ve got to do all these 13 times in a year. What I do for both my content and my clients is I film 20 episodes in one day, from start to finish. We start filming at 9 am all the way until 5 pm with just a lunch break in between. That’s already enough time to film 20 episodes with about 10-12 minutes each, and I only have to do that once every 4 weeks!

Now, let’s break this down. You’ve got an 8-hour filming day, then several days prior you took another 8 hours to prepare all your content and outline all your talking points. So that’s 16 hours in total, and you have to do that once every 4 weeks. That comes down to 4 hours per week.

Here’s the big picture so you can understand the magnitude of what we’re creating here: in 2 years doing 5 episodes per week, you’ll add up to about 520 episodes! 

Let that sink in. Yeah, we’re talking about a lot of work. We’re going to impact millions and millions of lives – not hundreds, not even thousands – we’re talking 500,000 lives per month two years from now! 

4) Leaf strategy

You’ve really got to pay attention to this because this is a critical one. If you’re missing this, the whole formula just won’t work.

Now what you need to do is start on keyword research before filming. What do I mean by this, and how do you do it? I’ve come up with a pretty cool analogy for this, so stick with me here.

Visualize a tree. A tree has a really broad trunk that goes out into branches, into limbs, and then leaves at the very end.

  1. The trunk represents your broad area of expertise. 
  2. The branches represent all the different categories of expertise you have. 
  3. The leaves represent the specific questions that people are asking all over the world. 

See, while a branch or a limb might represent vague or general questions, the leaves are very, very specific questions. Here are some examples to help you better understand this. 

Let’s say you’re an expert on goal-setting and you want to be established as on Youtube as the master or go-to guy for this field. What you don’t want to do is make videos called “My Best Goal-Setting Tips” or “How To Get Really Good At Goal-Setting.”

Now you might be asking, “Why not? That’s my expertise, isn’t it?” But your objective here isn’t to make a catchy title that might appear in a magazine or a blog. What you need to do is find long questions that have consistent search volume. This simply means specific questions that people usually search for on Google or on YouTube.

One of them is “How To Set Exercise Goals On An Apple Watch”. Talk about specific! It’s a long title, but it grabs your audience’s attention because it zeroes in on a topic and gets straight to the point. There’s also enough room for other talking points (for instance, you can talk about how important exercise and health is and motivate people to get fit with a few simple steps) so you fill up those 10-12 minutes with quality content.

There’s also “How To Make A Vision Board That Really Works” and “How To Set Financial Goals For A Business”.  Again, they’re really long, but that’s the point!

I didn’t make up these phrases or find them randomly. What I do is look for topics or questions with a consistent search volume of at least 10 per month. We don’t want too high of a search volume, because then you’ll have a lot of competition and get drowned out. The goal is for your video to rank on YouTube – on your very first day.

So you post the video and within that day, your video will rank at the top when people search for the question your video answers. This is why you don’t want to do videos on topics that get more than 100 searches per month. You won’t rank and you won’t get the views your channel needs for better exposure.

I’ll share with you a few more examples from actual channels I’ve helped to give you a better idea of what phrases get you ranking higher. My friend Kris Krohn, who’s an expert in real estate investments, has videos on “How To Buy A Multi-Family Property With No Money”, “How To Make A Million Dollars In Five Years”, and “How To Achieve Financial Freedom Quickly.”

Here are a few from Dr. Paul Jenkins, who’s a Positivity Psychologist: “How To Stop Siblings From Fighting All The Time”, “How To Get Kids To Listen Without Yelling”, “How To Get Someone To Open Up To You”, and “How To Motivate A Lazy Teenager.” 

These are all great “leaf” questions that got them ranking higher on YouTube! 

How to find your leaves

Now, how exactly do you find these questions? How do you find out what kind of search volume each phrase has?

The answer is simple, and you’ll want to write it down. I use a really cool and effective keyword research website called 

They’ve been around for at least a decade now, but last year I discovered a brand new tool that they have that’s a game-changer. It totally sped up the process and simplified everything I was doing to use my strategy – it’s really amazing. 

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by keyword research or SEO, but all you need to do is visualize the tree and remember to focus on the leaves instead of the branches or the trunk. 

So has something called “Keyword Magic Tool”. Let’s go with an example so you can see how it works. 

My friend, Katie Gutierrez, is an interior designer in Miami. One of her branches is living room design. 

So if you go into Keyword Magic Tool and hit search on living room design, you’ll see a list of phrases that are commonly searched by people all over the world. There’s another magic button on the screen that lets you choose between all results or just questions. Go ahead and choose “just questions”.

That’s where the magic comes from this tool – it gives you tons and tons of questions, so on a single branch, you’ll have hundreds of leaves. 

So it gives you all these search phrases and you want to go for something that has low search volume. That means only 10-70 people are searching for it every month. 

You might be thinking, “Well, if more people are searching for a topic, shouldn’t I do a video on that?” But the catch here is that you’ll have so much more competition with that topic and you’re more likely to get drowned out. So it’s better to be more specific! 

I’ve listed down 20 titles from my Living Room Design search: 

“How To Design A Small Living Room”
“How To Design A Living Room/Dining Room Combo”
“How To Design A Living Room With High Ceilings”
“How To Design Living Room Furniture”
“How To Design MY Living Room Online”
“How To Design A Living Room With A TV”
“How To Design A Living Room With Large Windows”
“How To Design Lighting For Living Room”
“How To Design A Living Room With Fall Ceilings”
“How To Design A Living Room With Sectionals”
“How To Design A Living Room With Fireplace And TV”
“How To Design A Kitchen/Living Room Combo”
“How To Design A Living Room On A Budget”
“How To Design A Living Room With Corner Fireplace”
“How To Design A Living Room Without A TV”
“How To Design A Living Room With Long Narrow Living Room”
“How To Design A Small Kitchen/Living Room Combo”
“How To Design A Living Room With Recessed Lighting
“How To Design A Living Room In 3D”

Now why did I spend all that time listing off all these titles? Look at the list – from that, you already make 20 different episodes! This makes it easier for you to get closer and closer to our goal of 520 episodes. 

When Katie and I were first talking and sharing our ideas, she had enough expert content that she could talk about so many different aspects of living room design. This means any time someone would type “How With Corner Fireplace”, her video would pop up immediately. Plus, they’re more likely to watch all the way to the end because it’s exactly what they’re searching for. 

That’s why we want to go specific. Remember: we want topics with low search volume and ultra-specific topics. When you have really specific videos, you don’t have to skip over things so you can move on to the next topic. 

You can really go to the gold and dig in. This way, you’re not just churning out video after video; you can give the highest value possible and do it in 10 minutes. 

Remember, once you start making your leaf videos and launching 5 episodes per week, you’ll start getting a handful of views that will grab the YouTube algorithm’s attention. Once you start getting that trickle, it builds and builds with gradual momentum until you hit that 4-month mark and get that spike: that’s when it gets really fun. 

Bonus strategy: doing sequels

I have just one last tip for you to really get going on those views, and to explain it I’ll share a little story with you. 

So I mentioned my friend Kris Krohn above. We started his channel five years ago and for the first two and a half years, we only launched one episode per week. The channel grew, so later on, we were ready to take it up a notch and increase to 5 episodes per week. 

When we made that decision, we had 12,000 subscribers. Exactly 4 months later to the day, we had grown to 16,000 subscribers then we had our first spike. That spike pulled our channel up from 16,000 to 65,000 in just two months! It’s really exciting when that happens for your channel. 

Now what I do – which you can also do for your videos – is I go to YouTube Analytics and figure out what videos were mainly responsible for the spike. For Kris, one of the videos we found was “How To Invest In Your 20s” with about 60,000 views. I went on Analytics and found out that traffic was coming from suggested. I mentioned before that this means YouTube was suggesting it alongside other videos that people were watching. It meant YouTube was promoting the video for us. 

The video itself was actually short; it was just around 2 minutes long. So I thought, “Hmm, this video is really proving itself. How about we make a longer version of it?” 

The first version had Kris sitting there on his pool table teaching the whole time. What we did in the second version was have him pull up in his car, walk into his house and into a room, and that’s when he started teaching. He also went to his kitchen, drew on a flip chart, then went back upstairs into his office. This video ended up being 20 minutes long, it was a lot more dynamic and engaging. 

You don’t really have to do this when you’re in the rough beginning stages, doing 5 episodes per week. But when you get that spike, go into your analytics and look at the videos that are getting suggested traffic. Then create a sequel for that! 

It doesn’t have to be labelled Part 2 or anything like that. Just name it the same exact thing with a better thumbnail and longer duration. 

Now at the time when I did this for Kris, we had 80,000 subscribers. In five weeks, we grew to a whopping 160,000 subscribers! Sounds crazy, but it worked for him and it’s worked for every client I’ve ever had. 

Here’s the takeaway: start with the 4 ingredients. Build momentum. Commit to making 520 episodes. Once you get a spike, take advantage of the YouTube analytics and find opportunities to create sequels. Have more and more spikes. Before you know it, in 2 years, you’ll have millions of views and you’ll be changing so many lives. 

Thanks for sticking with me to the end. This means you really are committed and passionate about influencing millions! Now that you know the 4 ingredients you need to get started on making a huge impact on the world, are you ready to take the leap?

The ball is in your court; now let’s get to work!

Did this convince you to start the 2-year plan to influence millions? Why do you want to do it? What’s your expertise? Do you think you can start today? Let me know and let’s talk!

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