
How To Repurpose Video Content

By November 17, 2019 No Comments

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Repurposing content to be used in a different platform sounds like an efficient way of optimizing the content you’ve created. But it can also be tricky. In this episode, Nate Woodbury gives us pointers on how to do so correctly.


This is going to be a controversial video. Okay, we’re talking about repurposing content. Valerie wants to know how can I repurpose my video content. I’ve got an answer and you may or may not like it. Okay, so talk to me where this question is coming from. -Well, you know, people often take a look at content that they’re creating and want to say, “How can I squeeze the most life out of this content.” So, I’m curious. Do you have any tips for you know, you’ve created this video for YouTube. Are there other ways that you can bring more life to it and repurpose it? -So, the the strategy, it makes sense logically. Okay? That you put all this time into creating a YouTube video. You have the set, the lighting, the audio, all that the editing. So, there’s a lot of work that goes into creating the video. And yeah, you might as well repurpose it in many different ways. So, the challenges that I see when people do that is their focus becomes the content. Their focus becomes just making sure that I’m putting something on every platform. And they think, “Oh, do you have an Instagram?” “Yeah, I’m putting stuff on Instagram.” The challenge with that is you’re not going to get results. -Yeah. You’re not going to get any results other than nurturing the people that are currently following you. Every platform has a unique strategy. So, in order for you to really successfully repurpose a YouTube video for another platform, you have to really understand what is the strategy of that platform. -Okay. And if I make a specific video… Let’s say I make two different videos. This video might work really good on Instagram. If I repurpose it a specific way. And then the other one like, “Know what? That it according to my strategy here, that’s not going to fit.” You really have to know what is your strategy on this other platform before you even consider repurposing it. Just repurposing it for the sake of using in other ways will not get your results. I can’t think of one example. Anyone that just posts content every platform, they never get great in any one platform. -Yeah. Now, what do you think about like repurposing things in the sense of you know, you’ve got this set set up. You’ve got all the lights and everything. Do you ever record videos for YouTube and then turn around and maybe make a shorter version to go on Instagram where you’re maybe teasing the YouTube video? Have you ever done anything like that so that you’re really creating multiple types of content around the same theme but it is kind of repurposing the effort? -So, yes I’ve tried it. The problem is is we’ve done that a lot with Facebook. We’ve taken some of the highlights of the youth that YouTube video and we’ve created a different intro. We’ve tried all different types of things. But the challenge is is that’s more of an advertisement trying to get people to leave Facebook and go to YouTube versus if I really want to create something successful on Facebook. -Mm-hmm. -I needed to just talk to them. And so, I could create a complete separate video but not to promote the YouTube channel. It would be, “Okay, I’ve already got my studio set up. I’m going to hit record and I’m going to make a YouTube video.” Okay, now this is Facebook. I got to talk differently, I’ve got to use different language, it’s going to be shorter. -Yeah. -You’ve got to just know why is it different. -Sure. -Not just creating different content but what’s going to be different about it. Let’s actually bring LinkedIn to the equation. Because if I want to repurpose… And I’ve done experiments. Okay? You go to my LinkedIn profile and you see videos there that I’m just experimenting with. But they’re not getting results. The more… The success that I have had on LinkedIn has not come from repurposing my videos. It’s come because I engage. It’s come… Even you can post articles on LinkedIn. You can’t do that on on YouTube. And people like to see a variety. When they go on a LinkedIn, most of the content they consume is actually text. The videos are doing well because it’s new but it’s still a small percentage. So, if you really want to have a sound LinkedIn strategy and grow your following on LinkedIn, you’ve really got to do a whole bunch of different things. So, when people ask me, “Hey, what’s the best strategy for repurposing YouTube videos?” We’ll just say for LinkedIn. It’s like, “Well, yeah. I mean you’ve got to keep it under 10 minutes.” LinkedIn videos can’t go longer than that. So, I can give him specifics. But it’s not going to work if that’s all they’re doing, right? You’ve got to really have a solid LinkedIn strategy. That makes sense? -It does. It makes a lot of sense. Because I think you’re focusing on what is going on on that platform. And you aren’t just spamming your whole network. -That’s the word I love to use because it gets people’s attention. It is spam. -Right. Yeah. You’re really being strategic about this content was created for this audience. And I think you know you’re right with LinkedIn. That’s a really professional space. And they’re looking for specific types of content. So, when you start to pay attention to the details of what a specific platform is really about, you can realize, “Okay, this video might be more applicable in other places.” So, you know, it sounds like you can you might be able to repurpose maybe the set that you set up if you really want to. But actually repurposing YouTube videos isn’t something that’s very easily done. -Well then let’s let’s talk about podcasts. -Okay. -So, that’s another example where… The podcasts are easier because it’s only audio whereas video, you need to worry about the set. And it’s harder to edit it’s larger file size and stuff like that. A lot of the the educational videos that we film, we’re not showing stuff. And in those ones, I’m launching a podcast that is repurposed YouTube content. So it is an experiment. The other thing that I’m uncertain about is podcasts are typically longer. And I don’t know how… How my shorter content is going to do. So, I’m not saying you can’t experiment and you can’t try. Actually encourage you to try and experiment with things. But don’t think that you have a successful Facebook campaign or a successful podcast or a successful LinkedIn campaign just because you’re posting content there. That really is spam. So, know that I’m going to do an experiment and I’m going to figure out the strategy. So that… That’s what I’m doing I’ve actually been studying podcast for about 6 months. -Yeah. -I bought whole bunch of audible audiobooks about podcasting. And you 2 have differences of opinion. I’m like, “Okay, okay. I can see how this goes either way.” And I attended pod fest. -Yeah. -A conference for podcasters. And I’ve been working and editing and listening to different podcasts to really familiarize myself. So I’m really been studying it. And I still don’t know all the answers. I’m going to launch it and I’m going to learn from it. And I’m going to be making changes and improvements along the way. So, that’s how you repurpose. That’s my recommendation for repurposing is if you want to take your content from YouTube and use it on another platform, know that it’s not going to work right off the bat just like that. You’ve got to know what the strategy. Is there’s going to be other elements that you’re not aware of. Study it. That’s how you do it. -Wow. Is that? Does that sound easy? -Honestly it sounds a little freeing in one sense. And a little stressful in another. Because that means that you’re having to create a lot more original pieces of content. And that might mean based on your bandwidth, it might mean making less of an impact or less quantity of posts. -Well here’s the question that I look at. What do you ultimately want? And when I talk to my clients, what we ultimately want? We’re building… We want to build a following. We want our voice heard. We want to get our message out there. Do we necessarily want to be big on every platform or do you just want to be big? Right? -Yeah. -The the best chance… If we really want to have the best chance or highest reality of becoming big, we need to have a laser focus. And you do that on one platform. It doesn’t have to be YouTube. I love YouTube. And that’s where I’m getting my successes different YouTube channels. I have a great friend. She is doing amazing on Facebook. -Mm-hmm. Now, that she’s become big on Facebook, she is experimenting with YouTube. And it’s… It’s not big yet. -Yeah. -I know somebody else who’s an acquaintance he is huge on Instagram. I don’t know any anyone that’s doing better on Instagram. Actually is one of the biggest, biggest on Instagram. Now, because he’s big. And he’s built his his influence he’s build his brand, build his name, build his career on Instagram, now he is growing a YouTube channel. And it is starting to have success. But you know what? It’s different. Completely different content. -Right. -Instagram it’s all photos. Now, he started to create videos. And so, to start with one, when you know the strategy… And I’m recommending YouTube because I know the exact strategy of how to get results, how to build a huge following, how to build a seven-figure revenue stream on YouTube. Do that and then if you there’s another one that you love, then… Then learn the strategy for that. -Right. -Master the strategy and do that so that you actually get results. -Wow. -You’re giving us freedom to focus in just one place. -I like it. That’s how I feel about it. Yeah. So, we could talk more about this and give you tips of how to edit or how to actually repurpose. But I’m gonna edit there because I’m actually going to recommend that you don’t repurpose it first. You start with one platform. Make sure that you’ve got the strategy. I am curious to know what your reaction is though. How do you feel about it? Do you think that this is garbage? Go ahead and comment below “This is garbage” Or do you understand where I’m coming from? Be sure to subscribe and we’ll see you tomorrow.

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