
Should I Put Ads On My YouTube Videos

By October 23, 2019 No Comments

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Are you wondering if you should put ads in your YouTube videos? If you’re here thinking twice about making ad revenue at the same time you think it’s going to harm your channel, listen closely. Here’s what you need to understand.

So, if I put ads in front of my YouTube video, won’t that hurt my channel? I mean, people don’t want to watch ads, right? So, I understand the hesitation. I understand the hesitation of, “Well, yeah. I want to make ad revenue. But well people think I’m greedy for wanting to make money? For posting these videos?” That’s one thought that I’ve heard. Or well, I want people to to follow me and you know sign up, for my services or my products. I don’t want ads of other people to appear before my videos. Or you know, isn’t it annoying? I don’t like seeing ads. So, I don’t want people to have to watch ads before watching my video. Won’t that just irritate them in general? Well, here’s the reality. People are on YouTube because they want to have a YouTube experience. And the YouTube experience includes ads. Or like in my case, they pay for YouTube premium. Formerly known as YouTube Red. So, I pay what is it ten or eleven dollars a month. And so when I go to YouTube, I don’t see ads anymore. The portion of the money that would have been paid in advertising that goes to the creators. Instead of coming from the ads is now coming from my premium that I’m paying for YouTube Red. And it actually ends up to being a higher amount. So YouTube’s premium actually helps creators even get paid more than they would from ads. But that’s a topic  for another conversation. You’re wondering if you should turn on ads, if you should join this partner  program and have ads appear before or alongside or within your YouTube videos? So,  remember, people on YouTube expect to see ads. They’re used to seeing ads. They see ads before everyone else’s video. And they won’t even notice if your video comes up without an ad. They do it… Well just like, “Oh!” And they’ll keep watching. If an ad comes up, it’s kind of what they’re used to, they know how to click next. If they want to skip past it. That’s what people who view YouTube expect to see. So, if you turn on ads, they’re not going to think less of your channel. If you’re wanting to make a lot of money from ads, it’s possible. I make 5 figures monthly through  these YouTube  ads through this partner program with YouTube. Bt it took me 4 and a half years to get to this point. And I make a lot more money from YouTube in other ways. Just know that it takes millions of views to earn thousands of dollars. So, that’s not necessarily the reason why I actually want you to turn on ads. The reason I want you to turn on  ads is because if we partner with YouTube and we make videos that make YouTube money, YouTube will promote videos. And therefore our channel will grow, will get more views, will get more subscribers, will get more of a following and traffic to our own website. So, all I produce eleven daily YouTube channels. And all eleven of them are backed by businesses. So, people watch the video. There’s no sales. No sales,  pitch no commercial. It’s just helpful under a wonderful valuable content. They watch the video, watch a video, watch the video. The content is then done. The very end we give a little pitch. And we say, “Hey, if you liked what you heard in this video, I’ve got a free gift for you. I’ve got a book. Go to this link and get my book.” You know or something like that. And then that goes into a sales funnel. And that’s how we generate revenue. So, if I create a video, that makes YouTube money. Yeah, I get paid 55% of that but that’s only a small part of the benefit if YouTube likes this video or this video makes YouTube money, YouTube will promote it to more people. So, I might be getting an average of 10,000 views a day on my channel. But then YouTube likes this video and it will start promoting it and I might get a huge spike and get 50 or 100 thousand views in a single day. And then the next day and the next day. And eventually, spikes like that settle down. But I’m at our new average. I mean it at a new baseline. So, if I was averaging 10,000 views a day, I might be averaging like 20,000 views a day. That’s because I have allowed ads to go before my videos. This really is a partnership. I mean YouTube’s created an amazing platform that we get to use for free. We get to put our videos on there and use that service for free and provide a great video streaming, viewing experience for our clients or our fans. And in this partnership. YouTube is providing that service to us. They’ve got a business model. They need to make money. And they’re so generous. They’re sharing 55% of that revenue back with us. They want us to win, they want us to succeed. They want us to make money financially. And if we look at them or we look at YouTube in the same way, we want YouTube to succeed and we make videos that will make YouTube money that they can pair ads with. It’s a win-win situation. So, the answer to this question is a strong strong yes. You should put ads before your videos. So in this video, I briefly mentioned keyword research. Keyword research is what I do to help people all around the world who are  searching for me or searching for my clients find our videos. And it really, really works. It works well if you’re a coach, if you’re a speaker, if you’re an expert and author, a mentor. If you’ve got an expertise then you really need to learn my keyword research strategy. And I have a gift. Okay? I’ve put a step-by-step guide on how to do this simple keyword research process that will change the world. You’ll change the results you’re getting on YouTube. It’s my keyword research guide. If you want to opt in to get this guide, you can text hero 1 to 415-528-7403. Hopefully my team put that  on the screen for you as well. And otherwise, just subscribe. Hopefully you’re finding value on this channel and I will see you tomorrow.

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