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When it comes to business, you must have sales. And to make a sale, you have to do some marketing – it comes hand in hand. You know about your product, and you know the basics of marketing, but is it enough? Do you want to know about a marketing idea that will catch people’s attention? In this episode, Nate will be discussing his marketing idea that may possible blow your mind!
So go ahead and raise your hand if you’d like to hear about a marketing idea that will totally blow your mind. This isn’t clickbait, it’s not like created. That’s pretty awesome. I see a lot of hands. In another episode, Nate Woodberry ran down some fantastic ideas on how to find new clients, new customers for your business, sort of off topic a little bit in terms of how YouTube does this or that or how we can make ourselves better youtubers. We want to dig a little deeper into something that you talked a little bit about and it was this incredible marketing idea that kind of has blown people’s minds and he wants to know share it with. Yeah, I want to give you all the, cause why not? If it worked for you then it would work for others. Yes, I’ve taught this at, I remember, one time at my cabin retreat friend of mine, Tony Litster, it was a pretty good pretty successful guy knows a lot about marketing and and it it totally blew his mind, he’s like, holy cow, this is awesome. Alright, so the background story of this is I found a cool way to market on LinkedIn and I’ve got a whole ‘nother video that talks about how to properly market on LinkedIn and generate leads from LinkedIn but now I started you know, getting all these people to respond to me. Another way that I found that I could really get people’s attention is especially the the influencers is to make a custom video for them but it took a lot of time. For me to make 10 custom videos, it took a lot of brainpower, reviewing their website and like.. It’s still just speculative, it’s not like, you know, this is bought and sold business.
Yeah, it’s like, if I’m gonna spend this much time just to prospect.. Yeah, it’s pitching. So it was a good approach and it worked but it took a lot of my time and I didn’t want to take one to two hours every day just for a handful and I wanted to scale it up more than that so here’s what I did.. I created kind of a choose-your-own-adventure video, meaning that there were a lot of different options of ways that the video could be edited together and for my team to edit so I recorded audio of myself saying. Oh, you have a great logo. I really love what your logo looks like or men, yeah, you’ve got a word there but it just looks like a regular font, you need to have a local design, that’ll make a big difference or your locals in the center, I recommend moving it over to the left because people start reading left to right so they want to see the logo first and then I’m going to talk about the colors of the website, talk about, you know, what’s on the front page, what’s the call-to-action. And this is just, you’re just recording it somewhat generically, right? These clips of you? Right, and so yeah, there are these generic clips that my team would then take a screenshot of their home page, put that in there and then decide, okay, is it a good logo or is it bet and I gave them parameters and so they put in there, oh, I like your logo, my voice saying that. Oh, and I think I made a very generic opening where it was a video on me saying, “Hey, I just wanted to take a look at your website and quickly it would go to their website.” So they would see me right and now we’re looking at their website so they’re like, oh wow, this is a custom video about my website and then I go for about a minute of this choose-your-own-adventure that my team customized to that website and then at the end it would come back to me and I would give him a sales pitch about you know these are my services and this is this is what I can offer you and whatnot, I went into that detail but it was all pieced together automatically and I had two people that were working full-time for me one of them that was finding websites of my clients and taking the screenshots and choosing, okay, we’re gonna use video clips one, five and six, nine, twelve.
We had I think thirty different clips to pick and choose from and then that would go over to my editor guy who would then grab those clips piece them together edit the video make sure it’s polished render and upload it to YouTube and then give me the link and oh, and then go back to the first person who would then send out that message with that youtube link. And how many of those were you able to? I mean, you know, you wanted to scale it out because you’re spending so much time on your own but I do you remember how many..? I believe we’re doing about 20 or more per day so on LinkedIn, I was reaching out to 125 new people every day and then we were sending these videos to everyone that responded, it was very cool and it got results. I mean, it really got results, people would respond back thinking, wow, thank you for making me a custom video, let’s schedule a chat and they’d already had you know kind of the sales pitch, they already knew about my services so the chat was just a console answering their questions and they’d make a sale but a simple approach and now you too, can steal it from Nate. Something I want to emphasize here as well, what I just described is complicated to set up, think of the freedom that that creates once it’s running. So I did have two employees. Just gonna say, so it does require that you have some staff? I mean, yeah. I mean, even if I were to do it myself to automate it like I described, I could show you that a lot quicker, that’s recording the custom yes and it wouldn’t drain my brain power every single day of recording 20 different videos. Yeah, I highly recommend either that strategy or something similar. I mean, find a way that you can really get people’s attention and then find a way to systematize it so you can you can scale it up.
Yeah, it’s a great marketing tactic, it’s genius level stuff and the fact that you probably are getting a much greater return in terms of interest and new clients, even for who say, what, we’re only doing 20 a day but those are 20 custom videos that you know people are gonna eat right up. See and the wheels are turning in my head right now because I’ve been looking at launching this strategy again modified for critiquing people’s YouTube channels and the reason that I could only do 20 a day, there were other things that limited it back when I did that campaign for website design which those same limitations don’t exist for me now. That what would limit it is just the the number of people that I want to market to. Yeah, so anyway, it’s just yeah, this is possibilities are limitless when you have time to sit and think which actually you’d have more time to do if your processes are automated and actually working. So seriously, good stuff right there. You may need to rewind and just watch it again to hear the explanation of what Nate did because it is, it took me twice to kind of figure out what you did there. Very cool. Thanks, man. I hope you enjoyed that. We’ll see you tomorrow.