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There are tons of YouTube videos and YouTube channels – do you ever wonder if it’s possible to have your video on the suggested column? Having your video on the suggested column is a great way to bring in the view count, and as a YouTuber, that should be your goal! If you have no idea how to get there, follow Nate’s AMP strategy!
What’s the secret to getting YouTube to promoting your videos and putting them in the suggested video column? Yeah, that’s we’re going to talk about. We talk a lot about search, but I know how to get you in the suggested videos. You’re going to want to stick around. We’ve all been there. We put a video on YouTube, we post it up there and we know almost instinctively, intuitively that it’s going to be buried down 17 pages worth of search terms in YouTube alone, not to mention the whole Google universe. But specifically speaking of YouTube, how do you get it, so, that you show up in the recommended video? That always seems like, it’s big finance guys, it’s the big companies, you know, people who have all kinds of money to burn. But there must be a way because you do it. How are you getting your videos… Yeah, so we’ll talk about the distinction and I’ll talk about both ways. You can show up in search then you can show up in the suggested video. That’s what I meant. It’s just exactly, yeah. So, again suggested videos, you’re watching a video right here and then along the side there’s all these suggested or recommendations or the videos you should watch next. How do you show up there? Right.
So, let’s talk about search first because if you focus on that strategy, that’ll actually help you show up here. So, I have an “AMP strategy”, that’s my acronym. Afters the result. Automatic, magnetic and perpetual, okay? So, if you follow… And I have videos that go a whole video just on this strategy. If you want to go into more depth but I’ll summarize it here. You want your videos to be marketed to your target audience, automatically? It’ll magnetically attract the people that are looking to buy your services? And that will perpetually continue to work. They’re not going to fade off and go into the the darkness. They’re going to continue. Years from now, people are still going to be watching these videos. So, that’s the result that you want and to get those three results of AMP, you need 3 ingredients. So you want your videos to be searchable, you want your videos to be specific and you want to have your videos be engaging, okay? Okay. So, searchable, we talked a lot about. The keyword research, how to get your videos to rank on YouTube. Watch the other video, We’ll link to it up right there. Yeah, there it is. So, you know how to make your video videos searchable. And we’ve also talked about the specific. Okay, your video you want a longer title that read a lot more specifics. And then you want your videos to be engaging, okay? Now, engaging, you can actually track that. I mean, you can say, “Yeah, I’ve got to be entertaining, I’ve got to be lively in my video.” But you can actually go into the YouTube analytics and you can check to see when are people dropping off. Right, okay. The retention of the viewership. So, that’s the retention rate. So, let me just finish the search portion of this by saying that if you follow those 3 ingredients, you’ll… That’s what you do to get those amp results. Which means, that’s what you do to show up in search. And we have another video on how to get ranked in within 24 hours. So, if you do that and then you have a high retention rate then here’s all you have to do. You have to have daily videos for four months. Every video, every day for four straight months. Now, does that include weekends? I call five videos a week or more, daily. Okay. So five or more videos per week daily for four months. So, 20 videos a month? for 4 months? Right. And there’s people that have done 20 videos a month for four months and not gotten those results. And why is that? It’s because they don’t use… They don’t create the videos with the amp strategy and they don’t have… They have a bad retention rate.
So, you want a retention rate of 50 percent or higher, 45 percent or higher. Meaning, if you’ve got it, we’ll, just say 10 minutes, it makes the math easy. They’ve made it at least 4 and a half minutes. Yeah, so on average, people are watching four and a half minutes of your 10-minute video. And so, if people are dropping off at 2, some people are dropping off it 6, you want your average to come in at 45% or higher and then you do that for four months then YouTube will start to show your videos in the suggested videos on the side and you’re starting to have a video and that…. YouTube usually just picks one video at a time. They’ll just, “Whoop, we’re going to take this video, it’s one of your better performing videos. We’re going to start suggesting this to people that are watching other channels and you’ll just start to see that video spike. Now, is that is… Now, that number and the length of time, is that something that you’ve extrapolated yourself from your own experiences or is it something you’ve dug around and found? Facebook or YouTube at forty 45% retention for 4 straight months, they’ll start making you as suggested video. Great question. So, we happen on my channel the first time. And it was on four months to the day. And I thought this is kind of interesting and we had a spike and followed by another big spike and a huge spike. Things started going crazy. And so, then I was talking to Derral Eves, I mean, if you know, he’s a great YouTube guru. And he said, “Yeah, that’s actually pretty common. Something that the YouTube algorithm magic happens around the hundred day to four month mark.” I started, you know, tracking those stats on other channels and we had another channel do that. And it was it was a little bit shy. About 3 and a half months, that that exact thing happened. So, now, is that happening because at the four month mark, they’re putting it as a suggestive video? In other words is it an if A then B… And I guess what I’m hearing is, is the minute it becomes a suggested video, that’s when the peaks occur. It’s not just a native thing to it being out there for four months that suddenly all these people are watching it. So, YouTube must have something in their their algorithm that requires consistency. That wants to make sure you’re in it for the long haul or something like that. I mean, if you’ve gone daily for four months, that’s a pretty long track record. YouTube wants to promote channels that are going to continue creating content long term. I mean, they’ll say stuff like then. You just kind of have to “Okay, that makes sense of why this is happening.” Yeah. So, because there’s plenty of channels that will have a strong strategy, they’ll go daily, 30 days, you know, of videos and then you never hear from them again. So, maybe the algorithm is set at 4 months for that reason because, “Okay that’s a bit longer. We could expect that they’re going to continue.” That’s just an assumption. That’s just a guess there. But it really is worked.
So, we had another channel. I followed the exact formula. It was getting a good retention rate and man, that channel has taken off. But it didn’t happen until we got… In that case, it was 3 and a half months. Now, I will say that I have another channel that we did follow that strategy. But we’ve had a struggle with the retention rate. We were down around, I think it was a 19% retention rate. Just the topics weren’t engaging enough and people were really dropping off and we got to the four month mark and we haven’t seen it. We haven’t seen it take off. We’ve really been focusing on making the videos a lot more a lot more engaging, keeping people entertained longer and we’ve seen some improvements there and so, yeah. We’re going to see. Is it possible then that if you do a shorter length video and you have to get 45% retention that, that may work in your favor? Because 45% of three minutes is only a minute and a half. I would say… Not that it and takes the place of engaging. You know what I’m saying, I mean, that’s… You’ve got to have something that makes people want to watch it. Because 1 minute and a half of nonsense, no one’s gonna stick around for it. Well, I can talk confidently about what I’ve experienced. And I haven’t done a whole lot of shorter videos like that. Yeah, right. So, we’re going to do some. We’re going to test it out inside out and see if it works. I’ll let you know. But in in the realm of average length, you know, 7 to 10 to 12 minute videos, this is, this is what I know. And I also know that YouTube outwardly says, “We like or you’ll get better results when you make videos between 7 and 16 minutes.” So, they say that and they like, they say that they like watch time and so, the more time people are still streaming on your videos. Yeah. So, watch time is a big indicator. But retention rate is just something that I think that’s kind of a natural way to check and see do people like my content and if people are up at 80% you know you’ve got a awesome channel. I’ve been seeing great results for anything 45% or higher. That’s cool. That’s good to know, good stuff and what I think it would… how it would translate to anyone watching and in particularly to me and other people like me, is that if I have to do that and I and I do. If that’s what I really am shooting for. Knowing that there’s someone like you that exists that offers the services, if I may for a moment take the liberty of saying that. I mean, I could try to do what you’re doing myself for 4 months? And do 20 videos a month, every day there’s a video, blah, blah, blah. But how many people are really in that position to persistently and every day diligently and have these things going out. And have it be compelling and engaging and magnetic. tThat’s why people value my services. And my approach is I love to be efficient and so, that’s why we film 20 episodes in a day. My record with a client is 37 episodes in one day. It’s because it’s a lot of work to create 20 or 30 episodes every single month. Yeah. But if you can film it all in a day and have your entire filming done for that month…
So, there, you know there’s lots of ways that I work to be efficient. but those guy you did 37 with. They, I mean, you can tell. Just between us. That wasn’t our first time filling. Yeah. But they’re, they do drugs, right? They’re actually, actually, no. They were very exhausted by the end of the day. I think somebody’s got to be bringing the coke. That’s all I’m saying. I mean, the coca-cola, stop it. Oh, you’re evil. Alright, we’ll close it up. Thanks for watching this video guys. Hopefully, you found that helpful . It really is that simple. I mean, I’m not saying it’s not a lot of work, it’s hard work but the strategy, the things you got to do to get there, it really is this. The fact that he’s been able to break it down to a pretty understandable and digestible formula is really important.