
How To Make Money From Internet Traffic

By December 25, 2019 No Comments

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Have you tried your hand at creating a YouTube channel, only to end up with zero to negligible results? What does it take to make money from internet traffic, specifically through YouTube? In this podcast, Nate Woodbury shares some tips to help you earn big bucks from the traffic you’re getting. Check this out!

There’s two parts of the equation. The traffic and then the conversion, right? So, once you have traffic coming in, how do you convert that traffic into sales? The second part is what we’re talking about in this video. How do you make money from Internet traffic? So, who is this handsome bald guy? Why is he talking to me about making money from Internet traffic? Well, that’s what I do. This is how I make a living. I make money from Internet traffic, and I’m helping currently 13 clients. As I produce their YouTube channels, I’m helping them develop traffic and convert that traffic into money. In the world of business, the traffic part is the hardest. It’s like, “Ah, I’ve got this amazing product or service. If just more people knew about it.” You know, they just get more traffic. I just had more eyeballs. You know, “If I have that corner real estate, the prime real estate where everyone’s walking by, then I’d be there.” But then on YouTube, it’s like with websites or a YouTube channel, you can get lots of views, and we forget how to convert that into sales into revenue. So, if you find yourself in that camp and you’re like, I’ve got lots of views, I’ve got lots of traffic. I’m not making any money. Well, you’ve got to sell them something. Now, I’m not trying to insult you here, but what do you have a value that you could offer, right? Let me share with you a really cool example. Now, there’s a YouTube channel that I love. It’s called Veritasium by Derek Muller. He teaches principles of science like “Why does this physics principle work? Or how does that work? How do you do this?” When I started following him many years ago, he had over a million subscribers. I saw that he’s putting out this content. And me, joining the YouTube world second. I was first an entrepreneur and then a YouTuber. In his case, he was a YouTuber first. And I saw that he was getting all these views. He’d post a video, and it gets a million views pretty quickly. I thought, Wow, that’s an amazing amount of traffic. Imagine if he had a business. Imagine if he had something to sell. Whether it was a science event that he put on or a science product. Well fast forward, a couple years later, he actually launched a product on Kickstarter. It was this molecule kit called Snatoms. If you go to Kickstarter and search for it right now, Snatoms, you’ll see that his original funding goal was $42,000. He posted a video about it on his YouTube channel. And his goal within 2 hours, and within the five weeks of the campaign, he raised over 1/2 million dollars. See, he had the following. He had the traffic. He just had to sell something. So, that’s one way you can make money from traffic, is just sell them something. But there’s also another way. There’s advertising, right? You can make money on YouTube because YouTube will show them ads, and YouTube will pay you 55% of that revenue. It doesn’t have to be on YouTube. You can do that on your own website. Okay, that’s what my friend Rachel Farnsworth does. She’s the stay-at-home chef. She’s got a massive, massive following on her Facebook page. She posts those one-minute recipe videos where you see it from above, and you see a recipe being made. She gets so many views on those videos that people want the recipes. She posts the recipes on her blog, and there are ads all over her blog. And so those ad companies pay her a lot of money. I don’t think I have permission to share the dollar amount here. So, whether they’re seeing ads on your blog, on your website. Or whether they’re watching your videos on YouTube and they’re seeing the YouTube ads, you can get a piece of that. Now, on YouTube, you’ve got to get millions of views to be paid thousands of dollars. It took me several years to get to the point where it became significant. I mean now and for the last year, I’ve consistently made five figures each month from YouTube ads. But again, it took several years to get there, and that’s only a small portion of my income because I do have a business. And the leads I get and the leads that my clients get far, far, far exceeds the ad revenue. So in a moment, I’ve got another story to share of another way you can make money on YouTube. But first, I really just want to make sure you understand the huge opportunity on YouTube if you are an expert. So, if you’re a coach or speaker or mentor, right? You have expertise. That’s how you make money. People buy your expertise. YouTube is the perfect place for you. Now, here’s why. One, this is a two things, right? Number one is search, okay? YouTube has an amazing search engine. It’s crazy. Just last night, I was looking on Facebook, trying to find a video that I had posted like five years ago of a tarantula. I was with a guy he showed me this tarantula that he saw. And I want to show him the video of the tarantula that I saw. I searched and searched and searched. I couldn’t find it, okay? YouTube is different. YouTube’s search engine is amazing. It’s the best, right? You can find anything that you want. Even something that you’ve never known before you’re just wondering if it exists, you go on YouTube research, and you find it. YouTube’s search engine is so amazing. So, how does that relate to you? Well, all around the world right now, people are typing in questions that you are the expert, right? You have the answer, but they don’t know that you exist. But all you have to do is make a video that answers their question, and you get placed right in front of them. You show up in front of them. You become their hero. Now they find you. So now, all these people all around the world that are searching for you, now because of YouTube, they can find you. The second greatest opportunity and amazing thing about YouTube is this partner program. The partner program means that you can partner with YouTube, and they share the ad revenue with you. Okay, that’s cool, but there’s a bigger benefit to that partner program. And you have to listen really carefully to get this, okay? If I make a video that will make YouTube money, YouTube will promote that video through the roof. I don’t have to pay YouTube for that promotion. YouTube pays me. They pay me half of that ad revenue. But my video just got millions of views. And you know what that means? It brought in subscribers. It made my channel bigger. It elevated other videos. It brought in thousands of leads for either me or my clients depending on what channel I’m talking about. Did you catch that part? If you make a video, they’ll make YouTube money. Meaning, they pair an ad next to your video, and it works really well, it makes YouTube money. YouTube will promote that video through the roof. That is the advantage of the YouTube Partner Program because YouTube has a vested interest in me, and I have a vested interest in making YouTube succeed. When I make a video that makes YouTube money, they promote it. So, a quick question for you, and then I’ll tell you of the other way that Kris is making money on YouTube. So, there’s a survey right here. Click that survey. I’m just curious. Yes or no, were you aware of how great the opportunity is for experts on YouTube? This is kind of new information and surprising to you, click yes. If you already knew all this stuff, click no. Okay, this is a cool story. Rewind about two years ago, Kris Krohn’s Channel, we started it from scratch, it had gotten to a pretty good state of momentum. We’re getting a lot of comments and increase saying, “Hey, Kris. How can I work with you? Do you coach people? Do you help people invest in real estate?” Now, at the time, the only thing that Kris was really selling was an event. People could fly into Utah if they wanted and attend his event, but no one was doing that from YouTube. Most of his attendees. 99% of his attendees were just from Utah in this local surrounding area. And we thought, “Man, We’re getting all this traction on YouTube. How come people aren’t flying to attend this event?” We maybe had one or two people in the entire last year that had done that. So, we thought, “Well, what do they want? What can we make?” And Kris created a video course to teach people how to invest in real estate that he would sell for a thousand dollars. As soon as we launched that course, we made over $100,000 that first month. It then settled down. We were averaging $40,000 every month for the next few months. And then it started to gradually increase from there. As the channel grew and as we fine-tuned our click funnels sales funnel. So, why am I telling you this part? Well, fast forward to today, and guess what? Kris is able to fill his events from his YouTube traffic. He just put on an event, and he had over 250 people in attendance, the majority of which came from outside of Utah who found him on YouTube and flew to Utah. Now, what’s the difference? Well, we’ve grown. Okay? Back then, two years ago, we were only at 65,000 subscribers. Now, we’re almost at a half-million subscribers. So, it just took a little bit more time, but now he can make money on YouTube from all this traffic by bringing people to his local events. So, if you do have traffic, my first recommendation is to create a course. That’s the fastest way to make money on YouTube, and I’m actually creating a course myself. I can give you the resource that I found. I found “Thinkific.” Thinkific is very user-friendly. And just a piece of advice, I actually searched on YouTube to try and find a tutorial on what’s the easiest and quickest way to create a course within Thinkific, I didn’t really find anything that works. What I found is just opening up Thinkific and messing around with it. It was really intuitive, really easy. And so that’s what I’ll recommend that you do. Now earlier in this video, I talked about answering the questions people are searching for online. That is my area of expertise. And I actually made another video teaching you exactly how to do that. How do you find those questions? If you can’t just make these questions up. You have to do keyword research and find the questions that people are asking. And so in this video, I teach my leaf strategy and I teach you exactly how to do that. Be sure to watch that video because that will make all the difference in getting a lot of traffic to your videos. Because now you know how to convert that into money.

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