
How To Become A YouTuber

By May 23, 2019 June 18th, 2019 No Comments

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Welcome back. So are you thinking of becoming a YouTuber? And more important of just a YouTuber is a YouTuber that is successful. Well, Nate tell us a little bit about just basics. Obviously, I’m just a damn guy. That’s sort of my role but it’s not a stretch because I’m going to be learning along with you. Next to Nate. So we’ll just going start things right off with you know how to get started, how to be a YouTuber which may I say, seems fairly easy because YouTube is not… No one is excluded from having a membership for joining or what do you call it having an account? Yeah, having an account. So there’s two different kind of main ways of you can become a YouTuber. You can become a Youtuber as a hobby, and that’s actually even some of the most successful Youtubers are now started their career. They started that it was just a hobby. And then there’s.. So when you say it’s a hobby, you mean a hobby posting videos on YouTube not a hobby sitting around watching other people? Right? This is what we’re talking about is actually creating content and putting in on there? Right. So hobby like what? I love fishing so I’m taking videos myself fishing?

Yeah, I mean there’s lots of hobbies out there. By the way I hate fishing. I hate it. I know that I’ve seen too many fishing maybe because I don’t like fishing either. Very boring to watch people fishing. But there’s people who love doing crafts and so they just start making videos of crafts. There’s people who do woodworking in their shop. So instead they set a camera and do time lapse and they do all this… So the very least is just starting with something that you feel like you’re pretty good at. Or that is in fact feeling a need for people out there that’s suppose to just random videos, I mean… Yeah, you’ve got a passion for something and you’re plan is just I’m going to make this videos because it’ll be fun. Not because I am planning to ever making money on it. Okay. Now, the background that I come from, is the entrepreneur side where you you’ve got a business and I came to the same looking at YouTube is, “oh, I wonder I could use this to market the business” And so we first started creating a promotional video. Or commercial but I wouldn’t say if you created the commercial for your company that you are now a YouTuber. It’s more of you’re creating content because people want to watch it. You’re just regularly putting content out there. So when you say, you’re not a YouTuber because you know you’re using it randomly, you’re here and there. How then do we become sort of loosely defined as a YouTuber? Because that’s sound like as a kind of a collection of people, like a club, almost.

I would say if you’re creating content that people want to subscribe to and come back and see more. So that’s all that takes. I mean even if it’s just a hobby, let’s say you’re really good at basket weaving. You just leave it, you do some underwater. You do some… But ah.. I thought you’re going to say basketball because that would really have hit the mark. But no, let’s go at basket weaving.We can go at basketball. So, I mean whether you’re just setting up a go pro to film yourself of playing or whatever. Or you’re showing how to do shots or whatnot, if it’s something that people are going to comeback and regularly watch, then that would make you a YouTuber. So, how do you become successful? How to become a successful YouTuber? That’s the fun part. That is the key. So basically, someone needs to determine what success looks like to them in their YouTube efforts. Yeah. Right? The easiest way I measure success is by money. So if you’re going to say, “I would be going to do YouTube and I’m going to make money” How are you going to make money? You know, if I talk to a parent and let them know I’m a YouTube producer, and they say, “oh yeah, my kid wants to be a YouTuber, you watch his gaming shows” And I would think, “okay, that’s not really what I consider a YouTuber” maybe they don’t have a plan for success. They just plan on making games and they think somehow that can be their career and they can make money from it. You can but in order to make and we talked about this on previous video, in order to make thousands of dollars, you’ve got to get millions of views and you got be popular enough that you get sponsored and people want to sponsor you. So I look at it from why don’t we create a business first or at least have an idea of where we’re going to take this. We’re talking earlier about studios and they do skits. If you were to skits, you’re an actor, and so that could lead into people hiring you for more acting roles or more movie roles or something like that. So it’s kind of you determine if it’s going to primarily generate money based on value, visits, and views alone or part of another thing. Or as a marketing tool for the business that you already have developed. Yeah. Basic as that what I’m understanding. Absolutely. If you’re just going for the Adsense which is on the bad strategy, but you’ve got to know okay, I’ve got to create videos that will going to get millions of views. Right. Or got to get millions of views so that sponsors will want to be on my videos. Or you can create a small channel. And only get a thousand views you know when you first launch the video and you know overtime it builds 10,000 views a day or 20,000 views a day across your channel. And that’s actually pretty small amount but when you’re considering, those are potential customers. Almost qualified leads, really to some degree. Then you’re making thousands of dollars every single day. So that’s the key then. At least in that scenario is figuring out what you have to offer. In terms of away from YouTube. Some sort of ad ons, sale or some sort of product and business that you’ve developed. Yeah. That doesn’t sound easy. Well, the cool thing about YouTube is there’s a lot of examples out there of people that are successful. So if you have and idea, ‘ooh, I think I love to do this on YouTube. It’s something that I’m passionate about. I would do it even if I didn’t make money but I do have desire or I do have a thought of how I might monetize this.”

Find somebody else who’s doing it. Maybe find a handful of some who are successful and some who aren’t, some who are consistent, some who look like they’re successful, some who get you know lot’s and lots of views compare to others. And study those. Because there’s a lot examples of success. That’s kind of how I figure things out. “ooh I like what what they are doing.” So when you;re doing comps like that, I mean is there a way to be able to like research their analytics and see… Except for the fact that it says on the main page they’re 2.2 million views or 100,000 subscribers. Is that the limit to what you can find about them? There’s ways you can go deeper. But generally, the data that YouTube provides, that’s adequate for me to look at the channel and later we’re going o film a video where we’ll actually going to dive in to a channel. So stay tune on this channel for that video. Yeah. But you know kind of how to analyze a channel and tell how are they doing? What are they doing with this channel? What’s their goal? But there are other tools you can search for. You can go to Google and type in like YouTube analytics and you’ll get a lot of different companies that you can pay a small fee for to then dive in to the competitors and give you all the stats. Wow! I mean it’s complicated but it’s information that if you’re serious about it you want to have, yeah. What do I need to get started? If I just want to get going. Maybe I’m not ready to dive too deep. Just as a beginner, what are some kind of basic fundamental things I need? You want to start simple. So in the beginning what you need is this right here. An iPhone. You can’t use an Android. So sorry. No, just kidding. I’m joking but I love Apple. I am for a minute. I almost believed him. I’m like, “really?” No, but I do have. I’m good. I’ve got that. So I’m already covered on one step. This video is sponsored by Apple. I wish. But you just start with your iPhone. Right.We’ll talk about this another video but you want to be facing the light. So if there’s a window right there and I filmed my self with the window behind me, you just going to see a silhouette right? So, if that’s the window, then I’m filming like this. Keep it steady. You want to have a… And for the case of this video, we’ve got a microphone right up here. So it’s picking up because the camera’s, they’re far away. And the audio, it’s going to pick up a lot of this sound that bounces around the room. We’ve got some sound foam in here but if I’m talking this close, maybe I don’t need another microphone. But if you;re going to put in a tripod, then you know at least get a cord and stretch a loud mike or something. So that would be the basics. Right. Film with your phone because your phone’s probably better than… If you go to Best Buy and you’re going to buy a camera for 300 bucks, a video camera, this is going to be better than that. If you’re going to spend 500-800, maybe you can start to get equivalent to this. So true. The chips on this phone is now insane. I mean you can see what people are doing with…In fact there are YouTube, many thousand of them just shooting on iPhone and the brilliant images they get is really cool. Yeah. And they’re just paying their monthly you now AT&T bill to have a camera like that. I mean it’s a need. Yeah. Then the other great advantage especially this is applicable to the iPhone is you can get iMovie. I believe it’s free. Right? Because I paid an upgrade on my Mac for the Final cut Pro.

Are you talking about iMovie on your phone? Yeah I have it on mine too. I don’t think I paid for it. Yeah I think iMovie comes for free for all Apple devices. The reason that I say on the phone is it’s so easy. You come and record right here. Just edit it and hit upload and it goes to YouTube. You don’t have to worry about transferring it to the computer. Yeah. That’s the basics of where to start. You’ll learn how to use this software. You’ll learn the importance of basics of editing. And it’s better to get started and do things in an amateur way to kind of test the waters because people will be entertained by it. You’ll learn that first. Yeah. They’ll be entertained by you’re beginner status. So basically, you’re talking about, get a phone, with internet connection that has preferably an iPhone with great camera on it. Maybe 6 or higher. That has iMovie, shoot yourself and by the way get a YouTube account and then upload it to YouTube then you’re basically up and running. And that’s recreational YouTube as well as an officially YouTuber. And the last recommendation that I’ll give is one stat that you can look at and that’s in YouTube analytics. Might sound like a deep “ooh, I’m getting on analytics”. But YouTube give you a lot of information. You just click on menu item that says analytics and what you want to look for is retention rate. You really want to look for retention rate. And what that means is if people are watching a video, so you’ll see a little graphics of one people starts to drop off. And if you’re video is going along in this big drop of point right here, then you can go to that exact spot in the video and see what are we doing or are they doing at that moment and drop off. I was talking to Grant Thompson from the King of Random channel.

It’s a pretty popular channel, one of my favorites. Yeah. We’re talking yesterday and he said that they had a spot in their video where they would do a summary. And right at the point, there’s another guy, Nate is now filming with him and right at the point Nate would say something like, ” here’s what we did today” You know and then and so they would go and then view this drop off. And he looked at the last 20 videos and it would say, “here’s what we did today, here’s what we did today.” That make sense. And so they’re like, okay, I guess we’re not including that on the video anymore. So that’s the thing that I want to recommend. Is look at your retention rate. If you see that you’re videos dropped pretty quick where people click on it and then they dropped, maybe there’s something you need to do at the beginning to let kind of set up the stage or what this video is about and keep people, you know hook them in. So, we’ll that’s one of the basics rules of communication of any setting really. Tell them what you;re going to tell them, tell them and tell them what you told them. Ad so but that first part is here is what… I can be fairly quick, right? You saw what we did in this video. There’s a intro, so this is what this video is going to be about. And now, it’s over. So is that helpful? I mean I hope this video is helpful. If you watch the video this far, I’m thinking that.. If you can stomach him for that long, this is probably helpful. No offense. Of course.

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