
6 Things You Should Know Before You Create Your First Online Course

By December 31, 2019 No Comments

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So you’re an expert in your field and want to help others have a better knowledge on it by creating an online course. Before you do just that, listen to this podcast first! Nate Woodbury shares SIX points of consideration that he learned over the years producing YouTube videos and online courses for himself and his clients. Make sure to keep on listening!

There are 6 things that you should know before creating your first online course. Seriously. It’s going tO save you a whole bunch of trouble this is a short video. Let me share these 6 things with you. Okay, I’m going to jump right into the 6 things. And just know after the sixth thing, I’m also going to share a strategy of how I get a whole bunch of traffic to my online course. So, number 1, is ask yourself the question, “Is there a demand for it?” You know, do some research. Find out, yeah you’ve got this great idea for this course. You’ve got to find out is there demand for it? How do you know? How do you know that there’s demand for this? Be serious about this you’re going to put a lot of time and energy into it. If you want to make sales, there has to be demand for what it provides. The next question I want you to consider is “What are people willing to pay for it?” If that answer ends up being $10 to $25, then how many are you going to need to sell? If people are willing to pay $2,000, how many are you going to need to sell? If people are willing to pay $10,000, $25,000 then how many are you going to need to sell? What if you had an income goal of a million dollars? If you sold a 10 dollar course, you need to have 100,000 customers. 100,000 customers. If I wanted to make a million dollars and I had a 2,000-dollar course, okay? I would need 500 customers. And let me do the math on the next one. If I wanted to make a million dollars and I had a 25,000- dollar course, I would need 40 customers. See, if I did the math there right. You can comment below if I messed that one up. You really need to know that. I’m not going to tell you one way or the other in this episode, what’s too low, what’s too high. But you really want to know what will people be willing to pay for this course. Now, number 3, before you actually go in and put all the work into creating the course, is there a way of testing it first? Can you test the idea? Can you do something similar like a live event or live version of your course? I mean, I’m creating a course right now. I’m really excited about it. I know that there’s a lot of demand for it. Several months ago, I did a 4 week challenge. Based on a similar result but it was something that I did live. And I just tested it. I wanted to see how people responded to it. If I could sell it easily. If how the fulfillment would be and then how people felt after the  fact. Okay? I wanted to be able to test it. And I learned a lot of great things from doing that. Another thing you might want to consider is if you’re going to do a course that releases on a weekly basis, so on week 1, they get module 1. On week 2,  they get module 2. Could you consider only creating 1 or 2 modules early on. Let’s say that in total there’s 12 or there’s 20 different modules, you create the first module or 2 and then you sell it. You test it here. Can I sell this? And if the answer is yes, then while people are going through module one, you’re now working on module 3. And when people are going through module 2, you’re creating 4 and 5. So, you’ve started a lot smaller. And you’ve tested it to see if the market would respond. Imagine what you could learn by just having one module created and trying to sell it. What if it doesn’t sell? I’m glad that you didn’t create the whole course then. Just realizing I cover 2 points. Because my next point is can you sell it in advance? So, can you test it or can you sell it in advance? I guess those are 2 different points. Another question I have for you is how will you deliver it? I had grand ideas of how I was going to deliver my course. It was going to come in a physical book. It’s actually two books. So, once you’ve completed the first one, you’d let us know that you completed it. We’re then going to ship you the other one. I was looking at delivering it in an amazing binder with a leather cover. That had this rustic-piratey-type look. Really excited about the packaging was going to be amazing. Guess how I’m creating my course now. I’m creating it on a Thinkific. Thinkific. You can check them out Because I thought I was creating my course on a different platform, when I started creating my course, I spun my wills. I’ve done a lot more work than his necessary for me to create my course. If I would have decided officially that I’m doing it on thinkific before, my course would be done by now. Okay, the sixth area that you want to look at before you create your course is knowing where is the traffic going to come from. Do you know how to generate traffic? Are you going to do webinars? Are you going to do ads? Do you already have a lead generation machine? Is your traffic going to come from YouTube? Obviously you are going to hear me talk about YouTube because I know how to generate tons of traffic and generate thousands of leads from YouTube. And if you don’t have an idea about where your traffic is going to come from, may I propose that you start there. Focus on building an audience and start generating traffic. And when you know you’ve got a good solid traffic strategy in place, then you can start working on your course. Now, here on YouTube, I teach my leaf strategy. That’s an amazing traffic building strategy. It’s how I’m growing 13 different channels and I’m doing so well. And I put it right here in this link. So, you can watch that video about my leaf strategy and learn how to generate tons of traffic on YouTube so that when you have your course, it will sell. Yeah, that’s a big deal, isn’t it? So now, they understand those 6 things. Go watch that video next.

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