
Is Website SEO Obsolete

By June 19, 2019 No Comments

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Nate: So SEO has completely changed. The SEO that you’ve been taught and learned about is actually completely dead.

Scott: We are going to talk about the secrets of how SEO is being applied successfully today.

You can rank today after watching this video. Hi once again SEO is part of the topic here with Nate and we’ve sort of teased the idea that SEO is a thing of the past. Yeah, it’s definitely completely changed. So, the SEO that we did just just five years ago completely does not exist, does not work in my world. There are a few exceptions but not in my world, not a single exception. So, let’s get into some details on that a little bit. Talk about some of the things that no longer are relevant to the SEO situation. And just to give you a little background, not only did I used to work for an SEO company but when I started this company, my company, I offered SEO as a service and it worked. We got results for our clients. I found a real affordable way of doing it and it worked. So, I’ll tell you some of the things that we did but the biggest reason why SEO doesn’t work, why it’s no longer important, because it’s so much less important to have traffic on your website in the first place. And you can do things so much easier to build a following, to attract audience, to get traffic off of your website.

You’ve heard a lot about Backlinks. You’ve got to get… When you say Backlink, what is a Backlink? You get a website, okay, somebody else has a website, they put a link over to yours. Ah okay. And that’s a backlink. Okay. And what that tells the search engines is, “hey, my website is credible. Somebody, there’s people linking to me saying that mine is important” And maybe they use the text in the link that would say, “speaker” and so oh if you’re looking for you want to rank for speaker. Okay, so that that’s one thing. We used to do is create Backlinks. In fact, we would create link wheels. So we would create a blog and another blog and another website and this and we would link to each other creating this link wheel that all linked back to one website. It is a mutually-beneficial? Okay and another way a thing to do is to create blog networks. So you’re creating all these blogs that these three third-level blogs will link down to the second level blogs that would link down to the primary level blogs that with a link to your website is like the massive authority. From a user perspective I now know your telling… I mean from a user perspective I’ve seen what you’re talking about, yeah. Okay. All of that is spam. So, what SEO created, it’s all fake. Like you’re creating… All you’re just creating all these fake websites to point to one real website. And it just cluttered the internet. And what Google had to do is change their algorithm time after time after time to just filter through all the junk. It’s like what do people really want to find. They don’t want to find this thing in a link wheel that somebody created just to supposedly build this authority. So, they’ve just filtered out all the junk. Every algorithm change people would get hit and be like, “oh, that just hurt. Why does Google do this?” It’s like because you’re creating all this spam and it was a lot of work and it was a big pain. There’s article sites and people would just write articles for the sake of getting the links back to their website. So there’s still a few article sites out there that exist. I can’t remember the last time that I went to. I mean everyone was using at the time EzineArticles and I would ask you the viewer when’s the last time you ever went to EzineArticles? It’s just become a ghost town. Yeah, that’s true. Yeah, that was one of the most popular ones that bring links. I always said Ezine but that’s just me. You probably… I’ve better right, I just don’t know what I’m talking about. You’ve been passionate. You have been outspoken in your proclaiming the death of all things SEO. Now, so what takes its place? What’s the solution? What are you proposing? What’s happening now? YouTube. So, we can end the video there. Buh- bye thanks for coming. Hope this was helpful. Please explain. So, you’re right. I have pretend dumb. I’ve made a video in the past on this topic saying SEO is dead and I got a lot of flack for it. Guess who gave me the most flack? Bill Gates. Other SEO companies. It was other SEO marketers that don’t… Well, of course it’s their business. They don’t want to get off this sinking ship. Yeah, okay? SEO is not dead as a strategy but SEO of the past is where we’ve got to build all these links and credibility to our website. You should not care whether your website ranks at all. Do not care about it. Because there’s an easier way. You can create a video and get it to rank today and start getting views today and then you can create another video and get it to rank today. And every one of those videos can link to your website if you want people to go there, to buy your products or join your list. But it is so much easier to get a website to rank on YouTube than it is to get your website to rank for anything. Any blog post or anything to rank on your website.Why is that? Is it all the hash, all the little tags that you tagged the video with? Is that how that works or what? I’m sure that there are exceptions but I’m not going to talk to those.

I’m going to talk to the niche that I am really good at. Okay. Good friend of mine Cynthia Sumner. She is a nutritionist and she wanted to rank for different types of remedies. So we made a video and instead of making a video on how to treat a sore throat. We could do that, but there’s a much better strategy. We could say, “How to get rid of strep throat without antibiotics.” Okay, there’s nine words in that phrase. By making it that specific and we checked there weren’t any other videos that have that exact title and yet, that nine word phrase is getting searched. It gets searched hundreds of times every single month and there’s the thousand… It’s getting searched on Google? Getting searched on Google and YouTube, which are both the same company. Right that’s true. Okay, okay. So, Google, if you search it on Google or if you search it on YouTube, you will find this video that we created. And because we created it nine words long, that specific, you can get it to rank instantly. And you’re saying that’s the title of the video? Hmmm… that’s the title and topic of the video. Title and topic, so because I know what you’re saying. There’s the title, I mean there’s two places you can put that in, right? So we put it as the title, we put it as a keyword, we put it in the first sentence of the description and the whole thing has the keyword. Hm-hmm and the video itself. Obviously, it’s a very specific subject. So you can talk about how to get rid of strep throat without antibiotics. Another example, “How to invest in real estate with no money?” We we’re really, really specific. Makes sense. And the great thing about it is we made a lot videos. “How to invest in real estate with bad credit? How to invest in real estate you know A, B and C”. We would just make all these videos and eventually, we would start to rank for real estate investing or invest in real estate. But when you make something that’s really, really specific in your niche, it does a couple of things. It eliminates all the competition because if people type in that exact phrase, that’s what your video is about, they’ll find exactly what they’re searching for. So it eliminates that the competition because nobody else has that same title because it’s too specific and no one else is doing specific titles like that. But it also… it makes your video get better stats because if I type in that phrase, “how do you get rid of strep throat without antibiotics?” I’m not looking for whatever the alternatives. How to get rid of strep throat with antibiotics or how to you know sue the sore throat or something like that. But if I type it in that specific and I find exactly what I’m searching for, I’m not going to leave and go search for another video. I’m going to watch that whole video. It’s going to have higher watch time. Well and it also has that intuitive little fill in the word thing when you’re typing into Google. So, if your title is already in there, doesn’t it stand a better chance that it’s going to fill in for them and they go enter. That’s what I wanted to say because it happens to me all the time. Definitely and what I’m suggesting is that you do that research before you even make the video. So if you do the fill in the the blanks… When that comes up, you say this will be the title of my video.

So and we’ll do another video here on keyword research on actually how to find those titles. But the short answer is you do the research first, find the questions that people are asking, that are really long and really specific and that will do way better results in the search and is that’s the best type of SEO that you can do. Compared to any of the other things. The backlinks, article marketing blog, comments, link wheels, blog networks that was all that sea of spam that cluttered the internet. Now, we’re saying create one piece of content and you will get you’ll get traffic. And the great thing about YouTube is it really is a good search engine. Compared to Facebook. If I create a video on Facebook and I post it, let’s say it even does really well and I post it today. When are the most of you is going to come in? Today, tomorrow, a week from now, what do you think? On Facebook. Today. Yeah, so most of you are going to come today, maybe I’ll get more views tomorrow, maybe a little bit more the next day. Chances are it’s going to fizzle out. A year from now where’s that video? I don’t even know where’s the Facebook video I posted a year ago. That’s right. they’re trying to… A year ago you posted this video. So if you watched a video a year ago on Facebook, and then you’re thinking, “oh, that video I watched a year ago.” How do you find it? It’s a chore. Yeah that’s a lot of times you just can’t find it. Yeah. On YouTube, It’s an amazing search engine and you can go to a channel. Type in a word that they might have said in the video and that video will come up. It’s such a good search engine. You’re like, “what?” Really, does it do that? Yes. So if you remember, oh, there was a video on CaseyNeistat channel. You go to CaseyNeistat channel, there’s a search bar within his channel and you can type in a word or something that he talked about. You could type in drone or boosted board and all of his videos that he mentioned drone or booster board will all pop up or you can mention a person that was in the video and it will just you can search… Are you saying that he spoke the word and it’s part of the search engine? It’s not just a keyword that he put in? Right, because everything’s auto transcribed. Oh, I’m liking this more and more. That’s an amazing search engine. And what I’m finding, okay in the world of YouTube marketing, everything is about going viral. Right. The reality is going viral is so hard. Must be. A lot of the videos that get millions of views aren’t actual viral videos, they just have a big following and so they’ll get an initial boost. I see. But if they have a small following and it gets a huge e boost that it would be a viral video. But all of that it starts out big and then it tapers off and goes flat. It’s called the viral growth curve. I named it that. I’m cool like that. Registered trademark. Copyrighted etc. In the future video, I’m going to explain my apt growth curve or the details of what you do to get these apt results. But the the the moral of the story, we’ve already talked about in this video is creating niche specific content. Your video can go flat in the beginning and then it will just be picked up in search and it will show up from more and more search phrases and it will get better and better over time. So the video that I shared with you on the the title, “how to invest in real estate with no money”, for nine months we only had a few hundred views and then it started getting a few hundred views a month and then a few hundred views a day and then a few thousand views a day and then yeah, it’s about a half a million views now. And it didn’t really start until we’ve got the nine month mark on that and that was one of the first views you’ve got on that channel.

So patience is going to be a big part of this. Patience will work. Now that channel is getting 25,000 views every single day because we’ve got all these videos, hundreds of videos that we’ve created that are ranking and getting all this traffic. I like that. Just think how hard it would have been to get his website to rank for invest in real estate. I don’t even know how I would even think about doing that without spending hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars on SEO. But we’ve just created lots of niche videos on real estate and it’s yeah, it’s awesome. So, you mean you’re sitting here basically just giving away these really great secrets on how others can make money. Yeah, absolutely. You call it a secret and I think even though we’re sharing it publicly here, it’s still going to remain a secret because people, they don’t really think it works so they don’t take action or that maybe they don’t believe it. But all you have to do is know what your niche is and create that niche specific video and you’ll see it start to work. Awesome, thank you. Well, I don’t know about you but I am filled with some cool new knowledge. And maybe your heads a little bit full. Hopefully found that helpful and my real hope is that you’ll implement it. That you’ll give it a try. That when you make a video just think about what people are searching for first, just make your video real specific and as you’ll start to happen automatically. Okay let’s go.

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