
I’m Coming To The Philippines

By December 26, 2019 No Comments

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I’m excited to come to the Philippines again. I’ve been hiring people in the Philippines for 9 and a half years. Last November, I came to the Philippines for the first time. Back then I had 10 full-time employees. I got to meet them for the first time. It was amazing. It was like really fulfilling. It was really emotional experience and I’ve been longing to come back. So, on Thursday, November 7th. This is 2019. I’m going to be having meet up in Manila somewhere. Maybe BGC or is it BCG? The meet up will probably be around noon or something like that. Pay attention to this channel and I’ll do a YouTube live episode to give you more concrete details on the exact time and the location. Now, here’s what the meet up is about. If you are in the Philippines and you would love to work for an American boss, this is not me going there to recruit you and hire people right now. Okay? This is for me going there to teach you what companies like me are looking for and how you can improve your profile so that you’ll get more request that people are searching for you. And when you’re applying for position, what you can do to really get my attention and employers like me. So, I do have those 2 things that I’m going to technically train on. But really it’s going to be more informal. And I’m just going to take a lot of questions to really help you out in any way that I can. Just to give you an idea. I’ll share some of that advice here that I’m going to share at that meet up. The one thing that I recommend right off the bat is that on your profile, you’re really focus on one main skill-set. You know when I look at a profile and it’s says that you’re jack of all trades, you’r good at video editing, you’re good at audio editing, you’re good at writing, you’re good at website design. You’re good at research, you’re good at dancing, you’re good at CPR, you’re good at being a fitness coach; it’s like, “Whoah! What’s your main strength? What is he mainly want to do? What is he excited about? What skill-set should I hire him for?” Does that make sense why that could be confusing for me? But if I’m looking for video editor and I go to your profile and your profile says, “I am a master video editor. Video editing is my thing. I’m good at this software and this software. Here’s my portfolio.” Does that make sense? That’s like, “Oh! I want to talk to this person.” So, really think about that. What are you’re really good at? What do you enjoy most? What will you enjoy doing long term if you do it over and over and over? Now, you’re maybe thinking, “Well, I’m kind of new to being a virtual assistant. I don’t know my strengths are.” You’ve got to pick something. You got to start somewhere. Otherwise, people are going to pay you the lowest minimum amount possible and just give you miscellaneous tasks. You don’t have any specialty. So, start somewhere. Pick something and start getting experience there. Now, there are some people on my team that started out as video editors and we found out “You know what? You’re a really good thumbnail designer.” I’ve actually had a thumbnail designer. We swapped their positions. We found out what their good at and they enjoy and we swap their positions. I have a writer who’s a really good writer but she’s also really good at keyword research. And we had need and she shifted over and she’s kind of doing both jobs right now but we’re looking for another writer that just as good as her at writing so that my first writer can now do keyword research for us. Now, I mentioned having a portfolio. That’s a really good idea. It doesn’t have to be complicated. But if you are graphic designer, I would love to see samples of your work. And it’d be great to be able to link to that in a simple way from your profile. If you’re video editor, I’d love to see some of the videos that you’ve edited. Now, here is a cool one. If you’re a writer, I want to see some samples of your great writing ability. And in fact, your profile is the perfect place to showcase your writing ability. So I don’t say, “I’ve written this, I’ve written this, I’ve written this. I’ve had this experience. I’ve had this experience.” That’s not what I want to see if I’m looking for a writer. So, how do I demonstrate what I want to see? I want to start reading your profile. And I want your words to draw me in and like, “Oh, wow!” This person is amazing. It might be something like, “Are you looking for a writer that can really pull people in and engage them emotionally? Are you looking for somebody that is reliable?” Does that make sense? So, I’m like, I want you to talk to me and I want you to pull me in by reading your profile. If that’s your skill-set, if you’re a writer, why would you not put your skill-set to use and really polishing up your profile so that it’s written and perfect. If you want somebody to hire you as a writer, make sure you have a really good profile; that there’s no spelling errors, no typos, make sure your grammar is really, really good. That’s really going to help you a job as a writer. Does that make sense? Okay, another recommendation: Update your profile regularly. When I do a filter and I narrow down a list of people that I want to reach out to, I always check the box a month or less. So, if you updated your profile 2 months ago, you’re going to be filtered out. And I’m not even going to see it. So make sure you’re going back to the virtual assistanttool every few weeks or so. Okay, here’s something unusual that you’ve probably haven’t heard before. When I reach out to applicants and find out that they are available and they’re interested in applying, I then pull out my phone and record a selfie, right? So, I talk to the phone and I make a video for them. Introducing them to me telling them what I’m looking for, what the position is all about, what it’s like to work for me. And I ask them to apply. And I give them instructions how to apply. One of those instructions is I tell them to pull out their phone and make a selfie video talking to me. It is so amazing how that helps. Because I’m on the other side of the planet from you. If you want to work for somebody that’s that far away, you can’t meet them in person. Phone calls are so awkward. I know that you don’t want to be on the phone. And maybe whoever hiring you wants to talk to you on the phone. So, you pull out your phone, make a selfie video and say, “Hey, there…” Don’t use my name but I’m just going to use my name if I am applying for job. “Hey, may name is Nate Woodbury. I’m really excited about working for your company.” Talk about their company and say, “I understand that you help YouTubers become successful. You take somebody who’s a coach as expertise and really helps them build a large following on YouTube. I love that. I’m really excited about being a part of your company. And I see that you’ve got a video editor position available. I love video editing. I’ve been video editing for 10 years. I’ve got a great portfolio. I’m really skilled. I’m really efficient. I really know how to use this software and this software.” Does that make sense? So, if you talk to me, make a five or six minute-video and send that to me. Your application is going to stand out above everyone else that applying for that same position. So, that’s the biggest tip that I can give you to make you stand out. So, those are the types of things that I’m excited to talk to you about at this meet up. And open it up for question and answer. And we can do that for couple of hours to really make it helpful for you. And hopefully I’ll be able to have some treats or refreshments there as well. And you get to meet with other people that are also looking to be hired. So, put that on your calendar. November 7th in the Manila area. I know public transportation is quite crazy. So we’ll figure out where we’re going to do it. The exact time, if we do it around noon or something like that. But I’ll give you more details as we get closer to that date. So, be sure to put that date on your calendar. Thursday, November 7th of 2019. Now, I want to talk to you about why I hire people in the Philippines. So there’s another video right here. It explains all the reasons why I’m hiring people in the Philippines. Definitely check that video out next.

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