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YouTube as a career takes a lot of hard work and dedication. Being on YouTube isn’t just about creating good videos, it’s also about content and value you put into your videos. In today’s episode, Nate Woodbury is going to talk about the 3 ways on how you can start on your YouTube career.
if you’ve ever wondered how a guy like Nate has made a career out of YouTube. Literally just some thing on the internet. -I made it up. -He made it up. He invented YouTube. -No. I’m a YouTube producer and I didn’t even… I mean, it’s kind of made my own position here. -Well, I don’t want you to answer it now. I’m going to answer it after the little… -We’re going to show you how to start a YouTube career. -And it starts with really cool music and weird imagery. Here it is. (Scott singing the intro music) It’s good stuff. -Alright. So, I really love my career. I really love where I’m at right now. I’ve had this company for 8 and a half years and it’s evolved in transition to really now I’m where I want it to be. We did web design, we did different types of video production and SEO that all were good services. But I’m making YouTube videos, loving it, I’m making a good living. I’m really enjoying the work. And so, like how did I get to this place is maybe what I want to answer. But I don’t know if you want to become a YouTube producer? You just want to make a career on YouTube. So, I’ve got some points here on things that I think you can do pretty well. -This not only is w for win. That you’ll be a winner. But it’s also 3 ways. -Yeah, we have…
We have 3 ways that will help you make a career out of YouTube. So, the first way is… YouTube actually has a partner program. And we’ve talked about this in other videos but let’s… Why is this key? Why is this important because YouTube pays you more than half of the money that they make. That’s awesome. -That’s the ad stuff we’re talking about, right? -Yeah, YouTube makes money through ads. You know, the commercials that you see before unless you’re paying for YouTube red. But then that some YouTube is making money because they’re you’re paying them or I’m paying them. -Subscriptions. -I don’t see ads by the way because I pay the 10 or 12 bucks a month. -Oh. -To YouTube and some people wonder, “Hey, well if… If everyone subscribes to YouTube, it’s not YouTube’s Red anymore, its YouTube premium. -YouTube premium. -So if everyone subscribes to YouTube’s premium, well then I won’t get paid for ads… -That is correct. -You’ll actually be paid a higher dollar amount because you get more money from YouTube premium than you do from YouTube ads. Pretty cool. -Oh, that’s nice. -So, anyway. And that was a little tangent that is worth millions of dollars to you. The YouTube Partner Program. So how you make money in the YouTube Partner Program as you just got to create good content? You put you create good content, you put it on YouTube, YouTube will take care of this for you. They put ads in front of your videos or in the middle of your videos or alongside of your videos and you get paid 55 percent of all the money that YouTube brings in for that. -So, just imagine if CBS did something like this, right? As an example, right? So, they’re basically… CBS is YouTube. And the Big Bang Theory is you, right? So Big Bang Theory is content that someone has produced and because it’s the number one show on TV, it gets the most viewers. And CBS, they charged advertisers more money to have their commercials on that show. But can you imagine if CBS gave the producers of Big Bang Theory 55% of their ad revenue? I mean, YouTube truly is unique in that regard. I mean that’s… That’s pretty cool that you can make it the best content that you can and the more people that you have watching it, you’re going to be making more and more and more money. Which I think is pretty pretty sweet. But there’s other ways to make money obviously. -Yeah. So, that’s…
That’s 1 of 3 ways. The second. The second way is you can start a business. You can use YouTube to promote your business. -Oh, a business that’s not YouTube? -Yeah. -But you use YouTube to market and promote. -Now, this… You know, if you’re going to set that aside like, “Oh, well that’s that business stuff, that’s not entrepreneur stuff.” No this that I make I make 6 figures on YouTube from the ad revenue but I make a heck of a lot more in my business because I’m using YouTube to promote my business. And I’ve got… I’ve got a client that that channel makes six figures in ad revenue, it makes multiple six figures per month in leads from YouTube. So, the channel gets enough views, that views go to the website, that website fills out their information becomes leagues over 4 thousand leads a month over a couple hundred thousand dollars per month in sales. -So that’s a pretty good career based on YouTube. -You know, don’t discount using YouTube to promote your business. And we’re not making commercials. We make, we make helpful videos that are 10 minutes long on average. And then at the end, “Hey, if you enjoyed the content of this video, I’m actually putting on a course where I go into this for 3 hours.” You know. Or I’m putting on an event. Or “Hey, I’ve got a free book that you can come download.” So, there’s a little sales pitch at the end but that’s once the content is stopped, there’s a clear ending and people can leave if they want to because they’ve got what they came for but if they want more information in it and it works to the tune of lots of money. -To the tune. We love Tunes. -The third way that you can make a living on YouTube, make it your career is how I’ve done it. So, I’ve made myself this kind of created this position where people hire me to film their YouTube videos, to produce them and help them become influencers on YouTube. So, whether that’s you do editing for YouTube, I mean you could make yourself a career in YouTube as an editor or you could you know… -Or in your case, with all the equipment you’re basically the production house that will produce those videos for these people. Yeah. That’s good stuff. -Alright. So, now that you know what the 3 R. I want to give you a little detail on each one. So, the detail I want to give you about Adsense revenue is just to set some realistic expectations. Just because somebody appears to be really successful on YouTube doesn’t mean that they’re making a living. I remember reading a story of this musician who had a YouTube channel. She had 500,000 subscribers. She performed on the stage at VidCon. You’re familiar with VidCon? -I’ve heard of it. -Okay, VidCon is a big thing in LA where it’s just a huge celebration of YouTubers and all their fans. It’s just a big huge convention. Kind of like comicon but for YouTube, okay? So, she was performing on the main stage of VidCon. She had screaming fans there that were just like, “Oh, I Love you.” You know. And then she got off the stage and her first thought was, “How am I going to put food in my fridge? My fridge is empty right now.” Because you could not afford to buy food. -So she hadn’t translate. Learned how to translate all that popularity. -So, I just I tell you that story to this… Yeah, you can make money in Adsense and this is real. I’m making a living on YouTube but I just wanted to put in a little perspective. Okay, so now when I talk about business and entrepreneurship. You know, idea number 2, use YouTube to promote your business. If you’re not a business owner yet or you’re not an entrepreneur, I’ve got some books that I want to recommend that I love I recommend all the time. I’ve recommended for years that will help. That I’ve listened to hundreds of books on business and entrepreneurship and personal development and I’m going to narrow it down to these 4 or 5. Cashflow Quadrant, Cashflow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki. Look it up. It will teach you the difference of being a business owner and self-employed. E-myth revisited. E stands for entrepreneur and you will learn how to systematize your business. And the 4-hour workweek. It’s an amazing book. It’ll teach you about the importance of outsourcing that I talk about a lot of it will teach about leverage, about how to get as much work done in 4 hours is you normally do in 40 hours.
So, I highly recommend I guess those 3 books is all the recommendations I have for you. -That’s pretty good. -Okay. So, I’m going to give you a big tip for number 3 which is how do you… How to make a career in YouTube. -Right. -You could actually come and work for me. -Hey, oh I’m looking for another videographer. So, this is only going to apply if you’re local. If you’re in Utah and you are watching this amazing… -Or willing to relocate. -Yeah. -Well some people might be at their own expense. -Apply first before you move here. Please apply first. -Yes. -I am looking for someone either… I’m looking for 2 types Either somebody who maybe wants to do like an internship type of apprenticeship type thing where they want to learn the ropes but they’re willing to work for kind of crumbs or somebody that is seasoned and experienced and for that type of person, I’m really looking for somebody that’s really skilled at photography more than videography. Meaning that they know how to really create a beautiful beautiful picture. They really know how to handle a DSLR camera and they know all about lighting and setting the stage. And anyway, somebody that’s… -I’ve got a friend I can connect it to. -Fantastic. So refer that person to me or if that’s you, find a way to reach out to me. I’m going to make it difficult for you because they don’t want millions of people to apply. But I’m just being honest here. -They could leave comments in the section of this video. I probably want them soon. -But I want to hire you too. Come and work with me as a videographer becuase I’ve got a lot of work and I need your help. If you’ve watched this far in the video, I will do it. Send an email to me But you have to put the word peanut butter in all caps in the subject line. That way I will know where you came from and I’m going to I get too much email that I don’t read all of it anyway. And my team sorts through all of it. But if you put peanut butter and all caps in the subject line then I’ll know that you’re serious and that you have the ability to work for me as a video expert. -Or at least initial interest, right? I mean… -So… If you write peanut butter in all caps in this in the subject line, it is not a binding contract for employment. -So, we’ve just finished fliming 20 episodes, This was… We’re done. We finished 20 episodes and how many hours? -We got to find first. -We started it a roughly 9. 9… Almost 9. 4 and a half hours. 4 hours. -Good job. -Not bad. -So, how do you do it. -That’s a wrap and we’ll talk to you tomorrow. -Be sure to subscribe like and share on all that stuff.