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To amass YouTube subscribers isn’t a piece of cake, and those who started to build their channel know this. So is it possible to go from 80k to 140k in just 2 weeks? As crazy as it may seem, it is possible. Nate Woodbury is a superhero when it comes to YouTube, and in this podcast, he shares with us what he does best so listen in!
Is it possible to go from 80,000 to 140,000 subscribers in just two weeks? It really as we did it. So, this isn’t just a hypothetical thing. We did something intentionally that caused that to happen. So, we’re going to show you what we did. We’re going to lift the hood and take a look. In our last episode, chronologically speaking, if you’re jumping around then that makes no sense whatsoever. In another episode, we talked about getting 5,000 new YouTube subscribers in 5 months which is a great conservative but still impressive accomplishment. Depending on what it is that you’re putting out there. In this episode, we’re talking about much greater numbers in much shorter time. Enlighten us, by the way Scott Christopher, Nate,” Nate Woodbury be the hero, Nate.” It’s on a shirt right there, he’s like a superhero. What do you got? So, yeah we’re… I want to tell you the whole story so you see that the whole picture on the steps we took to get there. Beautiful. And you’re going to show us under the hood stuff? Under the hood. But kind of the… What we’re going to get to is in the last two weeks, we’ve jumped from 80,000 subscribers to over 140,000 subscribers. In these last two weeks? Wow. Okay, so let me. That’s almost doubling your subscribers. Yes. So exciting. In two weeks. So exciting and lots of other things have increased as well. I wish it were my channel that was doing that but it’s not.
Okay. So, what we’re looking at here, this is going back to April 10th of 2017. Oh, so the reason we’re going back that far first is so you can see this is when we took this channel, daily. Okay. Back then that meant five videos per week. In December, we switch that to seven videos per week. Okay, so if we go exactly four months, remember this format, the principle I’ve talked about in many videos. Yes four months. Yeah, you’ve said, you sometimes you’ve said to the day, 4 months you’ll see a spike. So, we’re looking at 4 months to the day April 10th to August 10th. May, June, July, August. Yes, that is 4 months. You can see that the channel kind of went along steady then it started to get some… And theses are daily views. Yep. This is showing the number of views each day. So, a thousand to 2,000 to 3,000. We’ve got up to… Let me click the screen. Here, we got up to 3,500 in a day. And in this channel, I do with Kris. He’s the star of the show Kris Krohn. Kris and I were getting pretty excited around this point but we had no idea what was coming when we hit that 4 month mark. Let me just change this by one day. Change it to August 11th. Okay. So, you’re at about 3,500. Oh my, you must have just had a coronary when you looked at your little cell phone. We were pretty excited. Yeah. Yeah, this was fun. So, we got to over 10,000 subscribers in one day. That is the definition spike. I said subscribers, I meat views. Right, right. We did get a lot of subscribers that day. Okay, so then I want to show you it. The new baseline that we had. So, if I take it out there just one more week. One week from about 10,000 views a day. We settle back down and now we are, you know, at 3,800 or 4,000 somewhere in that range of kind of our new baseline. So, you basically doubled your baseline. Mm-hmm. But then we had another spike. Okay. Let me actually fast-forward to August 25th. So, let me go out another another week. Oh, sweet mercy. I love this. I love this! So, if you can’t see what that is, you went from about a 10 or 11,000. Yeah, so we were so excited about having 10,000 views in single day and then you know a week, later we have a new baseline. Then a week later, we’re up to over 30,000 views two days in a row. So, that… It makes the other one just look like a little blip. And this is now, this “that’s not a knife, this is a knife.” So, now… that’s right. A movie that I watched as a kid and then when I watched later as an adult, I’m like, “This is kind of a bad movie.” Yeah. That’s very appropriate. Oh no, definitely not. Yeah, you probably saw the cleaned version. Probably. But I just love showing this because I was… It was so exciting then and I look at it now, it was like, “Wow! So cool!” So, here’s the question then. So the four-month anniversary, so to speak, was held true. You had a spike and it was significant and it was great and it came back down… Now, you’ve been able to sort of plot that and track it and predict it. But is this spike, one week and two weeks later, are these predictable or not. Is this just, “Now, all bets are off and we’re working on another 4-months cycle.” It’s a a lot more difficult. What’s predictable, what I found predictable is when your channel will start to spike as that 4 months. Okay. After that, we’ve had a challenge trying to get it to spike. And what we’ll show you in a minute is we got to a new baseline but we kept that baseline for many months. But then recently, I had an idea, we went with the idea and it worked and it caused a spike that makes these ones look mini. Alright let’s see. What do you got? There’s some thoughts I wanted to cover first. Okay, one more thing that I want to cover first is the video and this is just kind of a cool sign note. The video that caused both these spikes was not a video that we launched in August. It was a video that we launched clear back here in May. But it was an AMPed video the app video performed well but it wasn’t time, I guess in the algorithm it wasn’t time for YouTube to really spike the channel. When the four-month… So, you relaunched it? No, no, no, no. It was a video that’s live and that’s just when YouTube decided to start promoting that video in the suggested videos. Isn’t that interesting? Huh! So, that’s unpredictable on their part. Our job and your job is to create great videos that follow the AMPed strategy. Right, which is automatic and magnetic and perpetual.
So, that’s the results that you want when you follow the it’s specific, it’s searchable and it has a good retention rate. Those are the 3 ingredients to get AMPed results. You do that daily for four months, your channel will spike. Okay, it looks like we’re showing a new baseline. So, let’s see what the if I fast forward to September 30th. Another month, what happened? Okay, we did have another spike of equivalent height. And it looks like we had a newer a higher baseline. Definitely, wow. That’s pretty cool. Over 10,000. Now, we’re going to fast-forward to the 19th of last month. So, just a month ago. Now we’re… Now you’re in 10 months out. Yeah, since we’re going to clear out to… What date that I have there? May of this year, 2018. 2018. So, we’re going to see. Okay, I want to… It looks like we’ve had some other spikes here. Those are spikes but they’re kind of like pseudo spikes or false spikes. And I’ll just explain what I mean. There weren’t spikes that we were excited about. They one, they didn’t create a new baseline. This channel that we’re looking at here, Limitless TV, is all about real estate investing. But we’ve created some other videos on miscellaneous topics and we happened to create a video with a guest star on the effects of watching pornography. Oh. It’s a good video on a good topic, has a good message on obviously the problems that pornography causes. Sure. But that video spiked and it wasn’t bringing in the type of traffic that we wanted. What people were searching for, we’re not finding what this channel delivered. And we had to turn off the comments on that video for obvious reasons. It was… Anyway, we didn’t get more… We didn’t add new subscribers with that video and we did not increase revenue. It didn’t benefit the channel in any way. Yeah, it makes sense. You got a spike but what good does that do with it. Yeah. So, this one was a legitimate, you know, it helped the channel and it did add subscribers, it was a different video. But these two spikes right here, that’s what I’m kind of labeling as a fault spike because it was that video but it didn’t benefit the channel and it obviously didn’t result in a new baseline. Got you. So, kind of interesting. We were said that the spikes that we were hoping for came from not a non real estate investing video. Okay, so we’re just filming. Today’s date is the 18th. So this is a little for a week ago. Yeah. We go to June 10th. Look at that! That’s so fun! So, fine. Fine I’ll say. Know now we were excited about these spikes. 30,000, right? 33, 34,000 thousand. This one right here, 161,000, I mean, this it went down to 100,000 and then we went up here. 250, 274,000 at the highest there. Like over a quarter of a million views in a single day. What is happening? Okay, now what’s what’s so exciting about about this spike is we caused it by something that we did intentionally. That’s nice. Yeah, so, we look back at the the main video that caused these spikes and let me explain something. So, when I went back and looked at the main two videos that were responsible for these two original spikes or on a topic. Okay. We decided to remake those videos. Because they worked once. They worked once, let’s remake them. The exact same topic, tell the exact same story but film it in an even better way. And so, it was the story of how Kris retired at the age of 26. And how to, you know, we use the phrase how to invest in your 20’s. We kind of played with both those one and the thumbnail, one in the title. And we thought, we’d film it in a fun way. I had the idea of instead of just filming, you know, having the camera on a tripod and filming in one place. Why don’t we walk around and I’ll film, it I’ll hold my glide cam and I said, “Pull up in your BMW i8.” It’s got these wing doors that come up. So, we’ll have you get out of your car. People love that. People love that. Yes. Kris was actually hesitant to do that like, “Come on. Let’s just go with me and we’ll see how this video does. I’m so glad when I have an idea that like… So, we did that, we post it. We posted this video and it took 10 days. So, I remember right then it must have been on on June 1st or something, something like that. We posted this video. We saw that it was performing well, we thought, “Let’s do another one.” So, we did another video on the same topic but we hopped in his car this time, we drove to his first investment property and we got out parts the car in that driveway. We filmed it in front of that house and that video did really well. Its got like 15,000 views and I’m hoping that in the coming few days that video will cause a spike even bigger than this one. So, let’s fast forward just to today. Yeah, I’m curious to see. it’s going to come down. It’s going to be hopefully a higher baseline. So, that’s today. It won’t let me do today but let me go through yesterday. So, we’ve settled down but we’re still and down 55,000 daily views. And so, this goes through the 15th and the date of this filming. What’s today? Today’s 18th. So, this is a two days old if I hit real time here. Okay what was that number again? 55,000 views-ish a couple days ago. But If I hit this right here, real time, you’ll see what’s happening today and yesterday for the previous 48 hours. So, we’ve actually increased a little bit. So, we know, okay, it’s been going down. Is it still going to drop more or are we at a new baseline. And it’s, you see that 48 hours ago. So at 12 p.m. on June 16th, we were at 2,700 views but then yesterday, it grew up to 3,800 views. You know, today is doing pretty well or at 3 or 4… 34, 3,500 views per hour. The last 60 minutes have been 3,300 views. So, YouTube really likes showing you exactly what’s happening on your channel. This is such a great tool to have. And totally just part of the package. I love it. So, if you take this… Let’s just say it’s our new baselines 50,000 views per day. Right. That is so cool when our previous spike was 33, 35. I love it. Isn’t that cool? And we caused it. I had an idea and it worked. So again, unpredictable to some degree but you’ve at least discovered another really cool way to make your own spike.
So, a little summary that you can apply. And this isn’t a summary that’s like, “Oh, now they’re just going to tell us what we already know.” Okay, pay attention, keep watching this video. I’m especially not going to do that because I don’t know what I know. So, for 4 months, if we post daily videos, that’s 80 videos. If you do five videos a week. 80 or more, okay? At the 4 month mark, one of those videos is going to spike. YouTube’s basically going to pick the one that’s been performing the best and that one will spike. So now from what we’ve experienced here my recommendation is go make a remake of the video or two or three, your top 3 performing videos and remake them and report back. Leave a comment below. I’d be really interested to see how that worked for you. If it caused additional spikes like I did here. Let me show you subscribers. Let me bring this back here because I said we jumped from 80,000 to over 140,000. Alright so let me come over here to subscribers and we’re looking at what dates? Yeah so this is back originally from April 10th when we started going daily all the way through June 2 to yesterday and you can see that it just added tons. I mean in our peak on the 10th of June, we added almost 8,000 subscribers in a single day. Wow! Day before that was 7,600, this day was 6,000. So I kept stats and back on May 29th. We were at 78,026 subscribers. So May 29th 78,000 and today, if I just go to dashboard, we are now at a 144,718. So you picked up, yeah 60 to 80 yeah. 80 up to a hundred… 65,000 subscribers. And you know for someone like me, you know I can’t even begin to even turn on monetization or anything until I have what a thousand subscribers? Don’t you need to have… There’s like a minimum… Yeah you pick those up…Talking about monetization, YouTube is a little slow because on the previous video, we reviewed Live on Purpose TV and the great stats that have happened there in the four months, five months. Well, the channel is monetized but then YouTube made this brand-new rule that says you have to have a thousand subscribers. We weren’t there yet when they made that rule so we were unmonitored or demonetized then a week later or a couple weeks later is when we started to have growth and we’ve passed a thousand then we had our spike and so we then qualified for monetization and we went in and checked the thing you know apply for monetization YouTube has still not approved it. It is now four months later. So YouTube, we love you, we want… If we look at the stats and the channel should be making 700 bucks a month in Adsense revenue which… It’s modestly they’re obviously making money off of other things but yeah. So yeah, another channel that’ll work on work on that I will keep confidential just because they would like it but they know someone on the inside and the top management of YouTube and so they were able to push one of their channels through that. There were channels at about 35,000 or 32,000 subscribers and it was taking a while to get approved for monetization and they were able to get it to happen within a couple months but we’ve been waiting for 4 months. No really is that.. Do we know… Is that common? Did it used to be that way? is that a new thing? YouTube is having a hard time keeping up with it. Yhey’ve they’ve announced it and said sorry for the delays. It should happen by the end of June. So we’re at the end of June. Wow and I guess we’re at mid June so by the end of June… Oh I hope when the day comes, mine gets monetized that I won’t have to wait too long because I got bills to pay man! So hopefully enjoyed this video and I really am anxious to see your comments on the experiences that you’ve had. Share anything that you’ve done that’s caused a spike. Let me know your stories and if you follow the strategy that I recommend here, come back you know when that’s happened and what do you’ve experienced some things either good or bad and sure. And if you’ve really enjoyed an hour using this video, follow me and subscribe if you haven’t and like it like crazy. Yeah share it with your other YouTuber friends who this will benefit. It’s good free stuff.